January 3, 2012
SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr. and Denise T. Balboni
SELECTMEN ABSENT: Dennis Gragnolati
ALSO PRESENT: Public Work’s Director Scott Lappen, Finance Director Barbara Bertrand, Kevin Brace, Cathy Ziemian, and Reporters from Patch.com and the
Journal Inquirer
First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.
PUBLIC INPUT (Items of Interest): None.
Selectman Balboni moved to approve the December 20, 2011 Board of Selectmen Minutes as presented. Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. Both were in favor.
a. Capital Improvement Requests for FY 2012/2013
The Selectmen reviewed the proposed FY 2012/2013 Capital Improvement Requests at length with Public Works Director Scott Lappen and Finance Director Barbara Bertrand.
The proposed projects were discussed as follows:
Sidewalks – $182,378.00
· Reed Avenue from West Street to Creston Road ($171,453.00)
· Coolidge Street (costs are included in “Complete Rehabilitation” below)
· Southwest Veteran’s Park Walkway ($10,925.00)
(from the north side of the parking lot back to South Elm Street)
Mr. Lappen stated that the sidewalks will also be widened to allow access for emergency vehicles.
Complete Rehabilitation – $ 454,480.00
· Coolidge Street ($395,200.00) - approximately 1/4 of a mile; cost includes sidewalks. Selectman Wawruck noted that Coolidge Street has not been repaved since it was done 45 to 50 years ago. He added that the town has not kept pace with previous plans to rehabilitate 2½ to 3 miles of road each year to stay ahead of the 18–25 year life span of a roadbed.
The drainage issues on the lower end of Ahern Street, both ends of Suffield Street, and the two houses on North Main Street as a result of the construction on Olive & Pleasant Streets was discussed. Mr. Lappen explained that the Town Engineer has addressed the issue with the contractor that did the reconstruction. The contractor is willing to come back in the spring it however they are not sure what they will be able to do at that time. Installing some type of culvert may be a consideration.
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January 3, 2012
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Parking Lot Rehabilitation - $ 407,702.00
Safety Complex ($264,469.00)
Public Works Facility - front and back of parking lot to salt shed ($143,233.00)
Mr. Lappen stated that both of these parking lot requests had been submitted last year. The rehabilitation will include complete grinding up and resurfacing of the parking lots.
Equipment - $112,000.00
Backhoe (3 Year Lease @ $45,000/year)
Mr. Lappen explained that when there is a proposal for a big purchase such as the Backhoe a lease is preferred because it has less of an impact on the entire Capital Project budget. He stated that the trade-in value for the current machine is $10,000.00. Leasing versus purchasing was discussed with the consensus that both the Backhoe and the Mason Truck would be able to be funded this year if the lease option is taken.
Truck #24 (One – Ton Mason) ($ 67,000.00)
Mr. Lappen explained that the truck is used on a daily basis and is basically falling apart. He stated that this is the third year the truck has been on the Capital Improvement list. The proposed vehicle does not a 4-wheel drive or a snowplow.
Engineering Account - $60,000.00
Engineering Costs not covered by specific projects ($60,000.00)
Mr. Lappen explained that this account is typically for items that are not necessarily going to be a funded project but allows the town to determine the amount of money that is necessary to consider remediation; such as the engineering study that was just done on North Street hill for a new Stop Sign and on South Center Street where the retaining wall that is falling in between the Jutras and Timko properties.
The deteriorating condition of the wall on South Center Street and the possible remedies to protect the house was discussed. Mr. Lappen explained that a study is needed to determine the amount of water that will flow through the area before a plan can be put in place.
Replacing the Generator at the Safety Complex in the amount of $247,500.00 was then reviewed and discussed. Mr. Lappen explained that replacing the existing generator will ensure power distribution throughout the Safety Complex during any power outages. Selectman Wawruck stated that it was the last office building that needs to be generated. He added that a generator might be eligible for future STEAP Grant funding.
Continuing with the renovations on the first floor at Town Hall for the next three years in the total amount of $80,000.00 was discussed; $20,000.00 for FY 2012-2013, $30,000.00 for FY 2013-2014, and $30,000.00 for FY 2014-2015. The funding will be used for drop down ceilings, carpeting, HVAC, painting and wiring.
Selectman Wawruck asked if the asbestos problem in the VNA had been resolved. The VNA was planning to route fiber optics into the building but because all of the asbestos panels have been encased the contractor doesn’t want to drill the necessary holes to do the project. Ms. Bertrand explained that the matter hasn’t been resolved but everyone is aware of the problem and they are working on a solution. She also talked briefly on the amount of equipment failure that has taken place at Town Hall this year due to the aging of the hardware.
Funding money in the regular budget for road maintenance was discussed. Mr. Lappen explained that although $25,000.00 for sidewalk maintenance is still a budget line item the town has been using just grant funding for the road maintenance projects. Selectman
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January 3, 2012
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Wawruck stated the importance with keeping with the reclamation of 2½ to 3 miles of roadbed each year.
The Selectmen, Mr. Lappen and Ms. Bertrand briefly discussed the HVAC and ceiling repairs that are needed at the Library.
Mr. Lappen stated that the HVAC repairs at the Safety Complex will begin on Monday, January 9th. The system will be completely automated and controlled by a computer. The system will have an outside sensor that will allow for additional energy cost savings.
With no further discussion Selectman Wawruck moved to endorse the FY 2012/2013 Capital Improvements Budget in the amount of $1,484,060.00 to submit to the CIAC for their consideration. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. Both were in favor.
b. Covanta Contract
Selectmen Wawruck and Balboni agreed to postpone discussion on the Covanta Contract until they had time to review the material that was distributed earlier by Attorney Scott Storms. Selectman Wawruck stated there was no hurry with a decision on the contract because the town is still technically under contract with CRRA until November of this year. He stated that CRRA still has capacity at this point to accept additional towns even though the commitment deadline of December 31st has passed.
Selectman Wawruck stated that Covanta has reached out to CRRA to inquire about using the CRRA facility for spot waste if necessary.
Selectman Balboni moved to approve the Refund Request for January 3, 2012 in the amount of $77.50, as defined in Schedule A. Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. Both were in favor.
A copy of Schedule A is attached to the Minutes of the January 3, 2012 Board of Selectmen Meeting.
PUBLIC INPUT (Agenda Items Only): None.
Selectman Wawruck announced that the Town has just received a $280,000.00 STEAP grant for sidewalk replacement on Elm & Main Streets. He added that the project is a good quality of life investment that will hopefully spill over into the buildings and grounds in the area.
There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 p.m. was made by Selectman Balboni and seconded by Selectman Wawruck. Both were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan R. Barsanti
Recording Secretary
Schedule A
Refund Request for
January 3, 2012
Name / Bill Number / Reason forRefund / Refund
John DaMonte
13 Burns Avenue / 2010-3-59308 / Vehicle Sold
Enfield,CT06082 / 2010-3-52895 / Vehicle Sold / $ 55.93
Paul Kamay
315 Creekside Lane
Lititz,PA 17543 / 2010-3-59586 / Vehicle Moved / $ 21.57
Total Current Refunds / $ 77.50