Name: ______

Monday, April 25th - UA: A-Art

  • No Homework – Test Tomorrow
  • Go to bed early!

Tuesday, April 26th- UA: B-P.E.

Part 2 of Math Test Today!

  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Practice math facts for 5 minutes

Wednesday,April 27th- UA: C-Music

  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Math homework – Multiplication Facts
  • Practice math facts for 5 minutes

Thursday,April 28th– UA: D-Comp Lab

  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Math homework – Division Facts
  • Practice math facts for 5 minutes

Friday, April 29th– UA: E-Library

  • Turn in your homework.
  • Make sure that an adult took out your mail and signed below.

Weekly Homework Log

Adult’s Signature / Reading Minutes
(20 daily) / Math Fact Minutes
(5 daily)
Monday / No Homework – Test Tomorrow / --- / ---


We will be studying poetry for the next couple of weeks. We will compare the various structures and features of different poems, copy poems that we enjoy and make connections from poem to poem and to or own lives. The rhythm found in some poetry can improve reading fluency while other poems may foster emotional responses or connections between students with common poetry preferences. While reading poetry. Students can enjoy literature without worrying about grammar rules and punctuation.

Readers’ Theater

The students have been practicing short plays about famous Americans in small groups. Readers’ Theater performances encourage reading with voice and fluency. The play would not be as entertaining to the audience if the parts are read with choppy phrasing and a monotone voice. These short plays will be read aloud to the class after a little more practice then pairs of students will begin to write their own fictional stories later this week.

AIR Tests

We will complete the last statewide assessment on Tuesday! Hooray! Please continue to avoid absences on that day. Please also be sure to give your child a filling breakfast and a pep talk on Tuesday. Visit this site to view sample questions and practice using the tools on the site:


Thank you to those of you who have sent in craft supplies for our Monarch Market project. Please refer to the letter that was sent home last week for some donation ideas, if needed. We welcome any other donations through this week as we will be preparing to open our Monarch Market for our first grade buddies. The students will complete a budget, shop from the donated supplies and begin to make their products with a partner. They will also create posters to advertise their products and analyze their sales and marketing.

Share the Music

The following is some information from Mrs. Helmuth about next week’s music class:

Share the Music is an opportunity for students to perform a talent in music class. Any student can share or say, “pass.” The students who want to share can do any of the following: play a song on the piano, sing a song for the class, dance for the class, play an instrument, etc. They may use any of my instruments or they can bring an instrument from home. If they want to use a song, they can bring it from home or I can find it on I-Tunes. All songs need to be school appropriate. The talent can also be created or original and performed alone or with a buddy or group.

Supplies Needed

As the end of the school year quickly approaches we could use a few items in our cupboards. If you have extra, please send in pencils or small prizes for our class store. Some students have been saving their class cash and look forward to some big purchases!