Kingston Area Association of Administrators of Volunteers
KAAAV Annual General Meeting Package – June 2017
May 1, 2017
Dear KAAAV Member,
This Pre-Annual 2017 General Meeting Package includes important information for your active participation in KAAAV. Please bring this package with you to the AGM.
This package includes:
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2017
- Call for Nominations
- Motion Proposals for AGM
- Executives Reports
- AGM Agenda June 9, 2017
The following forms to be completed and submitted at the AGM:
- Membership Renewal Form (bring payment to AGM)
- Invoice Template (for you to complete as needed)
- KAAAV Education Committee Information Form
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2017
The KAAAV Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday, June 09th from 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at KFL&A Public Health, 221 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston.Lunch will be provided, the cost is $15.00. In order to ensure that the costs for the food are in keeping with the amount of people in attendance, please ensure that you have sent your RSVP to Dawn Barr at or call 613-549-1232 ext. 1235 no later than June 1st.
We will have a door prize for one year FREE membership.
Annual membership fees are due at the AGM; these fees consist of $35.00 for an Individual or Organizational Membership and $5.00 for each additional organization member within the same organization. If you wish to have your contact information posted on the website, please submit a business card to Eleonor Egidio. Please complete the membership form attached and bring this along with your membership payment to KAAAV AGM; an invoice template is also included. Education and skills bank/mentoring forms are also attached, please complete and bring them with you to the meeting. Your feedback is very important!
Thank you.
Jackie Franklin
President, 2016-2017 KAAAV Membership Year
Manager of Volunteers, Youth Diversion
Call for Nominations for 2017 – 2018
KAAAV Executive and Committee Chairs
May 2017
Dear KAAAV Members:
KAAAV would not be able to function without the commitment of individuals who hold executive positions or function as part of our various committees.
This is the time of year when we seek volunteers from the membership to share their time and talents, enabling us to continue providing quality professional development opportunities for all members.
Participation as part of the Executive or on a KAAAV Committee is a great way to connect with peers, network and develop leadership skills. If you have questions about the specifics involved or the time commitment for any committee position, please contact us. There are many opportunities to become involved!
Nominations are currently being accepted for the following positions: President, Member at Large, Secretary, Education Committee Chair(s), Special Events Committee Chair(s), Pauline Weston Bursary Selection Committee Chair(s), Communications Committee Chair(s) and Weekly Communications to Membership.
Some of the Executive members occupying these positions have generously offered to return for a successive term and a few members have already put their names forward for nominations but that does not preclude holding elections for positions that have more than one member interested in them. There are no nominations being accepted for Treasurer as she still has 1 year remaining in her term.
Best regards to everyone and I look forward to seeing you at the June 09th AGM.
Jackie Franklin
President, 2016-2017 KAAAV Membership Year
Manager of Volunteers, Youth Diversion
Call for Nominations for 2017 – 2018
KAAAV Executive and Committee Chairs
In accordance with the KAAAV Constitution and By-Laws, the KAAAV Executive at Large presents a slate of nominees to the membership at the annual meeting.
Please note: Article III, Section 3.01, (e), (i)
The Executive at Large will present the slate of nominees to the membership at the annual meeting. Each Executive Officer shall be elected for a term as stated below and shall be eligible for re-election to serve successive terms.
PresidentTwo year term
Executive at LargeOne year term
TreasurerTwo year term
SecretaryOne year term
Education Committee Chair(s)One year term
Special Events Committee Chair(s)One year term
Weekly Communications to MembershipOne year term
The following Executive positions are open for nominations:
Position: / Currently Held By: / Term Length: / Status:President / Jackie Franklin / 2 Years / Call for Nominations
Member at Large / Tracy Holland / 1 Year / Call for Nominations
Secretary / Heather Rogers / 1 Year / Call for Nominations
Treasurer / Nicola Wheeler / 2 Years / Nicola Wheeler one more year to serve. Willing to serve.
Education Committee Chair(s) / Hanna Stanbury / 1 Year / Hanna Stanbury, willing to serve.
Special Events Committee Chair(s) / Eleonor Egidio / 1 Year / Call for Nominations
Pauline Weston Bursary Selection Committee Chair / Kym St. Pierre / 1 Year / Call for Nominations
Communications Committee Chair / Eleonor Egidio / 1 Year / Eleonor Egidio, willing to serve.
Weekly Communications to Membership / Paula Smith / 1 Year / Karla Weber, willing to serve.
If you would like to put your name forward or if you would like to nominate someone (with their expressed permission), for any of the above positions, please contact KAAAV President, Jackie Franklin. To find out more about any of the positions, please don’t hesitate to contact the existing KAAAV Executive. Terms of Reference for each position can be found on the KAAAV website at
Jackie Franklin
President, 2016-2017 KAAAV Membership Year
Motion Proposals for AGM
Motions proposed for KAAAV Annual General Meeting June 09th, 2017
As per Article V11, Section 7.01 Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws. KAAAV’s proposed amendments are being circulated to all KAAAV members at least 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
The following motions will be brought forward on June 09, 2017 during the business portion of the Annual General Meeting. Only those members in good standing (2016-2017 membership fees paid) in attendance at the AGM are eligible to vote. Approval of motions requires a majority vote of the members present.
Motion #1: To add to the Constitution and BY-LAWS Section 2.02 (a) increase membership dues.
It is moved by______and seconded by______
Change the following:” Members of K.A.A.A.V shall be required to pay to the Treasurer annual dues set by the members at the Annual General Meeting”.
Amended to: “Members of K.A.A.A.V shall be required to pay the Treasurer annual dues of $35.00 set out by the members at the Annual General Meeting”.
Motion #2: To add to the Constitution and BY-LAWS Section 3.02 (a)
It is moved by ______and seconded by______
Change the following: “General meetings shall be held once a month from September to May. Meetings during July and August will be at the discretion of the Executive.”
Amended to: “General meetings shall be held once a month from September to May on the second week of each month alternating Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, either at various locations, or at a permanent location.”
Motion #3: To add to the Constitution and BY-LAWS Section 3.02 (g)
It is moved by ______and seconded by______
Add: ”K.A.A.A.V will reimburse up to $50.00 per month from September to May for refreshments for the General Meetings.”
Reports from Executives:
President’s Report
I have been honoured to serve as the President of Kingston & Area Association of Administrators of Volunteers (KAAAV) over the past two years. These leadership experiences have provided me with numerous opportunities for personal growth and professional development. One of the greatest things I admire about our group is how well we collaborate, share resources, and motivate each other. I have also witnessed KAAAV members going above and beyond to provide excellent and innovative opportunities for volunteers within our community.
KAAAV continues to grow and become a more integral part of our community within the Kingston area, which is reflected by our current 52 members. As we move forward and strengthen our leadership within the volunteer sector, I feel it is essential for us to continue to work towards the recognition of our profession within the community; that offers valuable, respectful, flexible volunteer opportunities, but also works toward lasting positive change that extends beyond the City of Kingston.
I would like to extend a special thank-you to Karla Weber who holds the current position of Chair for our Weekly Membership Updates. Her guidance and expertise in the revision of our Constitution and By-laws and Terms of Reference has surely been appreciated. When I think of those who have gone above and beyond, Karla is one of the people I think of, especially given her demonstrated dedication and continuous support.
Eleanor Egidio, our current Communications Chair and Interim Special Events Chair paved and lead the way towards our success at KAAAV. Eleanor is always there to offer a helping hand, while ensuring each Executive position is covered. Eleanor, I admire your enthusiasm, professionalism, and caring attitude.
I would also like to extend a huge thank-you to our Education Chair Hanna Stanbury, and our two Co-Chairs Dawn Barr and Kim Kelly, who have provided us with excellent guest speakers and facilitated some great provocative round table discussions for our professional development. You have all soared above expectations in meeting our members’ needs. Lastly, I would also like to thank the following members of the Executive who always worked very hard to uphold KAAAV’s mission and values: Heather Rogers, our Secretary, who made sure we got our Agendas and Minutes each month; Nicola Wheeler our Treasurer for maintaining accurate financial records, paying our bills in a timely fashion, and providing us with bi-monthly financial statements; and, Tracy Holland, our Member at Large, who was always there to fill in for any of us in our absence. Words cannot express how grateful I am as I step down as President to have worked alongside such an amazing team of professionals who are fully committed to achieving success in Volunteer Management.
Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Franklin
President, 2016-2017 KAAAV Membership Year
Manager of Volunteers, Youth Diversion Program
Reports from Executives:
Secretary’s Report
I have appreciated the opportunity to participate on this dedicated Executive team. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with a team of individuals committed to supporting each other professionally and passionate about delivering services within our communities.
While each member organization is providing a different service, there is a common thread of challenges and triumphs with the management of volunteer services. Taking the opportunity to network within the KAAAV community has not only proven to be a source of information and resources, but inspiration as well.
Many of us not only work as volunteer coordinators, but wear other hats as well in our organizations. Social service organizations are often stretched for resources. Collaborating and sharing those resources can provide direct benefits to the role each of us play and reduce the day to day efforts expended on researching and developing administrative tools.
I truly appreciate the patience and support demonstrated by the Executive over the past year. Special thanks to Jackie Franklin for her ongoing mentoring and support of my role within volunteer management as well as KAAAV. Thank you to Tracy Holland, as well for stepping in to take minutes when I was unable to attend.
If you are looking for a role within the Executive, the role of secretary is a great way to start. It’s an opportunity to get more involved and committed to the overall goals of KAAAV.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Rogers
Secretary, 2016-2017 KAAAV Membership Year
Coordinator of Volunteers and Brokered Workers, Southern Frontenac Community Services
Reports from Executives:
Treasurer’s Report
As KAAAV Treasurer it is my role to manage the finances on behalf of the committee. I am to provide a written report at every other meeting outlining income, expenses and any revenue we have made from recent workshops. It has been once again a successful year for the committee, with new members joining and the profit from the workshops. Therefore the bank account is in good shape.
For the past two years that I have been Treasurer I have met some wonderful people in the Greater Kingston area. I have networked and participated in professional development and continue to recommend it to anyone who manages volunteers in their workplace. I look forward to continuing my role as Treasurer in the upcoming year.
Respectfully submitted,
Nicola Wheeler
Treasurer, 2016-2017 Membership Year
Senior Administrative Assistant, VON Greater Kingston
Reports from Executives:
Education Committee Report
This year’s Education Committee Members were:
Hanna Stanbury, Chair; Dawn Barr, Kim Kelly.
Overall goals: The Education Committee has continued in similar composition and direction as last year; we want to present relevant and useful topic at each meeting. While the main draw for KAAAV meetings is likely the networking opportunity, useful topics may be equally important in enticing members’ participation.
Preparing monthly topics and scheduling meetings/finding and coordinating hosts:
We have met several times to carefully prepare topics and speakers for the year of 2017, to create the KAAAV promotional pamphlet with the schedule of meetings and topics, and to reserve venues and refreshment providers. We have continued with the format of circulating locations for meetings so that members get the opportunity to visit various agencies in the area and network with the agency’s representative/KAAAV member. Managing the logistics of circulating locations does present a challenge at times, mostly due to staff turnover or availability changes (the locations are planned months in advance). Some members suggested streamlining the location one regular agency per year to ease this process. The committee is open to discussion in regards to this issue, but feels the existing format works reasonably well.
Communications: a. The Committee is liaising with the executive member Karla Weber who looks after the KAAAV email newsletter, announcing each meeting, providing updates from the volunteer sector, asking members for feedback, etc. b. The Committee supports the idea of introducing KAAAV Facebook page and KAAAV Linked-In profile this year.
Google Group: The goal of the google group is to promote discussion, resource sharing and to provide a platform to ask questions and share knowledge and best practices. Kim Kelly maintained the Google Group with 23 voluntary members who have joined. There were only seven inquiries since last June: we need to increase traffic in the Group. While it hasn’t been well utilized, we think it’s worth holding onto and promoting. Once a few questions start circulating people will think of it more often when they are developing something new, modifying something,etc. It’s a great way for our more experienced members to be active members of KAAAV, to share their knowledge and resources. And it fits perfectly with KAAAV mission to offer networking opportunities. (Sample inquiries may be: What is the waiting period for clients to volunteer, do you have family volunteering opportunities, most successful ways you’ve found to communicate with youth and with seniors, I’ve been asked to start a new program…, I’m developing/updating a policyon…, sample forms to share, what tracking software do you use, what are you doing for national volunteer week?)
Reports from Executives:
Education Committee Report Continued
Organizing the AGM: The committee is organizing this year’s AGM (speaker, venue, refreshments and promotion).
KAAAV meetings participation and feedback: Some meetings are better attended than others. It may be useful to track members who rarely come to any meetings and ask them what is the reason and how can we motivate them better to participate. If we find that the meeting content/topic is what’s making members decide not to come, that should be of interest to the committee.We suggest that the Executive considers the percentage of members that come to meetings (by creating a brief report).
We tried the electronic format for feedback after each meeting (link provided in weekly KAAAV email to a Google questionnaire for members regarding usefulness of topic etc). Upon consideration we recommend using the paper feedback form at the end of each meeting as participants tend to fill the form out most likely at that time.
Respectfully submitted,
Hanna Stanbury
Education Committee Chair, 2016-2017 Membership Year
Programs Coordinator, Queen’s University International Centre
Education Committee Summary of 2016-17 Membership Year Topics:
Wednesday 11 January
Networking and Goal Setting for the New Year
Breakfast at Denny's 9-11 am.
Location: 670 Gardiners Rd.
Thursday9 February
Engaging Volunteers who are Blind or Partially Sighted
Presenter: Tracy Holland, CNIB
Location: International Centre at Queen’s, 87 Union St.
Wednesday 1 March
Staff & Volunteer Relations
Location: KFL& Public Health, 221 Portsmouth Ave.
Thursday 13 April
Balancing Our Roles and Priorities
Group discussion
Location: CNIB, 826 Princess St.
Wednesday 3 May
Student Volunteers: Challenges and Benefits
Group discussion
Location: Community Living Kingston & District, 1412 PrincessSt.
Friday 9 June AGM
Speaker: TBD
Location: KFL&A Public Health, 221 Portsmouth Ave.
Thursday 14 September
Reports from KAAAV Bursary Recipients
Presentation Location: Youth Diversion 559 Bagot St.
Reports from Executives:
Special Events Committee Report
Unfortunately our Special Events chair was unable to assume her responsibilities partway through the year. However, on April 5th, we were still able to host a full day workshop with presenter Michael Lewis, It’s All About Your Future: Retaining, Growing and Communicating to Your Volunteers. In the morning we heard about “Retaining and Growing your Volunteer Base” and the topic in the afternoon was “Communicating with your Volunteers”. Michael Lewis is Managing Director of Michael Lewis Training, Motivation and Development, a London Ontario based training and development firm that provides training and development services to mostly the non-profit sector.