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St. Louis, MO 63111
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ADVENTURES WITH ART by Sarah Jenkins & Margaret Foote (Grades 1-6) Good Year Books
Paperback, 112 pages 9780673464156 $13.50
This book was created to fill a need for art activities that require a minimum of materials and little preparation, generate excitement, and teach the basic concepts of art. The authors, who taught elementary art for 15 years, share their files of projects categorized according to seasons and concepts. As they put the book together, the character of “ART” emerged and has become a friend. Explore the basics of art from balance, color and design to line, perspective, shape, and texture with these 40 original, creative activities.
CLASSROOM CARTOONING by Mike Artell (K-6) Good Year Books Paperback, 176 pages
9780673362087 $17.95
You won’t believe what you can draw with these easy-to-follow, step-by-step lessons for drawing animals, people, holiday objects, and characters. Use the special magic of cartooning to illustrate concepts across the curriculum. Let students imagination run wild as they learn to draw 17 different letter styles to create unique creations of slimy letters, fuzzy letters, and even super heroes!
CYBERTRIPS IN SOCIAL STUDIES (K-12) by Scott Mandel Prufrock Press, c2008 Hardcover,
144 pages 9781593633325 $24.95
This step-by-step primer teaches the use of virtual field trips to provide maximum learning opportunities. Twelve complete trips cover common themes in social studies, including family and community, historical times and places, current events, concept courses, and social action. The Web makes it possible to cheer the athletes at the first Olympics, go on a rescue mission with fire fighters, or chat with U.S. Senators in Washington---all without leaving home.
MAKING MAGNIFICENT MACHINES by Carol McBride (Grades k-8) Prufrock Press
128 pages 9781593633370 19.95
Students will have fun creating whimsical animated machines from recycled objects while meeting national science and math standards. Science as inquiry becomes part of building the machines and students will experiment with math to determine materials and measurement for best performance. They will enjoy hands-on learning while making such machines as ducks that lay golden eggs, cars that really race, a Ferris wheel, and much more.
MATH PUZZLES AND BRAIN TEASERS by Terry Stickels (Grades 3-8) Jossey-Bass, c2009
Paperbound, 224 pages
__Grades 3-5 9780470227190 $24.95
__Grades 6-8 9780470227206 $24.95
Number puzzles, spatial / visual puzzles, cryptograms, Sudoku, Kokuru, logic puzzles and word games like Frame Game are a great way to teach math and problem-solving skills. Stickels provides over 300 games in each book that range from simple to challenging.
MEGA-FUN MATH GAMES AND PUZZLES FOR ELEMENTARY GRADES by Michael S. Schiro (Grades 1-5) Jossey-Bass, c2009 Paperbound, 320 pages 9780470344750 $24.95
A collection of over 125 fun games and puzzles that teach fundamental math concepts, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, place values, fractions, multiples and factors. They use nothing more than paper and pencil, playing cards, coins, dice, and other easy to find items.
SMART ART: LEARNING TO CLASSIFY AND CRITIQUE ART by Patricia & Stephen Hollingsworth (Grades 2-10) Prufrock Press 112 pages 9781593633417 $19.95
Students will classify & critique art, acquire art vocabulary, and develop aesthetic understanding in this discipline-based program that includes art reproductions. The 75 hands-on art activities that accompany the reproductions develop thinking, drawing, and writing skills.
SOCIAL SKILLS CURRICULUM LIBRARY by Ruth Weltmann Begun Jossey-Bass (K-12)
This unique library gives teachers a stimulating way to develop positive social behaviors in students of all abilities. The full series includes over 250 tested lessons and reproducible worksheets in four, self-contained volumes, each tailored to the needs of the student at a particular grade level. The materials are based on real-life situations and help build children’s self-esteem, self-control, respect for the rights of others, and a sense of responsibility for one’ own actions.
__Ready-to-Use Social Skills Lessons and Activities for Grades P-K
Paperback, 224 pages, 9780787966385 $29.95
__Ready-to-Use Social Skills Lessons and Activities for Grades 1-3
Paperback, 304 pages 9780876284735 $29.95
__Ready-to-Use Social Skills Lessons and Activities for Grades 4-6
Paperback, 304 pages 9780876284742 $29.95
__Ready-to-Use Social Skills Lessons and Activities for Grades 7-12
Paperback, 240 pages 9780876284759 $29.95
BIBLE CRAFTS FOR KIDS by Laurie Knowlton McGraw-Hill Paperbound, 80 pages
0764705431 List: $10.99 / F.Y.I. $5.00
Children will have a wonderful time completing the crafts in this book. They can make candles, banks, wreaths, puzzles, pins, pillows, and so much more. Each craft features a Bible verse relating to it that provides a springboard for discussion as well as easy-to-follow directions and a list of commonly used materials.
COMPLETE ALPHABET LEARNING CENTER ACTIVITIES KIT by Nancy Fetzer & Sandra Rief Jossey-Bass Paperback, Alphabet Chest 416 pages 9780787972998 $29.95
Find easy-to-follow, illustrated steps for presenting each of the 26 letters of the alphabet, using multisensory cues and charts, plus detailed directions and reproducible patterns. Enable young children to hear and feel the letter sounds with modified reading and writing strategies.
9780876281192 $29.95
Here are over 370 simple hands-on games and activities that will help you add fun and meaningful learning experiences. All are accompanied by illustrations, step-by-step directions that virtually guarantee success.
CRAFTS FOR KIDS WHO ARE LEARNING ABOUT.... by Kathy Ross Lerner Books Library Bound, 48 pages, Accelerated Readers Each Book: $19.95
Hands on learning fun aimed straight at the first-grade curriculum. Each title contains 22 crafts, made from inexpensive, easy-to-find materials. Step-by step instructions will lead youngsters through each craft with ease!
__9780761375917 Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Insects
__9780822568094 Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Dinosaurs
__9780761327431 Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Community Workers
__9780761394648 Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Transportation
__9780761327967 Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Weather
__9780822563662 Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Farm Animals
__9780822581692 Set of All 6 Titles $119.50
DRAWING IS EASY by Godeleine de Rosamel Gareth Stevens, c2003 24 pages, Library Bound,
(978083683- ) Each Book: $16.95
Each book in this series contains 10 projects that can be completed in four simple steps, along with suggested variations. Even very young children will be able to follow the pictures to produce their own creations.
__PR-6257 Drawing With Circles
__PR-6264 Drawing With Nature
__PR-6271 Drawing With Objects
__PR-6288 Drawing With Your Fingerprints
__PR-6295 Drawing With Your Hands
FIRST LANGUAGES WITH SUPERCAT (k-2) by Catherine Bruzzone McGraw-Hill, c2007
Paperbacks with Audio CDs
As the masked hero SuperCat battles his archenemy, young learners learn French and Spanish through finger-puppet plays, karaoke, board games and more. While the books and audio CDs are fun for kids, it is simple for parents to create enjoyable lesson plans around them. Each set includes a book, CD, flash cards, and a pull-out poster.
__9780071479318 First Spanish with SuperGato $13.95
__9780071481014 First French with SuperChat $13.95
Paperbound, 263 pages 9780130113375 $29.95
Each of these 116 science investigations is complete and ready for use, including a list of materials needed, step-by-step procedures to be carried out by the student, and special tips for the teacher. Activities relate to water, air, weather, plants and seeds, animals, five senses, energy, sound, magnetism and much more.
I CAN TELL TIME By Alice Proctor Gareth Stevens, c2008 Library Bound, 24 pages
Each Book: $14.95
This text, vetted by a math curriculum consultant, correlates to math standards. Analog and digital clock faces are included. (978083688- )
__PR-3909 At School: Telling Time by the Half Hour
__PR-3886 At the Beach: The Parts of a Day
__PR-3893 At the Park: Telling Time By the Hour
__PR-3916 At the Zoo: Telling Time by the Quarter Hour
__PR-3879 Set of 4 Titles $59.79
I MADE IT MYSELF Gareth Stevens, c2006 24 pages, Hardcover Each Book: $16.95
Each book contains step-by-step photographed instructions for various projects. There are traceable patterns for select projects in art foam and papier mache. (978083685-)
__PR-9645 Art Foam Fun
__PR-9652 Paper Folding Fun
__PR-9669 Papier Mache Fun
__PR-9676 Salt Dough Fun
By Bernadette Murphy & Gerry Surridge Good Year Books Paperback, 160 pages
9780673589149 $7.00
With special emphasis on good sportsmanship, this book helps children develop the skills they need to participate in organized sports. Ten instructional units provide lesson plans that fit into the curriculum. Basic locomotion and ball-sense activities using simple materials, such as foam balls and beanbags, improve eye-hand coordination while promoting safe and healthy play.
WE CARE by Bertie Kingore & Glenda Higbee Good Year Books Paperback, 302 pages
9780673617316 $24.95
Here are 19 balanced and developmentally appropriate units for September through June, each covering key curriculum areas: art, block play, cooking, language arts, math, movement, music, role play, and science. Hundreds of proven hands-on activities are carefully outlined and use inexpensive materials. Annotated book lists, ideas for portfolio assessment, and activity masters are included.
WHAT MAKES A MASTERPIECE? (2-4) By Brigette Baumbusch Gareth Stevens Library
Bound, 32 pages (978083684-) Each Book: $16.95
This puts art, from around the world and across the centuries, into the hands of young readers. Each book displays, in full color, both museum and gallery photographs and illustrations of everything from classic art to rare finds.
___PR-4429 Animals in Art
___PR-4450 Eyes in Art
___PR-3781 Faces in Art
___PR-3798 Figures in Art
___PR-4474 Flowers in Art
___PR-3819 Houses in Art
___PR-4481 Nature in Art
ALPHABET SOUP (4-6) Prufrock Press, Paperbound 9781593630454 $9.95
This long-time favorite is the perfect supplement to language arts. It is packed with games and activities that draw young minds into word analysis, vocabulary building, and literacy awareness. Worksheets include practice in idioms, onomatopoeia, slang, metaphors, spoonerisms, analogies, hyperbole, similes, rebus, hinky pinky, relationships, and word squares.
THE ART EXPERIENCE By Willet Ryder (4-6) Good Year Books Paperback, 184 pages
9780673463531 $17.95
Students explore art history, the art of various cultures, and create imaginative designs of their own with this multifaceted art experience. More than 70 proven projects provide a well-rounded, year long education program that encourages students to express the artist within.
COOL MUSIC ABDO Publishing, c2008 (3-6) Library Bound, 32 pages Each Book: $16.95
Music is the universal language! Kids will have fun learning about all kinds of music while they explore history, instruments, rhythms, greats, production, collecting, and varied activities in this series. Each book contains cool activities that will inspire young people to appreciate the specific genre by making their own instruments, creating and writing their own songs, learning a dance, and dressing up to perform. (978159928-)
__PR-9687 SET OF 6 TITLES $101.70
DO-IT-YOURSELF PROJECTS! By Anna Marie D’Cruz PowerKids Press, c2009 24 pages, Library Bound (978143582-) Each Book: $17.95
These books go beyond offering projects by presenting engaging information about the cultural significance, science, and history behind the new creations. Readers are encouraged to use ordinary, everyday objects that are already on hand.
__RS-8551 Make Your Own Books
__RS-8537 Make Your Own Masks
__RS-8544 Make Your Own Musical Instruments
__RS-8568 Make Your Own Purses and Bags
__RS-8513 Make Your Own Puppets
__RS-8520 Make Your Own Slippers and Shoes
__RS-30042 Set of 6 Titles $107.70
EARTH-FRIENDLY CRAFTS by Kathy Ross (3-5) Lerner Books, c2009 48 pages, Library Bound
9780822590996 $19.95
What do you do with old toys, clothes and other stuff? Instead of throwing them away, see what crafts you can make out of old playing cards, marker caps, toy cars, neckties, hairbrushes, and much more. Along with 21 crafts,
you’ll find tips about recycling and what you can do to help the planet.
GREAT ARTISTS by Adam G. Klein (3-6) ABDO Press, c2007 Library Bound, 32 pages,
(978159679-) Each Book: $16.95
This offers an engaging and comprehensive look at the lives of some of the most notable artists of all time. Each book provides insight into an artist’s childhood, influences and works.
__PR-7277 Pieter Bruegel
__PR-7284 Salvador Dali
__PR-7291 Paul Gauguin
__PR-7307 Vincent van Gogh
__PR-7314 Frida Kahlo
__PR-7321 Claude Monet
__PR-7338 Pablo Picasso
__PR-7345 Raphael
__PR-7352 Rembrandt
__PR-7369 Pierre-Auguste Renoir
__PR-7376 Grandma Moses
__PR-7383 Norman Rockwell
HOOKED ON LITERATURE (4-10) by Jamie Whitfield Prufrock Press 9781593631611 $17.95
Literacy and getting children involved with literature is an important goal for involved parents and teachers. The lessons and activities in this book are filled with strategies that allow students to see how literature can be used in their everyday lives.
By Suzanne E. Henshon, Ph.D. Prufrock Press, c2008 Paperbound, 64 pages 9781593632212 $11.95
Even the most reluctant student will enjoy writing time when you use the prompts from this book. Students become first-year students at the magical King Arthur’s Academy, as they complete exercises that ask them to explore the castle grounds, express what it feels like to swing a sword, interview the Knights of the Round Table, and much more. Along the way students practice descriptive and narrative writing in a variety of genres.
LEGENDS OF THE ARTS by Arnold Cheyney Good Year Books Paperback, 112 pages
9781596471375 14.95
Here are 50 brief biographies about people who have made important contributions in the fine arts. Readers learn about where these accomplished people come from, the challenges they overcome, the talents they develop, and the difference they make in the world. They come from diverse backgrounds, from different parts of the world, and from past and present. Reading and social studies activities, and suggestions for further reading are included with each biography.
MAKE YOUR OWN ART by Sally Henry (4-5) PowerKids Press, c2009 Library Bound, 32 pages,