Notes of a Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 8th May 2012 at 7.37 pm

at Plungar Village Hall.

Present: Cllr Hague (in the Chair), Cllrs. Dennison, Parry andSmith.

001/12Apologies:Cty Cllr Rhodes, Dist Cllr P Baguley and Councillor Plews.

002/12Minutes:Minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2012 had been read and were

approved and it was resolved that they be signed as a true record.

003/12Declarations of interest:There were none.

004/12: Borough and County Councillors : None present. Clerk to write to Cllr Rhodes and ask if he would let

the Clerk have a synopsis of news if he is unable to attend a meeting.

005/12: Police crime report: There have been no crimes reported in the 55 days up to 4th May.

006/12: Highways & byeways:

(a)Fingerpost direction signs at Redmile X-roads still not in place.

(b)15 Post Office Lane – no response from Mike Sheldrake. Clerk to request copies of all

correspondence between Leics CC and the property owners, under the F.O.I Act.

(c)Clerk advised Councillors of a letter from Malise Graham which advises that traffic arrangements

for the Game Fair will be the same as 2009. There were no problems last time so that is fine

but Clerk to ask tobe informed if anything is to be different.


(a)Headland Management Project has been given the go ahead. Mr Hunt pointed out that there

was a small path missing from the plan supplied by Leics CC. Clerk contacted Leics CC

and this was added to the plan and the amount to be paid increased accordingly.

(b)G18 – article for Newsletter to be obtained from Footpath Warden.

(c)The alteration to G5A has been completed.

008/12: Streetlighting:

(a)All lights have been changed to white lights. Clerk has requested that two in Barkestone be

“blacked out”. Clerk to ask Eon when work will be done.

(b)Unmetered Supply Certificate received – new lights have been taken into account.

(c)The annual (cyclical) inspection has been authorised for Barkestone.

009/12: Play area: Wicksteed have confirmed order to carry out annual inspection. Clerk to chase

Duncan Shores for up to date inspection reports.

010/12:Bus shelters: Maintenance work is required to the Plungar bus shelter. Cllr Dennison will look at

the Barkestone bus shelter to check whether anything needs doing to that. Cllr Smith also said that

the noticeboard in Plungar could do with a tidy up. Maintenance man to be instructed once full

details of work required is known.


(a)Comments submitted since last meeting (not yet decided)

12/00101 – 1 Barkestone Lane, Plungar– no objections

12/00091 and 12/0250 – not yet commented on.

11/00888 – Blackthorn Farm – still pending a decision by MBC

(b)Planning approvals/refusals since last meeting:

12/00071 – 4 Church Corner, Redmile – approved discharge of conditions.

12/00050 – Ivy House Farm, Barkestone – approved

(c)Shell Field Farm – letter from Planning Inspectorate circulated. Clerk to write to MBC and

Planning Inspectorate and say the PC is not happy with the way the appeal has been handled.

Other villagers are doing things correctly and it makes a mockery of the system when other don’t.

012/12:Redmile Churchyard: Gates have been held up as work has to be done outside and due to inclement

weather this has been impossible. The wood is being planed so work is progressing. Chairman’s report on memorial repairs has been started. He needs to go back 4 years to the time when the PC took over

responsibility for the churchyard and report in such a way that anyone taking over in the future has a full

history of what has happened. The wall is a major consideration.

013/12:Memorial to crew of crashed Lancaster bomber – Clerk read out the string of e-mails between her

and David Webb.

014/12:Culling of rooks: Chairman had spoken with Ms Campbell-Lamerton for an update. This is an

ongoing operation put people are lined up for the shoot.

015/12:WW1 commemoration: This will be in the news from 2014 – 2018. Cllr Dennison will drive the

Idea and it was felt that some villagers would be interested. Nothing to be done about this until after the

Jubilee and Olympics.

016/12:Transport consultation: Clerk had put notices concerning this, in each noticeboard. Note of meeting

at Clawson Hose & Harby to be put up too.

017/12:Insurance review: Clerk advised that the only equipment on All Risks cover is the two bus shelters.

She also queried who insures play equipment as this is not covered and this raised the question as to

whether our public liability covers the play area. Clerk to renew insurance but Cllr Smith is looking into the

policy as a whole and will revert back as soon as possible.

018/12:Asset register: Councillors reviewed this and it was updated.

019/12:Grant funding for village signs. Clerk had been unable to find any grant funding for this project.

Leics CC Big Fund had been suggested but this did not appear to fund this type of project.


(a)Account balances as at 31.3.12 £1,315.64 (current account) £10,660.76 (deposit account).

Current account balance at 30.4.12 £9,493.75.

(b)Cheques/payments/ since last meeting: E-on 17th March and 17th April £210.82 and receipts of £2,083.93 for VAT reclaim and £6,180 (50% of precept).

Resolved to make following payments:

L Frances £188.07 salary at 30.4.12 + postdated cheques for 31.5.12 £187.87 and

30th June £187.87. Leics Footpath Assn £5.; The Belvoir Estate £82.87; Aon Ltd £500.73;

St Peters PCC £125; post-dated cheque for 30th June HMRC £140.80; Alan Buckley £150;

Plungar Village Hall £10. Discussion took place concerning the invoice for £50 plus VAT

for domain name of and clerk is to write to the company and say when we cancelled website, this should have included domain name or at the

very least they should have checked with us if we wanted to retain it or not. Clerk also raised the

question of the charge of £100 for Cllr Dennison’s training, This had been booked early in 2012

for March but Cllr Dennison was unable to attend that session and so attended the April training.

No indication was given of the cost to be incurred as a result of the change and as the training

only took 2 hours, £100 was excessive. Invoices not to be paid and Clerk to write accordingly.

(c)Clerk advised that the Internal Auditor had signed off the Audit Return and it was resolved

that the Chairman and Clerk should sign as appropriate.

021/12: Councillors:

Cllr Dennison requested that an item go in the Newsletter concerning dog fouling. This was

agreed and Clerk requested that Councillors start preparing editorial for the Newsletter which will be

printed in July.

Cllr Parry thanked Councillors for helping with the distribution of leaflets regarding Broadband.

We may get passed by but will wait to see and if necessary look at the satellite system. Clerk to make this

an Agenda item for each meeting. Clerk to enquire whether it is possible to set up an automated mailing list

for the website contact page. Grants are available from Belvoir Community Forum for community projects.

Chairman asked Clerk to get an update from MBC Enforcement Officer regarding the planning

enforcement project – no warrant cards have been issued to participants. Clerk confirmed that the cutting

of the grass in Redmile Churchyard has been arranged with Mr Richardson. Clerk to find the paperwork

relating to tree maintenance in the Churchyard. There was originally a working party consisting of the Clerk,

a Redmile councillor and the Chairman – this needs to be set up again but until we get a new Redmile

Councillor this could be on hold. Clerk advised that a Neighbourhood Plan could not be started until MBC
has finalised and had certified, its LDF / Core Strategy.

Cllrs Smith and Parry will not be at the September meeting. Clerk to ensure that Cllrs Plews,

Dennison and Hague will be there so that we will be quorate.

022/12: Next meetings: 3rd July and 25th September (at Redmile Church) , and 13th November in

Plungar Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 9.55 pm.