Energy & EnvironmentMs. FlarendRm 209

Voicemail: x4209E-mail:

What is Energy & Environment?

This course will focus on the way that the Earthfunctions and how its different parts are connected. We willalso learn aboutthe generation anduseof many types of energy, as well as the impact those energies haveon the environment.


Science is best learned while actively doing science. Therefore, I will try to plan interesting activities for you and minimize lecturing. In return, I expect each to student to fully participate each and every day. Participation is a sizable portion of grade. Participation includes coming to class with proper materials, actively engaging in all class activities and proper using laboratory materials. Participation also includes actively talking about the classroom activities and your ideas about the lesson content. No one can truly learn without talking with other people. I will not hesitate to give you a ZERO for a grade if you do not participate in the lab. You will be given a warning when I notice that you are not participating

Homework will be assigned lightly and generally you will be given 2 days or more to complete it. In general, no credit will be given for assignments turned in more then 1 day late. Late homework will receive less than full credit. Your homework MUST be your own work. If I receive papers that are very similar, I will assign a zero for that homework. You can help each other, but your final work should be your own.
Tests include conceptual questions, laboratory-based problems and a few numerical problems. Questions from all classroom activities are fair game for test material. In general, the tests will contain material from previous units and will not be curved. Also, there are reference papers you can use on tests. If you lose these, most can be found again on the wikispace.

Portfolio will be assembled each marking period according to criteria available on the wiki space and handed out in class. In order to complete this successfully, you will need to keep all of your papers organized in a binder.

You must bring your binder and a pen/pencil to class everyday.


Below is the approximate grade breakdown. Everything is graded on a point basis.

Tests/Quizzes 40% Class Participation/Labs 40% Homework/Portfolio 20%