ID #: ______Circle Section #: 014 016 Date: ______

Exam # 1

Tennis 0032-014,016, Spring 2004, M. Cummiskey

All Questions are 1 point each unless specified otherwise.

Chapter 10: Physical Aspects of Playing Tennis

  1. A tennis warm-up begins with groundstrokes and progresses through four more steps. Please list those steps:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. T/F ______At the start of the warm-up, you should move quickly and athletically to prepare yourself for the match.
  1. List the cues for the ready position (order does not matter):
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  1. True/False - Grips
  2. ______For the eastern forehand, the first knuckle of the index finger is on the bottom bevel.
  3. ______For the eastern backhand, the first knuckle of the index finger is on the top bevel.
  4. ______For the continental, the first knuckle of the index finger is on the flat surface between the two bevels.
  1. List the cues for the forehand (order matters for lines with a *)
  2. *______
  3. *______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. *______
  1. List the skill cues for the TWO HANDED backhand:
  2. *______
  3. *______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. *______
  1. List the skill cues for the volley:
  2. *______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  1. Identify the major ready position error from each following demonstration (2)
  2. Demonstration 1:



  1. Identify the major backhand error from each following demonstration (2)
  2. Demonstration 1:
  1. Demonstration 2:
  1. Identify the major volley error from each following demonstration (2)
  2. Demonstration 1:
  1. Demonstration 2:

Chapter 11: Tennis Behavior and Rules

  1. A set is to how many games. Assume the winner won by two.
  1. A tiebreaker is to how many points. Assume the winner won by two.
  1. Write “in” or “out” on the space provided. The inside of the court is to the left of the line.


  1. Label the lines and areas of the court. Some answers may depend on the position of the server who is in indicated by the letter “S”

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______


i. ______

ii. ______

iii. ______

iv. ______

v. ______

  1. Write the appropriate score in words or numbers for points played. The server’s score is always expressed first.

Point(s) Won / Score
1 – 0
0 - 2
3 - 1
4 - 2
3 - 3
3 - 4
4 - 3
  1. When do you change ends during a:
  2. Set –
  1. Tiebreaker –
  2. Write the appropriate service box you are ABOUT TO SERVE TO for the numbers for points played. The server’s score is always expressed first. Answers may be written as “deuce court” or “ad court.”

Points Won / Service Court
1 – 0
0 - 2
3 - 1
4 - 2
8 - 7
  1. True/False
  2. ______You may strike a ball on the other side of the net
  3. ______You may play a ball which strikes your body or clothing
  4. ______Any ball which strikes the net must be played over
  5. ______You are not permitted to distract your opponent
  6. ______You may throw your racket at the ball if you cannot reach it
  1. Write three of the four basic spins for balls in flight AND what kind of racket direction creates that action. Do not answer using the angle of the racket face. Direction answers may be given as “low to high,” “high to low,” or “flat.”

21. List five examples of tennis etiquette (only study guide answers are acceptable).

Bonus: In which country did tennis originate and in which town were the rules formalized?(2)