The Government of Andhra Pradesh has directed every PSU, including AP State Film Television and Theatre Development Corporation, to prepare Long Term corporate Plan with a horizon of 5 years and after approval of the same, enter into MOU every year. In this context the Corporation sought services of Centre of Organisation Development (COD) to prepare a Corporate Plan for the Corporation covering long-term vision, goals, business strategies and enabling support systems required for the implementation of business strategy.

COD have since submitted the draft report and the Director, COD along with Consultant have also discussed the draft Corporate Plan with the Managing Director. Certain key recommendations have been made for strengthening the Corporation which includes shifting of dependence on Grant-in-aid to a Service Provider. The core focus is to position the corporation as a service provider for handling various activities that support the film, television and theatre relatd activities and the main revenue model to centre around the services that can be offered.

Systematic efforts have to be put in to increase the income from the core activities and reduce the dependence on other income to maintain healthy reserves that support it maintaining the financial health in the long run. The activities that can be taken up over a period of time with the support of Government (a) training on professional media courses and production, post production courses by setting up a training institute (b) While conducting various functions the Corporation can effectively utilize the opportunity for promotion of sponsorships (c) Exploring for satellite rights of the award functions (d) to sponsor theatre groups for promotion of FMCG goods in untapped rural market by sponsorships etc

The report identified the activities that can be taken up and the necessary support systems to implement the proposed activities. The institutional mechanism and the performance management system that supports performance orientation has also been discussed and it is recommended that the corporation view the process of MoU as a means of achieving its long-term goals and prepare itself to meet the objectives set-out for the next five years.

The draft Corporate plan is being circulated to the members of the Board of the Corporation for their comments before submitting the final Corporate Plan to the Government.

Sd/ M D