Proposal for ME 492/3 Project

A Portable Precision Grinder for ID Wafer Slicing Machines at Wacker Siltronics

Company: Wacker Siltronics

Contact Engineers:


e-mail address, phone number

Student contact: Scott xxxxx

Team Memebers


Brief description of what the design should do. Please include the main performance requirements and constraints.

Design a portable and removable grinder that attaches to a wafer slicing machine and grinds the surface of the Tension Housing an ID saw to a flatness within 2.5 microns. The device must be easy to set up with a number of such sawing machines. The device can be manually operated.

What is the design team expected to delivered on June 2002?

The design team is expected to deliver the complete detailed drawing of all designed parts, B.O.M, and a report outlining the design processes, analyses, decision-making procedures, and any economic analysis relevant to this design. It is required to deliver a working prototype for testing and design evaluation.

A short assessment of the opportunities this project provides in terms of synthesizing many solutions (design activity), decision-making supported by objective methods (analysis activity), and design validation (verification activity).

·  The team would have complete freedom in synthesizing a device subject to performance requirements and constraints. An attachment bracket must be designed to accommodate and move a grinder along a precise path at high precision. This can be accomplished in numerous ways. The design activity includes the design of the support structure, the mechanism that would move the grinding wheel in a precise path, the electromechanical components such as actuators and motors, and also control and safety aspects of the device.

·  The analysis methods likely include statics, dynamics, mechanisms, strength of materials, material science, vibrations, controls, machine element design, and economics analysis.

·  Verification activities: A partial or full prototype is to be fabricated and tested to demonstrate conformance to some of the performance requirements.