Release Notes

Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation

Service Pack V1.3 SP 3.0

For Versions: 1.2 and 1.3


BETA Installation Date: September 22, 2008

Production Installation Date: November 7, 2008

Prepared by:

Global Computer Enterprises, Inc.

10780 Parkridge Boulevard, Suite 300

Reston, VA 20191

September 17, 2008

FPDS-NG Version 1.3 Service Pack 3.0 Release Notes

Table of Contents

Section Page

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Overview 1

1.2 Documentation Changes 1

1.3 Impact to Users 1

1.4 Impact to Integrators 1

1.5 FPDS-NG Updates and Notices 1

1.6 Support Line 1

2 Report Updates 2

3 Bug Corrections 3

4 Business Functionality Changes 16


FPDS-NG Version 1.3 Service Pack 3.0 Release Notes

1  Introduction

1.1  Overview

This document describes the enhancements and changes made to the FPDS-NG system in software release Service Pack V1.3 SP 3.0.

1.2  Documentation Changes

This section describes the impact of the SP 3.0 changes on the documentation.

Documentation / Changes Required?
XML Specifications / No
Web Services / No
Data Dictionary / No
NASA Specific Data Dictionary / No
Use Case Summary / No
Validation Rules / No
Online Help / Yes
Computer-Based Training / No
Report Manual / No

1.3  Impact to Users

The impact to the users is addressed for each change made to the system.

1.4  Impact to Integrators

The impact to the integrators is addressed for each change made to the system.

1.5  FPDS-NG Updates and Notices

All updates and notices are posted to the FPDS-NG website at The most recent updates and anticipated changes are posted at

1.6  Support Line

If you have questions about the FPDS-NG system, please call the FPDS-NG Support Line at (703) 390-5360 or (866) 490-3737. You may fax us at (703) 390-5365 or visit the FPDS-NG website at

2  Report Updates

SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSNG-3436 / New Report: A new standard report named “Small Business Goaling Report for FY 2007” shall be created.
-  The report shall execute for fiscal year 2007 only. An error shall be thrown if the user attempts to enter a date range that is not within fiscal year 2007.
-  The report shall run against the static data as of August 1, 2008 and match the dollars, actions and percentages of the official 2007 goaling report in each category.
-  All the Informatica features that are standard for FPDS-NG reports shall be available for this report.
-  The row limit for this report shall be increased to the maximum permissible limit of 15,000 without affecting the performance of this report for the summary and drill downs reports.
-  This report shall be published in the HOW report category.
-  The report description shall say: “This is the Official Small Business Goaling Report for FY 07, based on static data as it appeared in FPDS-NG on 8/01/2008. This report shall display the dollars, actions, and percentages for small business contracts for FY 2007 only. The goaling exclusions shall apply to this report. This report shall be run by funding agency.”
-  The first line of the report appendix shall include the following: “This is the Official Small Business Goaling Report for FY 2007, based on static data as it appeared in FPDS-NG on 8/01/2008. This report displays the dollars, actions, and percentages for small business contracts for FY 2007 only.”
-  The same requirements that were used for the official FY 2007 SBA Small Business Goaling Report shall be applied to this report. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / A new report shall be available in the “How” category
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-47185 / Problem: The following three reports are missing the ‘Referenced IDV PIID’ drill down capability in the primary drill path:
-  Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization
-  Recycled Content Product Purchasing Data (RCRA)
-  Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration
Resolution: The ‘Referenced IDV PIID’ shall be added to the existing primary drill path for the three reports mentioned above. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / Change in primary drill path for the three reports mentioned above
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSNG-3476 / Enhancement: The following additional columns shall be added to the trade agreements requirements and the reports:
-  Number of Actions for Goods/Services Below GPA Threshold
-  Value of Contracts for Goods/Services Below GPA Threshold
-  Number of Actions for Construction Services Below GPA Threshold
-  Value of Contracts for Construction Services Below GPA Threshold
These four categories are already available for “Above GPA Threshold” in the current report. The four columns shall added to all three types of reports - Open Competition, Limited Tendering and Set Asides. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / Additional columns shall be available in the Trade Agreements Summary report
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-48529 / Problem: The elements 'Last Modified ID', 'Last Modified User Name', 'Prepared by ID' and ‘Prepared by User Name' are missing from the award detail of the Individual Data Item Oversight Tracker Report.
Resolution: The elements 'Last Modified ID', 'Last Modified User Name', 'Prepared by ID', and ‘Prepared by User Name' shall be added to award detail work flow of Individual Data Item Oversight Tracker Report and preview / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / The Additional columns shall be available in the Individual Data Item Oversight Tracker Report
Data Dissemination / No Impact

3  Bug Corrections

SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-46200 / Problem: The FPDS-NG contract writing system users are not able to generate the proxies for the Version 1.3 web services using the latest version of XML Spy. The error “}IDVIDType is referenced but not defined” is being thrown when attempting to generate the proxies.
Solution: The published Version 1.3 Award and IDV WSDL files shall be modified to generate the proxy when using the newest version of XMLSpy. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / Contract Writing Systems shall be able to generate proxies with the latest version of XMLSpy and proceed with integration.
Business Services / Contract Writing Systems shall be able to generate proxies and proceed with integration using the latest version of XMLSpy.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
CR 168 / Problem: The Contracting Office Agency ID is open and editable on an approved document. The user is able to make changes but changes are not saved.
Solution: The FPDS-NG data element Contracting Office Agency ID shall be grayed out and non-editable on approved documents. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / The Contracting Office Agency ID shall be grayed out on an approved document
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSNG-3431 / Problem: When creating a new document in FPDS-NG, the vendor details are pulled from the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) and stored with the document. Currently the vendor phone number and vendor fax number are not populated from CCR when creating a new document.
Solution: The CCR processing in FPDS-NG is loading the CCR file daily and storing all data elements located in the files including the vendor phone number and fax number. The system shall store the vendor phone and fax number for all new documents, corrections to existing documents and Novation, Re-representation, Re-representation of Merger Acquisition, Vendor Address change or Vendor DUNS Change modifications. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSNG-3393 / Problem: When several modifications for an award are on the same day and the reason for modification for any of the modifications is Novation, Re-representation, Re-representation of Merger Acquisition, Vendor Address change or Vendor DUNS Change, the Vendor changes are not propagated to later modifications created on the same day. FPDS-NG does not require the time stamp as part of the date signed field.
Solution: FPDS-NG shall use the date and timestamp to determine which modification will be used as the base document. FPDS-NG does not require the timestamp be provided by the user but shall accept the timestamp. If the awards contain only the date and no timestamp, all awards with the same date shall be updated when a Novation, Re-representation, Re-representation of Merger Acquisition, Vendor Address change or Vendor DUNS Change is the reason for the modification. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSNG-3167 / Problem: When the user selects the link "How do I find the FPDS-NG report that best meets my needs?" on the reports search screen, the resulting page shows the old categories.
Solution: The categories in the resulting page shall be updated to reflect the new categories. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSNG-3382 / Problem: FPDS-NG provides agencies with a method to enter multiple transactions for a base award on one action by using the Number of Actions column. FPDS-NG calculates the average dollars per action by dividing the dollars obligated by the number of actions. For example, if a contract is input with a dollars obligated amount of $50,000.01 and the number of action of 2, the average amount per transaction is $25,000.005. Validation rule number DOD6Q01 does not fire when the document average is equal to $25,000.005
Solution: FPDS-NG shall fire the validation rule number DOD6Q01 when the average dollars obligated per action are greater than $25,000. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-12010 / Problem: The XML Response returned to integrators does not distinguish between erred out and contracts that have not been created.
Solution: FPDS-NG users need a way to distinguish between contracts that are erred out and contracts that are not created in the response XML.
-  When an Award is created or updated, the XML response shall contain the following message when the confirmation number is negative and the award is in error status: The ‘Award’ is in ‘Error’ status.
-  When an IDV is created or updated, the XML response shall contain the following message when the confirmation number is negative and the IDV is in error status: The ‘IDV’ is in ‘Error’ status.
-  When an Award is created, the XML response shall not contain any message when the confirmation number is negative and the award is not in error status: The ‘Award’ contained a fatal error and a record was not created.
-  When an IDV is created, the XML response shall not contain any message when the confirmation number is negative and the IDV is not in error status: The ‘IDV’ contained a fatal error and a record was not created. / Aged SPR
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / The Award and IDV Create/Update APIs shall send a specific warning message with status for erred out and actions that can not be created.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-18486 / Problem: The ‘Funding Agency Name’ is missing from the Adhoc schemas.
Solution: The ‘Funding Agency Name’ shall be added as an attribute in the following Adhoc schemas:
-  Civilian/Public schema (used by civilian and public users)
-  DoD schema (used by DoD users)
-  NASA schema (used by NASA users) / Aged SPR
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / All Adhoc schemas shall have the new element.
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-21338 / Problem: The ‘Advance Search’ functionality on the ‘Government Office Selection’ and ‘Functional Dimension Selection’ screens does not perform according to the FPDS-NG standard design.
Solution: The ‘Advance Search’ functionality on the ‘Government Office Selection’ and ‘Functional Dimension Selection’ screens shall work in the same manner as that on the main page. / Aged SPR
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-24383 / Problem: When a user’s password is updated, FPDS-NG initiates correspondence to the user’s system administrator through e-mail. The email does not specify the environment or the user ID that was updated.
Solution: The e-mail body content is updated to include the following
-  User ID updated
-  User ID that updated the profile
-  Environment on which the profile was updated. / Aged SPR
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team