Principals and directors please distribute to all staff

Louise Dorrat

Presenting two sessions in Gympie

Thursday 17th September 2015

4pm start, second session finishes at 7:30

Venue:Gunabul Homestead Restaurant

Function Room, 9 Power Road Gympie

Heavily subsidised byEarly Childhood Teachers’ Association (ECTA QLD)

Book in for a meal after the PD by phoning Gunabul on 5482 3107

REGISTRATION 3:30pm (Option to order your meal for 7:30pm after PD)

(To have a meal at 7:30 phone Gunabul on 54823107 before the night to book. Tell them you are attending the PD)

SESSION 1 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Building children’s resilience in this risk-averse world by Louise Dorrat
Hear Madame Zelda from Lighthouse Kinder talk about the educators’ role to wrap children in cotton wool to keep them safe. She believes the more structured the program, the better.
Then hear from Louise who asks us what we were playing with when we were four years old: mud, sticks, climbing trees and jumping in puddles without parents hovering. Research shows that only 35 per cent of Australian children play outside every day. In our risk-averse and rushed world, we are becoming increasingly overprotective of children. As a result, children’s spontaneous play is being replaced by more structured activities and childhood obesity is a major public health issue. Play is crucial for children so that they can make sense of their social world and to build their resilience.
Age range taught: All age groups (0 to 8 year olds)
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 1, 3 4 NQS Quality Areas: 1, 2, 3, 5

Testimonials from delegates at ECTA Conference who attended this session

  • Really good! Very entertaining- the time flew by! Louise had a unique way to present some very valuable information. Very enjoyable and informative.
  • This was the best workshop I have ever attended! I was in stitches the whole time and it was very entertaining and informative!!
  • Louise was very funny and informative. She used her wonderful, unique style to get her message across. I loved this session!
  • Louise always offers an energetic, intriguing workshop which shows the reality of today's modern world and how to respond to it. I value her wisdom andhope to apply it myself in my work.
  • Louise was an excellent presenter and had some practical suggestions for implementation
  • Entertaining, comical in her approach to addressing risk. Made us all 'think' outside the square. Love it!!!! Glad it was videoed as I'd love to show it to my colleagues.

5:30pm – 6:00pmbreak with light refreshments

SESSION TWO6:00pm – 7:30pm

Music and storytelling in an inclusive environment by Louise Dorrat

Music and storytelling are a vital part of life. They can transport children to another place so they become someone or something else. Children learn best when they are enjoying themselves and, because music and storytelling are hands-on, there is an immediate sense of fun that engages and encourages children to let go. Music and storytelling can be used to create an environment or mood, to assist with transitions and can help young children to relax.If you can breathe you can dance and if you can make a sound you can sing. There is no right or wrong. Therefore, music and storytelling can build children’s confidence and self-esteem. They feel the beat, learn the melody and words and are able to freely express themselves while making discoveries about how their body moves, how their voice works and connecting with the world around them.
Age range taught: Pre-Kindy - Grade 3 (2.5 to 8 year olds)
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:1, 3, 4, 5 NQS Quality Areas: 1, 2, 3, 5

Testimonials from delegates at ECTA Conference who attended this session

  • I loved this with every fibre of my being! I wish it could have been a full day presentation! Louise is engaging and inspiring and fun and humorous. I loved every second and I learnt so much. Five stars!!!!!
  • Wow - so many ideas in an interactive session, could spend the full day with fabulous Louise. Very inclusive strategies with low cost or re purposed goods rather than services purchasing and suitable for broad range of ages and settings.
  • Louise was fantastic so energetic and passionate and delivered her presentation in a very relatable way, showing educators how to really implement the information she was giving. Would definitely see her again.
  • Fantastic presenter, very dynamic presentation and some excellent ideas to take away and present in our work environments. Wonderful ways to make learning interesting, fun and active. Love this!

MEd (Birth to year 12), BTeach (Birth to 5), Dip SSc Childcare
Louise teaches at Deakin University Melbourne in the Bachelor of Education, IKE program (Institute of Koorie Education) and previously taught music at Victoria University and Swinburne. Louise has extensive experience in managing early childhood services including inclusion support, family day care, preschool, long day care and outside school hours. She assisted in the set-up of the Westgarth Bush Kinder and worked in the bush setting for two years. Louise’s energetic workshops have taken her around Australia. Her presentations are at once engaging, entertaining and educative.

TAX INVOICE / Registration Form

Louise Dorrat

Sponsored by ECTA Cooloola Regional Group and the Early Childhood Teachers’ Association (ECTA QLD)

4:00 – 7:30Thursday 17thSeptember 2015

Venue:Gunabul Restaurant,9 Power Road, Gympie

Please register before if possibleMonday 14th September 2015 via

Email: or

Post: ECTA Cooloola Regional Group20 Hilton Road, Queensland, 4570

(If posting please ensure registration will arrive prior to the RSVP date to secure your place.)

Registration Cost (same price one or two sessions)

(Payable to ECTA Cooloola Regional Group): ECTA ABN: 31930635743

$10 per individual- 2015 ECTA (QLD) Members or Organisational Members (all staff)

$25 per individual- ECTA Regional Group members(Put ‘?’ and we will check if your staff are members and $5 fee if not)

$75 per individual- (non-members).

ADD ECTA Cooloola Regional Group joining fee to rego and register at member rates. Send joining form for each person

ECTA Cooloola Regional Group (this is an individual fee that is only payable once in a life time)

Organisations can join ECTA QLD for $210 and register all staff for $10 see below for link to membership form

To be paid by: / Order Number if applicable:
Phone Contact for these registrations: / Phone Number:
Email address for receipt:
Postal Address:
Name / Individual Email address
This is essential / ECTA (QLD) members
$ 10 / ECTA Cooloola Regional group$25 / JOIN ECTA Cooloola Regional Group now
(add $5) / NON-MEMBER
$ 75 / Total PAID
Individuals join the ECTA Cooloola Regional Group by adding $5 to the registration form above.
Payment Method (Payable to ECTA Cooloola Regional Group): ECTA ABN: 31930635743 Total Payable
Join Early Childhood Teachers’ Association Inc. (ECTA)as an Organisational membership to receive discounts above
Pay the fee of $210 directly to ECTA QLD. Email a completed ECTA QLD membership formto .
Organisational members receive 3 journals and DVD recordings of conference Masterclass or Keynote, access to online Member Centre (includes PDFs of past journals & videolinq presentations for staff PD) and discounts on state and local PD. Details on the benefits go to the ECTA website.
Membership is per calendar year (those joining late in the year receive all journals and DVDs distributed already) / Will you join ECTA QLD
Yes or No
Cheque/Money Order Enclosed (Please make payable to ECTA Cooloola Regional Group) post to 20 Hilton Road, Gympie, Queensland, 4570.
email this form to
Credit Card(register via Sticky Tickets at email this form to
Direct Deposit to ECTA Cooloola Regional Group Bank of Qld BSB 124 001 A/C 20355202 EQ Supplier ID S20000146
email this form to
Direct Debit Payments MUST send a Remittance Form via Email or Post (address above)
PLEASE NOTE that the ECTA COOLOOLA REGIONAL GROUP and EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION (ECTA) SHARE the SAME POSTAL ADDRESS and ABN. However they have different email addresses, bank account numbers and EQ supplier numbers.