Date: / 24th April 2013
Venue: / St Olaves, St Peter’s School, York.
Present: / (RT) Roger Thompson, Independent Chairperson
(ER) Eoin Rush, AD, Children’s Specialist Services, LCCS, CYC
(KH) Kevin Hall, Interim Director of Adults, Children and Education
(RB) Dr. Robin Ball, Designated Doctor, NHS NY&Y
(SR) Sue Roughton, Designated Nurse, Nurse Consultant Safeguarding Children, NHSNY&Y
(NS) Nick Sinclair, Pathways Officer, Substance Misuse Team, CYC
(DR) Debra Radford, Children’s Service Manager, NSPCC
(BT) Barry Thomas, CYSCB Layperson
(DC) Dee Cooley, Safeguarding Advisor Children’s Workforce, CYSCB
(DE) Dot Evans, Head of Service (Operations), ACE, CYC
(JO) John Owen-Barnett, CP Lead, St Peters School
(MG) Matthew Grant, CP Lead (designate) St Peter’s School
(JH) Jill Hodges, Assistant Director of School Improvement and Staff Development, CYC
(NC) Nigel Costello, DCI, North Yorkshire Police
(JG) Jim Glass, North Yorkshire Police, DI PVP unit
(CWo) Carrie Wollerton, SR/VoY CCG representing 4 NY CCGs
(LF) Lorraine Fox, HDFT
(LC) Lynda Corker, The Children’s Society
(MP) Melanie Perara, Deputy Head of Legal Services, CYC
(BS) Barbara Stewart, York Hospital
(CA) Claire Anderton, GP, North Yorkshire Local Medical Committee
(KM) Kevin McAleese, Independent Chair, City of York Safeguarding Adults Board
(PH) Philippa Harding, Women’s Service Development Manager, HMP Askham Bryan
(CWa) Craig Waugh, Development Officer, York CVS
(JK) Judy Kent, CYC, Children's Trust Unit Manager / Head of Service, Early Intervention
(JA) Joanne Atkins, Area Manager Public Protection, North Yorkshire Probation Service
(SW) Steve Waddington, Assistant Director Housing and Community Safety, CYC
(LB) Lindsay Britton, Safeguarding Children Named Nurse, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
(JL) Cllr Janet Looker, Cabinet Member, Education, Children & Young People, ACE, CYC
(HW) Hazel Williams, Panel & Conference administrator, Minutes
Apologies: / (EL) Emma Langton, CYSCB Layperson
(JG) Jo Gomerson, Interim IRO Manager, ACE, CYC
(SP) Simon Page, Head of Integrated Youth Support Services, ACE, CYC
(CW) Caroline Williamson, Safeguarding Advisor Education, CYSCB
(MH) Margaret Harvey, Service Manager, Cafcass
(JC) Joe Cocker, CYSCB Manager
(JS) Jen Slaughter, Associate Director Safeguarding & Child Protection, York Hospitals Foundation Trust
Introduction: RT welcomed everyone to the City of York Safeguarding Children Board and thanked partners for attending. The minutes from the CYSCB meeting on the 30th January 2013 were agreed as an accurate account.
  1. Matters Arising From 24th April 2013

p.6 Jim Glass is the new Detective Inspector at PVP as Shaun Page has moved. Nigel Costello will be leaving shortly but his replacement is not yet known. The unit is to be increased as there are insufficient staff to carry the risk in hand.

p.6 CDOP – the annual report is late and will be needed for the CYSCB annual report.

2. Unit Report – JC/DC

Item: Annual Report agencies were reminded to forward reports for the Annual Report. DC will talk to Chair of CDOP about annual report.

Item: IROs

Item: Budget The surplus £5000 represented the Munro money.

-The Board commissioned work and put on a conference at a cost of £5000 attended by 150 people.

-The combined contributions of schools and the local authority represent 70% of the budget, higher than before.

Item: Training and development Training aimed at early years has increased over previous year. The Yorkshire and Humber Multi-Agency Safeguarding Trainers group are planning a conference and additional events through the year.

Item: Child Sexual ExploitationThe Board was updated on the development of a Countywide strategy group, chaired by NY Police; and, the plans for dissemination of learning form the Child B serious case review.

Item: LADO update The analysis was a useful exercise and showed allegations made against people from a variety of backgrounds. It was possible to prevent incidents, dependent on the setting eg by creating a safety network and raising awareness in schools and nurseries. It was proposed to refresh the training to organizations. Some professions were unsure of the process to deal with allegations and needed briefing. In York the process was set up and relied on co-operation between agencies to manage publicity and limit damage to the child. DC described the “Arena of Safety Model” which was incorporated in Early Years safety training to be introduced on July 10 by Marcus Ambrus formerly of NSPCC.

3. Serious Cases – RT

Baby A The mother had been charged with manslaughter and found not guilty. The case at Crown Court found her responsible for the child’s death but could not agree whether it was deliberate or accidental. Counsel’s opinion had been sought on the publication of the Serious Cases review report and a redacted report would be published if possible. RT would have to speak to the Children’s Minister to explain why the full report was not being released.

Child B A 13 year old girl had suffered significant sexual exploitation and abuse and was in the care of the Local Authority in a children’s home. A report would not be published because of the extreme vulnerability of the young person and a psychiatrist’s report supported the decision not to publish.

A team of experts had been set up to help her and RT was prepared to meet them. She had been an inpatient at a mental health unit and was doing well, having agreed to stay as a voluntary patient. She was subject to a full care order.

Cases in hand.

SAR1 a single agency review had found a significant failure to carry out enquiry work with the father and following new enquiries the recommendations were not made SMART.

SAR2 In a single agency review it was found that procedure had not been properly followed.

New case Baby B had suffered non-accidental injuries. The perpetrator had not been indentified but the baby had been placed back with parents and found in the care of a 19 year old uncle. Since then the baby had been back in hospital with a hospital acquired infection and possible permanent damage. There was evidence of poor practice even if it had been endorsed by a Child Protection Conference. Learning Lessons review to be carried out.

4. Training – DR

This item was linked to the draft Business Plan. But Board needed to suspend the training programme

  • while waiting for the outcome of national drivers for change including the Munro report.
  • Need to look at training provided by SCB
  • The training calendar included some well attended sessions, others poorly attended by some agencies with financial implications and resource issues
  • Training needs analysis for use by partner agencies to find out what training might be acceptable and might be taken up

The new calendar of training would be comprehensive, targeted and flexible.

Meanwhile Working together courses would continue for members whose workers were required to take it.


CW noted the emphasis on staff and reminded the board that there were many volunteers who would also benefit from training.

5. Working Together 2013 – JC(presented by RT)

Working Together 2013 has implications for the CYSCB including:

  • the threshold document will need revision and the protocol for assessments should be reviewed and approved by the SCB.
  • SCBs have been given the power to demand information from partner agencies if necessary.
  • The document emphasizes the duty of schools to engage with the LSCB and RT noted CYSCB needed better attendance from schools.
  • There is also stress on the importance of enhancing the role of lay members.
  • The Chief Executive has power to appoint or remove the Chair of the LSCB
  • The importance of producing an Annual Report
  • The obligation to finance the LSCB effectively and fairly
  • Local framework for learning and improvement


The Board agreed it was a good, clear document, better than in the past with a lot left to local discretion. CYSCB has already implemented policies in line with Working Together 2013 in many areas.

JC has drafted new core procedures and was consulting key people on them prior to giving the to the CYSCB Executive for consideration. He would also draft a new constitution for the July meeting of the Board.

6. . Review of Board and Unit functions – DC RT

The local delivery drivers are The Health and Wellbeing Board Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2012 and Dream Again: the Children and Young People’s Plan 2012. The work plan aims to embed the LSCB chief concerns in the work of the unit eg work on neglect.

The drafted Business Plan suggests a narrower group of key priorities:

  • following Working Together 2013 with earmarked areas of evidence to monitor progress
  • Learning and Improvement,
  • Performance Management,
  • Development Principles and Practice – implement and develop tools and training for dealing with neglect
  • Dealing with child sex exploitation and wider risks with prevention and early intervention

Work on the Board’s priorities will be led by partner agencies rather than the unit, supported by the LSCB to share the work out eg:

  • Nick Sinclair – Public health
  • Leeds Health Authority – Adult mental health services
  • NSPCC – Child Sexual Abuse
  • Tim Richards – Disabled Children


Concern was expressed that several issues could come together in one case and they should not be looked at in isolation. A holistic approach, co-ordinating the work of all the agencies involved was needed.

A suggestion was made to review throughout the year the impact of the new Business Plan.

When reviewing the infrastructure of the CYSCB it was recommended to look at other LAs and involve other agencies.

Concern was raised as to the unit’s capacity to supervise the IROs although funding is available. It was agreed the IROs were a key quality assurance service with a multi-agency base. The move of the IROs to the Business unit should be regarded separately from the review of the unit as a whole.

Action: RT to do more work on Business Plan taking in comments.

7Safeguarding and children’s involvement – JK

Judy Kent presented a detailed report to the Board of how to involve children with the work of the LSCB containing a recommendation to the Board to take up the new performance framework. Routes are available to young people’s views and the question is how they are taken into account and used to inform strategy. It was stressed that this involvement with young people was open to other agencies to use.

Discussion: the Board accepted the recommendation of the report. Children’s Services, the Police, CVS and Health are already represented on YorOK and more agencies are required to be represented, including the Safeguarding Board.

8. CSC reorganization update – ER

The planned reorganization has taken effect and CS needs to build links with partnership agencies now people are in place. The reorganization reflects a retreat from process and the foundation of new services:

  • Front Door – to which Working Together has made changes therefore no report has been brought to the Board
  • Family Information Service – three teams in the community based on school sites
  • LAC support service – to improve contact with a dedicated venue and support
  • Children’s Home – out to procurement on contract to Northern Care providing four beds for York children
  • Foster carers – new professional development pathway and remuneration structure
  • IRO service – moving to the CSB unit – work to be done with young people to ensure it is understood

The new structure anticipates Working Together 2013 and takes into account the outcomes of Serious Case reviews of the last year. Children’s Services are understaffed at the moment with a recruitment drive in progress. There are two new roles, the Principal Social Worker and a Performance and Strategy leader. Working in partnership with Police and Health the referral process will need to be clarified. CS will lead on S.17 assessments but they will be multi-agency assessments. The new procedures will be embedded by 1 June.

Discussion:Concern was expressed over the vacancies although CYC has a low turnover of staff compared to other local authorities. CYC had held back on recruitment until the restructure was in place.

9. Child Sexual Exploitation – DC/RT

The CSE strategy group had met twice, focusing on local matters, similar in approach to the Domestic Violence group. An action plan developed by NY Police was proposed to CYSCB.

Discussion: The Board accepted the recommendation and agreed funding must be found as a response to the lump sum granted by NYCC. DR will enquire about funding from NSPCC. A suggestion was made that Child Exploitation could be effectively tackled through early intervention if it was not in CIN framework. An earlier multi-agency response was required.

10. Adult mental health, substance misuse and the impact on children – NS

Nick Sinclair presented a report into how Adult Services affected children and worked together with Children’s Services. The report stressed the need for plans dealing with substance misuse or mental health problems to include the period of recovery and its impact on children of the household. The report found that information about children was not collected and the impact on children where adults suffered from mental health problems was not identified by practitioners although practice was better in cases of substance misuse. The report made five main recommendations:

  • Establishment of task and finish group
  • Inclusion in new performance framework
  • Audit of joint working between Adult mental health and Substance Abuse services and Children’s services
  • Structures for joint training and supervision
  • LSCB to send letter to relevant commissioners requesting safeguarding of children to be included in contracts
  • monitoring

Discussion: Health was already addressing this issue. The need for early intervention before cases became CIN was stressed and DR requested to be part of the working group on this matter. It was noted that contracts to NHS work already specified safeguarding of children. The Police will put together a working group. The Board approved the recommendations.

11. Performance management

a. Performance management framework – ER / JK

ER presented a report outlining five key areas of assessment: outcomes, child protection activity, decision-making, child protection plans and the workforce. The report indicated it was essential for agencies to share information with the Board and be open and transparent and also for the Board to know who in each agency was leading on the collection of data and the arrangements for feedback to the Board. The working group would take this opportunity to benchmark against other LSCBs and report on progress to the July meeting. A number of recommendations were proposed to the Board.

The Performance Management Framework outlined a similar approach to each area of assessment and ER requested Board members to consider whether the right questions were being asked. The focus is on:

  • Early help – pre CIN
  • Routine surveying
  • MA case file audits
  • Routine IRO monitoring - spreadsheet
  • Analysis of progress against key performance indicators
  • Routine audit activity – timescales
  • Consistent approach

Discussion: A suggestion was made to combine the proposals for Performance Management with the proposals in the Business Plan to avoid duplication.

b. S11 – JC

ER presented two tools for performance management, the S.11 Audit and Case File Audit. The question was the timescale for getting them into use as they were evolving documents. He would focus on where the gaps were for the July meeting and identifying the people to be responsible.

Discussion:It was pointed out that Health data was not broken down by residence or whether children were looked after or on plans which would cause difficulties for Health. It was accepted that each agency would have to work on the framework in its own way. The previous work done on the S.11 audit was now abortive and the West Yorkshire model would be used.

c. Case file audits – JC

This is effectively asking each agency to agree to share information for MA case file audit.

The Board accepted the recommendations of the reports.

12. AOB

Date & Time of Next Meeting

Wed 31st July 2013

2.00 – 4.30pm

St Olaves School

Behind St Peters School, Bootham