From the meeting held 21st August 2008 in the Village Hall

Public comments/questions

At the start of the meeting the Chairman said that he would try a different way of allowing members of the public to speak: comments would be allowed before the meeting as usual, but also between (but not during) agenda items.

Three members of the public attended. A villager commented that the PC Notes on the last meeting (21st July) are not on the website – the Clerk will arrange this.

Matters arising from the last meeting

A survey of vehicle speeds through the village will be carried out in response to the PC letter to the Chief Constable. The Police will then decide “the need and level of any enforcement activity” and also what impact any enforcement so far taken has made.


Two councillors had attended a Brickworth Quarry Liaison meeting with Raymond Brown Group (who manage the site as sub-lessees of CSG) – much of the meeting was spent discussing the future of the site. A planning application for an extension of the site is to be made soon. In response to a query, the Raymond Brown manager stated that they would consider sponsoring projects within Whiteparish which were of benefit to the residents. Further investigations to be made.


The planning application for a mobile home for use by a gypsy family on Tricky’s paddock, Brickworth Road, was refused at the Southern Area Committee on 17th July. However, the applicant has 3 months from that date to appeal against this decision to the Planning Inspectorate.

Leo Randall will ensure that the Parish Council will always receive notifications of planning application appeals in the New Forest National Park part of Whiteparish; this has not always been happening.

In reply to a query, the Chairman stated that a planning application for the proposed affordable houses in Newton Lane would soon be re-submitted. As this is an application which is of general interest to the village, it will be discussed at a full Parish Council meeting. If the consultation period expires before the next meeting, a special extra meeting will be called.

Village Design Statement

It was reported that two parishioners had agreed to be joint chairmen of the group formed to produce the VDS. Some background work is being done but the project cannot start until an SDC officer is available to attend a VDS group meeting to explain and guide the process. It is hoped that this will be possible in September.

LDF new Core Strategy for Whiteparish

A village meeting has been arranged for Thursday, 18th September, in the village hall – see separate notice.

It was suggested that the PC submissions to the “Core Strategy” and “SHLAA” previous SDC consultations be reinstated on the website as villagers may find this useful. Clerk to arrange.

NHS changes which may affect health care in Whiteparish – come to our next meeting!

The Practice Manager of Whiteparish Surgery, Anna Morton, is attending the next parish council meeting to explain proposed changes to the NHS which may affect the provision of health care in Whiteparish. It has been arranged that Anna will come to the meeting on Thursday, 2nd October. As always, villagers are very welcome to come; this item will be taken first in the proceedings.

Next Meeting

Villagers are welcome to attend the next Parish Council Meeting which will be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 2nd October 2008 in the village hall when they will be able to speak at the discretion of the Chairman. Please inform the Clerk or any councillor if you can’t attend and wish to raise any village matter.

Anita Boakes,

Parish Clerk, Tel. 884646

The Gatehouse, The Street, SP5 2SG
