FLRC Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

July 9th, 2016

Meeting of the Board of Trustees called to Order at 9:33 a.m. by Sally Doherty.

Board Members Present: Sally Doherty, Mark MacDonald, Randy Taylor, Vic Dykstra, Doug Barlow, Sherry Ploor, and Dave Stratford.

Board Members Absent: Mark Robben and Glen Post.

Minutes from the 6/11/16 Regular Board Meeting were approved as submitted.

Minutes from the 7/3/16 Special Board Meeting were approved with the change of wording from “most” to “must” in the following sentence ‘Ballots must arrive in the FLRC office by 5:00 August 11th, 2016

Additions to the agenda

*Noise Complaint Procedure (Under New Business).

* Collection of Unpaid Assessments” 94.640 (B) (iii) Executive Session.

Employee Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Office Manager – Amanda Graham



13 Members on Monthly/Quarterly Installment Plans totaling: $6,376.74

5 Members Delinquent 2015-2016 Fiscal Years Dues totaling: $8,500

9 Chronically Delinquent Accounts totaling: $57740.76


2015-2016 Fiscal Years Dues: $400,625.18

Prior Years Dues and Fees: $21285.24

Initiation/Title Transfer Fee: $21999.96


Expenditures Year to Date: $235006.72


6 Disclosure Statements last month.

5 Email Blasts sent to FLRC Membership.

Architectural and Legal Correspondences sent as needed.

Website updates

Suggested linking http://www.fishhawklake.com/ instead of “website” going forward.

Operations – Travis Graham – No report submitted

Board Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Vice President & Personnel – Mark MacDonald

Secretary – Glen Post - No report submitted

Treasurer – Randy Taylor Randy’s report stays at the bottom since it wasn’t completely read. Correct? YES

Discussion: Waiting to purchase Certificate of Deposit to keep liquid until end of the Fiscal Year.

Director Reports –Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes Buildings & Grounds –Vic Dykstra

Discussion: PLC was installed on July 6th, which was an all-day project.

Dredge will need repairs in the near future due to seal issue on head.

Legal - Mark Robben

Committee Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Architectural – Dave Stratford – No written report submitted

Discussion: Met last Saturday. One roof replacement was approved and a request for a gazebo on a dock was denied.

Commercial Logging: A request for removal of dead trees was sent back for additional information including weight limits. Most information received thus far has been second hand from an individual whom does not have power of attorney.

Budget– Randy Taylor – See Treasurer’s Report

Communications – Sherry Ploor - No written report submitted

Discussion: Posting on website as needed. Will cross check contact information.

Firewise – Kathy Cardona – No report submitted

Please continue to report all work hours for fire prevention to Kathy.

Fishhawk Patrol- Doug Barlow

Policies – Glen Post - No report submitted

Discussion: Vic wrote a policy regarding Burn Pile and submitted it to Glen.

Project Solutions Team- Vic Dykstra

Discussion: Progress is ongoing. A model will be presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting.

Revisions – Dave Stratford - No report submitted

Discussion: Should include in the Annual Mailing Ballot include name change in By-Laws from “Fishhawk Lake Recreation Club to “Fishhawk Lake Reserve and Community?” We need about 75% member participation; will we get it with this year’s Annual mailing? The plan was to submit a group of items for the Bylaw change; we need to promote the Bylaw change, any volunteers?

Social –Carolyn Taylor

Discussion: Weenie Roast tonight, bon fire weather permitting at 6:00 tonight.

Unfinished Business

- Wastewater plant Blower – Vic Dykstra

**Vic Dykstra moved to amend the July 3rd 2016 motion to replace 1 Blower for $4600 to also replace an additional Blower at an increase cost of $2654.40 for a total of $7254.40 from Reserves, for 2 new WWTP Blowers, saving $1816.00. Randy seconded. Motion passed unanimously. *

- 16/17 Budget proposal – Randy Taylor

**Randy Taylor moved to accept the Fishhawk Lake Reserve and Community 16/17 Budget Proposal to as distributed today to mail to the membership to vote on at the 2016 Annual Meeting.” Mark MacDonald second. Motion passed unanimously. *

- Waiver of liability for Water service – Mark Robben

**Sherry Ploor moved that we adopt the Waiver of liability document for Water service as amended.” Dave second. Motion passed unanimously.


New Business

- Follow up on intentionally set fires and safety – Doug Barlow

Discussion: Three rogue fires were reported. Please be aware of Fire pit regulations and stay observant of surroundings. Debated signs, motion lights and video surveillance. Doug will follow up with Travis.

- 2016 Annual meeting planning

Discussion: 8:30 a.m. Monthly Board Meeting, 10:00 a.m. Annual Meeting- Agenda: Budget, Introduction of Candidates, Voting then Solutions Presentation. Keep members updated about the annual meeting on the website, Sherry or?

- Noise complaint – Doug Barlow

Discussion: Call police, file a report with office, and send a letter stating a complaint has been filed. Doug will follow up.

Lake Members Open Forum:

During Open Forum, each member may address the Board for up to three minutes. A Trustee or Employee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Members are encouraged to remember that the FLRC board is comprised of volunteers who should be treated with courtesy. Members are also encouraged to communicate their concerns to the board in advance, so any relevant research necessary to answer questions can be done before the meeting. Please note that no action will be taken on non-emergency issues, but may be addressed at future Board Meetings.

Good of the Order- Weenie Roast tonight!

Executive Session 94.640 (B) (iii) at 12:14 p.m.

Adjournment 12:43 p.m.

July 9th, 2016 Board Meeting Reports

The submitted reports may not have been read in their entirety, therefore appended to the minutes below

Personnel committee board report – Mark MacDonald

·  Annual employee reviews

·  Working on PTO accruals and holiday pay policy revisions

·  Researching health insurance options for full-time employees

Treasurer’s Report – Randy Taylor

Current Balances:

Operations Checking: $8,984.59

Operations Savings: $115,593.35

Total $124,577.94

Reserve Cash: $56,349.34

CD Ladder: $601,951.16

Total $658,300.50


Attached is a copy of the Profit and Loss showing spending through June 2016. It shows the same trends that we've talked about for the past several months. The areas of concern are Legal, Insurance and Utilities. We have four months of Utility payments left in the fiscal year;this amounts to about $10K.

There is still about $50K that we will be paying in employee’s costs and the Solutions Committee will require a payment for the remaining Task #11 costs. This will be approximately $30K.

Amanda addressed Accounts Receivables in her report.

Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra

June was a very busy month.

·  The plant automation problem should be resolved with a new PLC installation this week. The Water treatment plant has been operated on manual mode for quite some time. The new PLC will allow a more relaxed operation. Kevin will no longer need to check or complete backwashes at all hours of the night. The PLC allows the plant to do automatic backwashes and shut it self down in the event of numerous issues that can arise.

·  Thank you Kevin for your cheerful and diligent attitude while we awaited this update.

·  Also thanks to Bill Robinson for his knowledge and effort to find a PLC company and get this installed. Many months were wasted on empty promises from the previous automation company.

·  The board approved reserves money for a new blower in the Wastewater treatment plant. The 50-year-old blower was not repairable. Roger's Machinery is working with FLRC to provide another quote to cover the 2nd and existing 50-year-old blower to bring these up to date. Life expectancy on the new ones is 20 years.

·  Kevin took a vacation and Travis is currently on vacation. Both filled in to cover the void in the others absence.

·  The plants continued as usual to provide FLRC with water and sewer.

·  Aquatic weed spraying was completed June 20th to kill lake weeds. Hopefully one application will suffice.

·  Algae showed up in the lake and have been sprayed. This may need another treatment.

·  The usual summer mowing, weed eating, blowing roads and debris pickup continues.

Legal Report– Mark Robben

1.  Correspondence:

*  Two letters to addresses on Northshore re complaints of excessive speeding.

*  Demand letter to owner of shed on Fishhawk Road re payment of fines sent certified mail and a second letter (certified mail) informing owner that a proposal re the fines, in writing, must be received by July 7th in order to be considered by the Board at the July 9th meeting or her the account will be turned over for collections.

*  Letter to owners of lot 100 re board’s decision on their easement situation after advise of counsel

2.  Water Certification:

- On going, still projected to be completed by the end of the month.

3.  Waiver of Liability:

Created waiver form to be included with our water shut-off and resumption policy

Waiver of Liability re Water Services

This agreement releases Fishhawk Lake Reserve and Community (FLRC) from all liability relating to the shut-off and resumption of water services to the property located at ______.

By signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I am aware of the possible risks involved in the shut-off and resumption of water services to this property, including but not limited to broken pipes, flooding and/or other water damage. In consideration for my receipt of these services, I agree to hold the FLRC entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility, for any damages or injuries that may occur in relation to these services.

I, ______, fully understand and agree to the above terms.

(FLRC Property owner / Legal Representative) / Date

Fishhawk Patrol – Doug Barlow

Incidents reported to or by the Patrol:

1)  160611-01 - Blue Tarp on the Hillside across the lake from the clubhouse. - This issue was discussed at the last Board Meeting (June 11, 2016). As follow Vic took a boat over the shoreline across from the clubhouse. There he discovered and reported the following:

a)  This is not a very accessible site. There is a path stretching across both sides but not an easy walk. There is an area maybe 15 x 30 that is either well used or cleared. I removed a small amount of garbage and the tarp. The smoke had come from a fire out of hand. It burned an area maybe 10 x 15 ft. It either burned out when it reached the lake or was put out. From the garbage it was obvious the site was not used lately.

b)  No police report filed as too much time has passed and we have very little information

c)  Status - This issue is now closed

2)  160625-01 – Fire on Northshore Drive – While on patrol, Frankie received a report from the residents on Northshore Drive reported that they saw smoke in the brush behind the house on Northshore Drive. They reported that they had looked behind the house and found a section of ground, which had been burned and was still smoldering. They met a person from the A-Frame next who said that he would put dirt on the smoldering area and make sure the fire was out.

a)  Frankie finished her patrol after which she returned to the property Northshore and looked around. She did not find any evidence of a fire around or behind the house.

b)  Frankie and I returned to the house again on 07/02/16 and walked around the area behind the house but again we did not find any sign of a fire.

c)  Finding no evidence or having further means to follow-up we deemed this issue closed

d)  Status - This issue is now closed

3)  160626-01-Dog off Leash – Vic reported the following

a)  Sunday (6/26/16) while on patrol two people were with a dog off lead. Told them it needed to be leashed. They said it was not their dog. It followed them from a farm up the road.They asked would I deal with it. I called the owner and left a message. Couple hours later he arrived angry. He said that Lake People lured his dog. He was not very appreciative.

b)  No reports to police or animal control

c)  Status - This issue is now closed

4)  160629-01-Contractor Equipment Vandalized: – Vic reported the following:

a)  Yesterday (6/29/16) I spoke with Rick. Just in conversation he said his keys for the crane were removed. He found them on the rear cover of the crane. Was pleased they had not been thrown in the bushes. His fire extinguisher had been discharged on the ground and was missing. A wood cover he had was broken up. The damage cleaned up so the crane could be used.

b)  Rick elected not to file a police report

c)  Status - Issue is now closed

5)  160629-02-Fire on the water tower - Vic reported that it was discovered someone had climbed the water tower and built a fire on top of the tank.

a)  We rarely ever go to the water tower. No reason to. Yesterday Kevin or Travis went there to gather information for the WTP inspection tomorrow. Best guess we had not been on top of the tank in a year.

b)  As part of the homeland security questions a locked hatch was put on the tank this spring. Was the fire set prior to that? We don't know. However scaling the tower without the hatch ladder wouldbe extremely difficult.

c)  No police report was filed. A timeline cannot be established. Pictures were not taken?

d)  This is being reported this in case we see the need to fence the area.

e)  Status - Per item d this issue is still open and should be added to the 7/9 meeting agenda

5)  160702-01-Bow and Arrows being used on lake property – July 2, 2016 - Travis reported that he had observed some children on Fishhawk Rd using bow and arrows for target practice. This is in violation of CC&R - Article 8 -- Use and Occupancy Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and Rules of Conduct, which reads: