Minutes Yorkshire & Humberside

AGM 13 March 2013

North Sea Ferries Hull


Sharon Seddon (SS) Regional Chair

Robert Clark (RC) Regional Vice Chair

Peter McGrath (PMG) National Councillor

Jill Northrop (JN) Regional Treasurer

Joanne Campbell (JC) Regional Secretary

Trevor Moolman (TM )

Jo Webster (JW)

Steve Hibbert (SH)

Barbara Kistasamy (BK)

John Plant (JP)

Janet Sylvester (JS)


Damien O’Brien (DOB)

Alan Drayton (AD)

Item / Action
13/13 / Welcome:
From SS
14/13 / Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Held on 14 02 13 were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting / ALL
15/13 / Welcome:
From Sharon Seddon - Chair of the Yorkshire and Humberside Region / SS
16/13 / Matters Arising from 14 02 13
17/23 / Chairman’s Report:
Another great year and stating the 4th year as the Yorkshire and Humberside Region.
We are going from strength to strength with all events being well attended
In Oct the Expo was very well received with excellent feedback from both suppliers and delegates
Yorkshire Sculpture Park in June was attended by 65 delegates and today we have 60.
SCOTY: we held the 1st Regional Final at Hull College and thank you to Chris Ford
Joanne Simpson from North Yorkshire was the Regional Winner – congratulations
Thank you to you all for supporting us as a region we have a good committee that work well together
Thank you for a successful year / SS
18/13 / Treasurers Report
Copies of the accounts for information available
Opening Balance £5858.53
Income £5397.24
Expenditure £3284.98
Closing Balance: £7970.79 / JN
19/13 / National Councillor Report:
LACA wanting to restructure
and work more closely with the government
The Main Event is to be held in July .
International SMW to raise the profile of school meals, focused on Health and Well Being of Children and Child Poverty. Speaker from The Children’s Society. Other countries face the same the problems as us
20/13 / Committee Structure:
Yorkshire and Humberside:
Sharon Seddon (SS) Regional Chair
Robert Clark (RC) Regional Vice Chair
Peter McGrath (PMG) National Councillor
Jill Northrop (JN) Regional Treasurer
Joanne Campbell (JC) Regional Secretary
Trevor Moolman (TM )
Jo Webster (JW)
Steve Hibbert (SH)
Barbara Kistasamy (BK)
John Plant (JP)
Janet Sylvester (JS)
Damien O’Brien (DOB)
Alan Drayton (AD)
Barbara Kistasamy (BK) was up for re-election Proposed by JN seconded by JS
Y& H Region have a full complement of committee members
AGM closed at 12 :40
21/13 / Future Events Planning:
Yorkshire and Humberside:
Committee Meetings:
25 04 13 Committee Meeting
Commence 1:00pm
Venue Red Kite Wakefield
20 06 13 Summer Event
Commence 09:30 am
Venue TBA
Could all committee members come back with venues and ideas for the Summer event please
12 09 13 - Committee Meeting
Commence 1:00pm
Venue TBA
16 10 13 – EXPO
Commence 10:00 am
Venue Doncaster Race Course
06 12 13 – Committee Christmas Lunch
Commence 10:00 am
Venue TBA
13 03 14 – AGM
Commence 09:30 am
Venue TBA
Interesting range of speakers on the day
22/13 / Venues for future events
Committee members are to look at venues for future events
Leeds Bradford Airport
Humberside Airport / JC