Songs of Leadership---250 points


·  Evaluate aspects of leadership that are important to you.

·  Practice presenting ideas in front of a group in a creative manner.

Adapted from activity by Lori Biblinger in Leadership Lessons, Lessons to Lead By. Pages 89-90.

1.  Choose a song that is important to you that contains a leadership message of some type.

2.  Prepare an oral presentation about the song and why its message has meaning or importance to you personally.

Use the following guidelines for your presentation:

1.  Type out the words to the song. Highlight words or phrases found within the song that have meaning or importance to you. Turn in a copy of the song by ______. A copy of your song will be given to each class member.

2.  Prepare your presentation.

a.  The song may be presented to the class in any manner that you choose. Suggestions include but are not limited to: play the song on an instrument, sing the song, talk over and along with the song as it is being played, etc.

b.  Add media that will compliment your presentation. (This is a requirement.) You may use a combination slides, artwork, photos, collages, newspaper headlines, news stories, video or any other media that you wish. (DO NOT JUST DO A POWER POINT. Show creativity and depth of thought.) It is also possible to write a letter to a friend/teacher/FCCLA member/invisible student/etc. explaining the song and its importance.

c.  At some point in your presentation you must relate the song to yourself as a person or as a leader. In other words, you must explain why this song is important to you. Personal stories will add to the presentation.

d.  You may use the song in any manner that you wish. You may talk before, during or after the song. You also do not have to use the entire song.

3.  Presentations will begin on ______in random order. You must be ready when you are called upon to receive full credit. 20 points will be deducted each day you are not ready.


1.  Other than your own song, which song presented held the strongest leadership message for you and why do you feel the way that you do? (Give several specific reasons WITH examples.)

2.  Which presentation do you feel was the most creative? Why do you feel this way? (Give several specific reasons)

3.  Which person had the best presentation style? What elements of good communication made this presentation so strong?

4.  What messages from 5 different presentations presented do you most want to remember as a leader & why?

Presenter / Song / Message Presented / Comments to Presenter

Scoring Guide: TOTAL 200 POINTS

Song: 25 points

·  Words to the entire song were provided on time. (5 pts)

·  Important words were highlighted. (5 pts)

·  Song chosen was appropriate for school & not a duplicate. (5 pts)

·  Connection between song and leadership could be made. (10 pts)

Preparation: 50

·  Presentation was ready on time. (20 pts deducted each time you are not ready.)

·  All elements needed for the presentation were available and ready to go. (25 pts).

Don’t start looking for things in my room and elsewhere on the day presentations begin. Music is ready in a format that can be played in the classroom.

·  Class time was well utilized. Time was not spent visiting with friends. If class time is not utilized the presentation day will be moved up. (25 pts)

Presentation: 50 points

·  Song is presented in a creative and meaningful manner. (10 pts)

·  Connection between the song, leadership and personal meaning to you is obvious. (10 pts)

·  A combination of presentation elements is used. For example you use a power point with a video clip. You may not just play someone else’s power point off of you tube or the music video associated with the song. (10 pts)

·  Presentation showed depth of thought and time in preparation. (10 pts)

·  Presentation elements are free from spelling and other errors. (10 pts)

Personal Presentation Style: 50 points

·  Voice was clear, loud enough to easily to understand. (10 pts)

·  Eye contact with audience was maintained during the presentation. (10 pts)

·  Personal distraction were kept to a minimum---gum chewing, incorrect pronunciation of words, repeated used of distracting words such as “um”, etc. (10 pts)

·  Maintained good posture. (10 pts)

·  OBVIOUSLY practiced a few times before presenting to the class. (10 pts)

·  Bonus: Creative dress used the day of presentation (+15)

Reflection---25 points

·  Answers were completed in detail, showing depth of thought and analysis. (10 pts)

·  Answers were written in complete sentences. (5 pts)

·  Answers had minimal spelling and grammar errors. (5 pts)

·  Reflection was completed on time. (5 pts)