West Liberty Soccer Association

Mission and Goals

The West Liberty Soccer Association’s mission:

To develop and deliver a quality youth soccer program which promotes a fun, family environment, and which promotes the development of soccer programs in schools and school districts throughout Logan and Champaign counties.

The West Liberty Soccer Association is a completely volunteer-run league – no one financial benefit from doing so.

Our Goals on a broader scale are to:

  • to develop and deliver a quality youth soccer program in the West Liberty area which promotes a fun, family environment.
  • to educate persons in the West Liberty area on the importance of sports programs as tools to positively develop the physical, mental, and moral characteristics of children;
  • to enhance the current continuum of soccer-related programs in the West Liberty area in such a fashion as to make participation available to everyone who meets minimal requirements of residency and age, and who abide by general standards of conduct;
  • to enhance the pool of talent and interest in soccer in the West Liberty area, such that it facilitates the development and success of extra-curricular teams in schools and school districts within the County; and,
  • to provide a program that enables children in the West Liberty area, to participate in a multi-tiered soccer program close to home, which will foster and encourage parental and community involvement as well.

The West Liberty Soccer Association promotes five basic philosophies:

Everyone Plays, Balanced Teams, Open Registration, Positive Coaching,

and Good Sportsmanship.

We hope that this introduction solidifies your interest in participating in, volunteering for, or providing financial or material support to the West Liberty Soccer Association. Please contact one of the Executive Committee members if you would like to learn more or have questions. You may also e-mail the Association at -

West Liberty Soccer Association


Article I Name

The name of the organization shall be West Liberty Soccer Association (WLSA). The Association shall be a State recorded, non-profit educational organization that shall limit its activities to those exempt purposed described in section 501(c)(3) of the tax code.

Article II Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to organize, foster and promote recreational soccer at the youth level, and to provide competition for its members in accordance with standards of sportsmanship and fair play.

Article IIIHeadquarters and Territory

The Association shall maintain a headquarters in its territory. The territory of the Association shall be Logan and Champaign counties in Ohio, including without limitation, the Village of West Liberty and the surrounding area.

Article IVAffiliation

The Association shall endeavor to maintain affiliation with United States Youth Soccer Association.

Article VMembership

All youth players, aged 4 to 14 years old, located within the territory of the Association that complies with the league’s By-Laws regarding membership shall be eligible for membership.

Article VIExecutive Power

1.All executive powers of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee, which shall include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If the duties of Treasurer are carried out by one of the other members of the Board, there need not be a separate office of Treasurer.

2.Each Officer shall have one vote, except for the President who, in case of a tie vote, may vote for a second time to break the tie. When voting on issues you must have three-fourths of Executive Committee present to vote.

3.Officers shall be elected by the members of the Association in accordance with the By-Laws of WLSA. The terms of office for elected members of the Association shall be a two-year term starting in January and ending in December except as necessary to be in compliance with other sections of this constitution. The Annual General meeting of WLSA shall normally be held in the fourth quarter of each year.

4. The Executive Committee shall have the power to render judicial decisions by a majority vote. In the event of a tie vote, the president may vote again to break the tie.


Article IAdministration

The power to administrate the everyday affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

Article IIDuties of Officers

1.President:The President shall preside all meetings of the Association; serve on the Executive Committee; appoint committees; appoint non-executive officers; enforce the Constitution, By-Laws, and playing rules, and any other rules of the Association; call meetings of the Association; sign checks; authorize routine purchases; serve as the representative of the Association to any associations or organizations, unless otherwise provided; retain custody of the corporate records; provide for the good and welfare of the Association.

2. Vice-President:The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence or incapacity, and shall succeed to the office of President for remainder of any term in which the President cannot fulfill his/her duties. Such succession shall not bar him/her from subsequent election to a full term in any office. He/she shall perform any administrative duties assigned to him/her by the president

3.Secretary:The Secretary shall make and keep written records of the Association, all meetings of the Association and any other meetings as directed by the President. He/she shall make and keep any changes to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Playing Rules as authorized by the Executive Committee. He/she shall be in charge of league communications and maintain Association records. He / she shall collect and maintain all team rosters and registration forms, as well as being responsible for the proper registration of all players on those rosters. He/she shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and shall perform any administrative duties assigned by the president.

4.Treasurer:The Treasurer shall keep books and records of Association finances and collect registration fees. He/she shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and shall perform any administrative duties assigned by the president.

5.Past President: The immediate Past President of the Association may serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee for a period of one year if he/she has not been re-elected to the board.

6.The President and/or Treasurer shall approve all invoices against the association. The Treasurer must provide, upon request, photocopies of the bank statement(s) and ledger reconciling all of the accounts to members of the Executive Committee and to any member that is requesting a copy.


Board members and members of the Association shall not be personally liable for any legal or financial action taken against the WLSA, the Executive Committee or any associations as long as they have acted in good faith and in the best interest of the Association and are not guilty of willful negligence or willful misconduct.

Article IIIElection of the Executive Committee

The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, every second year such that said members shall serve two-year terms or until their successors are duly elected. Members of the Executive Committee are to be voted for separately by either secret ballot or a “show of hands” vote. A nominee for executive office must receive a majority of votes cast to be elected

After the election of new executive officers, the new executive officers shall take office upon the adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected.

Candidates for Executive Offices must be nominated by members of the Association, and the nominations must be seconded. Nominees must be in good standing with the Association.

A special election may be called by the President to fill any vacancy in any executive office. In the event that insufficient volunteers exist to fill all vacancies, executive committee positions shall be filled in the following priority:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer

Any elected officer can be removed for due cause by the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Executive Committee at a meeting duly called for that purpose.

Article IVMembership

1.In order to gain admittance as a member of the league, he/she must demonstrate the intent and apparent ability to comply with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Playing Rules of the League.

2.Admittance of league membership is contingent upon payment of any and all dues and registration fees specified herein or by legislation or administrative ruling.

3.A player must meet the age requirements of any association or league that their team is participating in.

4.Players suspended for any reason by the league shall not be allowed to participate in league competitions.

5.A member in good standings with the league is one who is a duly registered player, a Team Manager, or a Team Representative who is not under suspension.

Article VTeam and Player Discipline

1.The league through its judicial power shall adjudicate all violations of the league Constitution, By-Laws, and Playing Rules committed by any officer, Team Manager, Team Representative, referee, player, or spectator at any time.

2.The league through its judicial power shall settle any and all controversies, including without limitation, match protests, between one or more member teams by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and such settlement shall be appealable by the filing of a Petition for Appeal with the President.

3.The league through its judicial power may impose suspensions upon persons registered to or affiliated with member teams or clubs any of the following reasons and period of time, whether infractions soccer during a match, meeting, or any other time.

3.1Red Card Ejection – shall consist of a team member being shown a red card for any of the following reasons:

(a)Unsportsmanlike conduct – one match

(b)Dissent ion with a match official – one match

(c)Violent abuse of a match official -- two matches

(d)Fighting – two matches

(e)Retaliation – one match

(f)Defense of others (gang fighting) – three matches

(g)Battery or assault – Entire Season

4.The Executive Committee shall be the final arbiter on any issues related to team and/or player discipline.

5.A second red card ejection during any one season may subject the offending player to double the usual penalty for the offense committed. Three red card ejections within any one season may subject the offending player to a suspension of the remaining season.

6.The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorize match officials to enforce the rules and regulations of the league, and it may provide for evaluation of match officials.

7.The league through its officer and agents shall have the power to eject any player, manager, officials, or spectator from the site of the league functions and to suspend any player, manager, or official for the violations of Sections 3.1, 4 or 5 hereof.

8.Evidence considered in making decisions relative to this Article shall come primarily from the reports of match officials; however, relevant and unbiased testimony of witnesses with personal knowledge may also be considered. Additionally, the Executive Committee shall attempt to elicit information from the Managers of the teams involved in order to evaluate the incident before rendering its final disciplinary decision.

Article VIFinances

1.The league shall be a non-profit, charitable and educational organization as provided for under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

2.The financial activity of the league shall be reviewed annually at a meeting attended by Executive Committee members, Team Representatives, and other appointed officials. Additionally, the finances shall be made available to any member of the league upon request.

3.The Executive Committee shall determine and communicate to the members before the start of each new season of play the amount of the player registration fee(s).

4.The league shall not be prohibited or discouraged from obtaining sponsors to pay for any expense the Executive Committee deems necessary.

5.Player registration fee(s) are paid as a condition precedent to membership in the league and are not refundable without resolution from the Executive Committee.

Article VIICompetition

1.The Executive Committee shall arrange the league’s match schedule for each season, as it deems appropriate to offer good competition to member teams.

2.The Executive Committee shall arrange the league schedules, as it deems appropriate to make good and beneficial use of available playing fields and to promote the growth of soccer.

3.The league shall offer competition during the fall season each calendar year.

Article VIIIGeneral Assembly Meetings

1.General Assembly meetings shall be attended by executive officers, Team Representatives, and other appointed officials. All Meetings shall be open to any member of the league and to any person invited to attend or allowed to attend

2.Genera Assembly meetings shall be presided over by the President of the Executive Committee.

3.General Assembly meeting shall be conducted in the following form:

(a)Roll call

(b)Minutes of the previous meeting

(f)Old business

(g)New business



4. Meetings shall take place at the beginning of each season. Meetings may also be called as needed by the Executive Committee.

Article IXAmendment of the Consitiution or Bylaws of the Association

1.The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Executive Committee at a meeting duly called for that purpose.

Article XDissolution of the Association

1.Upon dissolution of the Association, assets shall be distributed within our territory to one or more organizations with similar missions for exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue service. If no such organization exists, assets shall be distributed to the Village of West Liberty for a public purpose.

Accepted and ratified the 30th day of July, 2004.

President: ______

Vice President:______



West Liberty Soccer Association General Rules

1.Except as noted herein, all age groups and all divisions will play under the standard rules currently adopted by the US Youth Soccer Organization, and in accordance with the Guidelines adopted by the West Liberty Soccer Association.

2.All players must wear shin guards, covered completely by their socks, during all practices and games. Shorts or sweat pants may be worn, but no non-athletic trousers will be permitted. Long sleeve shirts may be worn, but they must be under the game jersey. Shoes must be molded soccer cleats or sneakers — football and/or baseball cleats are not permitted. No earrings, jewelry, watches, metal hairpins, etc., may be worn, although Medical ID bracelets or necklaces may be worn. Such items must be padded and taped so as not to present a hazard to any participant.

3.In all instances, the “home” team shall be the first team listed in the schedule of games. The “visitors” shall have the choice of kicking off or defending a specific end of the field during the first half.

4.The game clock will start as scheduled, regardless of the preparedness of the teams scheduled to play and/or the presence of a referee, and will run continuously, even through injuries. Games are over when the schedule says they are over, regardless of how much time has been played. The schedule will not be delayed. If no referee is present, the Home team coach shall officiate the match.

5.On occasion, field conditions may dictate that the League suspend play. This will be done as early as practical, to avoid unnecessary travel.

6.Visible lightning or audible thunder observable from the area of the game field requires that any game in progress be suspended, and that any game pending be delayed, until 30 minutes after the last observance of lightning and/or thunder, no matter how remote from the area of the fields. If this delay takes the game past its scheduled termination, the game will be considered to have been completed. If a game is delayed from starting as a result of lightning in the area, it may not start if less than a full “half”can be played in the time remaining before scheduled completion.

7.The postponement of games for other reasons will be solely at the discretion of the two coaches involved in the game; re-scheduling of such games is the responsibility of the two coaches. Coaches must notify the West Liberty Soccer Association President of re-scheduled games in order to avoid conflicts with other teams.

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8. A parent or designated adult of each child is expected to remain at the field during games and practice sessions. In the event of an injury or sudden change in weather conditions, children deserve the reassurance and protection of a trusted adult. Coaches have volunteered to teach the game of soccer, not to serve as guardians for unattended players. Unattended children will be referred to the West Liberty Police Dept.