Grade 9 Social Studies Exam Review

June 2015

Section A & B (25 Pts) - Fill-in-the-blanks/Multiple Choice

1.  Be able to define/explain and (where relevant) provide examples of each of the following:

Resources / Interdependence / Free trade
Natural Resources / Globalization / Economics
Scarcity / trans-national companies / Infrastructure
Goods / Technology / Product
Services / Process / Genetic Engineering
Producers / Information Technology / Information Age
Consumers / Information as commodity / Renewable resources
Tariffs / Clear Cutting / Non-renewable resources
Interest/Compound Interest / Downsizing / Outsourcing
Competition / Computer Aided design / Rapid Prototyping
Aquaculture / Marketing / Global world View
First-Stage Manufacturing/Second Stage Manufacturing / Long-term aid / Short-term aid
GDP / Outmigration
Quality of Life / Networking / Regional disparity

Section C (15 Pts) - Essay (2 foolscap Pages)

Prepare an outline for the following:

Discuss the importance of trade in developing and connecting Atlantic Canada to the larger world. Consider the potential cultural, technological, economic and social impacts of becoming more connected and offer your opinion on the positive and negative aspects of these connections. In your answer explore North American free trade and the ways in which this serves as an example of the larger topic.

Section D (25) - Short Answer (5 half page answers—5 points each)

1.  List forms of technology and the impact on lifestyles for each of the following three areas: agriculture, industry and technology. Consider, in particular, how technology has changed the fishery in our region.

2.  Discuss the four sectors of our economy and the way in which they affect this province. Offer examples of each type and discuss the ways in which each affects your life.

3.  Discuss the differences between the “old economy” and the “new economy.” What does this shift mean for employees? How does it affect their training, skill set and long term career stability? What economy would you prefer to work in? Explain.

4.  Using the figures 13.4 through 13.8, identify specific examples/aspects of technology that have changed over time. Be able to give examples of the 1) problem to be solved, 2) resources used, 3) how it extends human abilities, and 4) how it changes our lives (positively or negatively) (page 201).

5.  Discuss the concept of life long learning as it pertains to the changing needs of the workplace. How does education influence opportunity, advancement, and earning potential? What is the potential role of technology in life long learning both as a source of learning and as a requirement for learning?

6.  What does it mean to be a global citizen? Consider political, trade, cultural, personal and travel connections when formulating your answer. Does the model of the world as a global village provide an accurate view of the world? Does the persistent growth of the internet add to or detract from this model (in your opinion)?

7.  Discuss the law of supply and demand and connect it to the range of competition with the larger marketplace and the way in which it drives the development of the hidden market. Discuss where you fit in the economics of our region and country.