Fall, 2014

Instructor: Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, Ph.D., C.C.C.
Website: / Office:
Shasta Hall room 267


Shipley, K.G., & Roseberry-McKibbin, C. (2006). Interviewing and counseling in communicative disorders: Principles and procedures (3rd ed.). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed. Required.


1. Discuss specific strategies for effectively counseling and interviewing persons with a wide range of communication disorders such as (but not limited to) autism, child language and articulatory-phonological disorders, neurological impairment secondary to stroke and TBI in adults, and others.

2. Describe specific strategies for developing effective professional relationships with clients, caregivers, and other professionals.

3. Identify professional communication skills that facilitate effective relationships with clients, caregivers, and other professionals.

4. List and describe skills necessary for interacting effectively as members of teams (e.g., teams in public schools, medical facilities) that work with clients and their families who need counseling services.

5. Demonstrate awareness of, sensitivity to, and specific strategies for interviewing and counseling clients from multicultural backgrounds.

6. Demonstrate knowledge of gender differences in communication, how these differences impact interviewing and counseling in communicative disorders, and specific strategies for effective cross-gender communication.

7. Increase their knowledge about and specific strategies for counseling with specific populations, including but not limited to geriatric patients, patients with neurological disorders, children from backgrounds of abuse/violence, families of children with special needs, and others.

8. Discuss and analyze significant current research literature in interviewing and counseling, critically evaluating this literature and its application to specific counseling and interviewing situations with a variety of clients.

9. Be exposed to a variety of points of view and approaches to interviewing and counseling. This will occur through a combination of exposure to the textbooks, the instructor's personal clinical experiences, and exposure to a variety of guest speakers from different fields who work with various populations.

10. Recognize the need for participation in professional activities that promote lifelong learning of strategies for successful counseling and interviewing with a wide variety of individuals with communication disorders and their families.

These learning outcomes will be assessed by use of the strategies of examinations and assignments.

The following ASHA standards are met by successful completion of this course: Standard III-C. The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the nature of speech, language, hearing, and communication disorders and differences and swallowing disorders, including their etiologies, characteristics, anatomical/physiological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates. Specific knowledge must be demonstrated in the following areas: Social aspects of communication (challenging behavior, ineffective social skills, lack of communication opportunities).


9/3/14Course intro; syllabus

9/8/14Introduction to Interviewing and Counseling in Communicative Disorders

Shipley & Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 1

The relevance of counseling in the field of communication disorders

Types of interviews

9/10/14Foundations of Effective Counseling

Characteristics of an effective interviewer

Conditions that facilitate good communication

Shipley & Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 2

9/15/14Physical and Emotional Factors that Affect Communication

Shipley& Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 3

Physical environmental variables: impact on communication

Client characteristics: attitudes, background, emotions, reactions

9/17/14Physical and Emotional Factors that Affect Communication

9/22/14Physical and Emotional Factors that Affect Communication

9/24/12Skills and Techniques for Interviewing and Counseling

Shipley& Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 4

Effective use of questions in interviews

Verbal and nonverbal behaviors in interactions

Successful, practical communication techniques

9/29/14Jim Chuchas: Skills and Strategies for Working with Teams

10/1/14Obtaining and Providing Information

Shipley& Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 5, ch. 6

Presession orientation

Opening an interview

Body of an interview

Closing an interview

10/6/14Counseling Theories and Approaches

Shipley& Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 7

Counseling approaches and theories

The counseling process

Characteristics of good counselors

10/8/14Theories and Approaches (continued)

10/13/14TEST 1

10/15/14Working with Difficult Situations

Shipley& Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 9

Potentially difficult communication behaviors (e.g., denial, resistance)

Effective counseling when these behaviors are involved

10/20/14Working with Difficult Situations (continued)

10/22/14Considerations in Working with Families

of Children with Disabilities

Shipley& Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 10

Strategies for dealing with families effectively in contentious situations

Issues of parents and families of children with disabilities

10/27/14Considerations in Working with Families

of Children with Disabilities (continued)

10/29/14Considerations in Working with Families

of Children with Disabilities (continued)

11/3/14Guest speaker Deb Johnson-Garcia: Working with Families and Team Members—People Skills in the Work Setting

11/5/14Ethical and Professional Matters

Shipley& Roseberry-McKibbin Ch. 12

11/10/14TEST 2

11/12/14Forensic Issues in Speech-Language Pathology

11/17/14Counseling Adults with Neurological Disorders and their Families

11/19/14Counseling with Adults with Neurological Disorders and their Families

11/24/14Counseling with Adults with Neurological Disorders and their Families

11/26/14Counseling with Adults with Neurological Disorders and their Families

Happy Thanksgiving!

12/1/14Counseling Adults with Neurological Disorders and their Families

12/3/14Counseling in Hospitals with Adults with Neurological Disorders and their Families

12/8/14TEST 3

12/10/14Wrap up, test 3 back, total grade given


1. Class participation and attendance--assumes that the reading(s) scheduled for that day will be done before class. We recommend that you: 1) read the reading(s) before class, 2) come and hear the lecture, 3) review the lecture notes and reading(s) as soon as possible the next day. This aids retention of information. Because students are encouraged to share your questions, ideas, and experiences, it is best if you have read the material before class so that you will be able to contribute to class discussion.

  1. Tests. Threetests will be given. NO MAKE-UP TESTS ARE EVER GIVEN EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF A PERSONAL, DOCUMENTED MEDICAL EMERGENCY WHERE YOU PRESENT A NOTE FROM THE DOCTOR. If you need to reschedule an exam due to a medical emergency, this can only be scheduled for the week before dead week. You are responsible for contacting the professor to take this makeup. If you are unable to take a test on the day and time it is scheduled, you need to take Test 4 during finals week. Test 4 will be mostly comprehensive; Dr. Roseberry will give specific guidance for studying for this. You are welcome to electively not take one of the tests given during the semester; however, if you miss one, that will be recorded as a score of "0." Your three highest test scores will be averaged together. Tests will be a combination of essay, true-false, multiple choice, and matching.

Each test is worth 100 points. A minimum of 20-30 points on each test may cover material from the readings that was not directly discussed in class. On each exam, you will be asked about any guest speakers and/or videos we have been exposed to in class. As was stated earlier, you are strongly encouraged to read each day's assignments BEFORE class and ask questions about any material you do not understand. Please bring, to each exam, an 886-ES form and a #2 pencil. (I don't have extra Scantrons; if you don't have a Scantron, you cannot take that exam and will need to take the final instead.) Please be sure that all erasures on Scantron forms are complete. I will grade your test solely by Scantron machine results; there will be no leeway for error. If you have an incomplete erasure and the Scantron marks your unintended answer, you still get the answer wrong.

100points each; total of 300 possible test points


There is no chatting or whispering allowed while we are lecturing or while another student is talking. Let's give one another the courtesy of listening! The instructors will follow university policy regarding cheating, plagiarism, and the administration of a grade of "Incomplete." Students may only drop the course for serious & compelling reasons.


Grades will be calculated mathematically. The exact following criteria will be used:










