June 6th, 2016

In Attendance: / Connie Schmidt, Angela Morgan, Alex Hoerner, Heather Ryan, Michael Piper, Shannon Bjornson, Julee McArthur, Vicki Billingsley, Elma Hampton, Rob McMains, Melissa, Gregg, Bob Gregg, MarikayGillingham, Dean Brown
Meeting was called to order at ___7:00___p.m. by Vicki Billingsley
Minutes from last meeting were tabled.
Rob McMain:
Piper Report: / Rob created a new award this year, “Athletic Directors Award”, based on overcoming obstacles, improving, maintaining a 3.0 or higher GPA, staying involved in athletics and school without support, etc. due to one student who clearly overcame difficult barriers over the last four years. Rob requested the Boosters donate $500. Connie will email in the morning. Motion to donate $300 by Connie, Vicki 2nd. $300 was approved with a request that Football and Wrestling donate $25 each out of the $300. Elma will email awards letter to revise.
They were short funding for a few caps & gowns, but were able to cover the expense. Nothing new to report.
Treasurer’s Report: / There is approximately $63,000 in the account;approximately $12,000 is Booster funds.
Agenda Items: / Senior Scholarship – Vicki will present, June 7th at 7pm. Shannon will also attend. Five recipients were chosen at $500 award each.Thank you to the essay readers!
2016-2017 Booster Board – Julee gave an overview of the LHS Boosters for interested persons. Melissa may be interested in a Co-Secrtary position. Bon Gregg is interested in serving as C)-VP,Vicki is open to the idea of Co-President, also open to other positions. Julee indicated an interest in President for 2016-2017, Shannon volunteered to Co-President with Julee. Angela also expressed interest in Co-President or Membership Manager, she would like to step away from fundraising. Marikay indicated an interest in the Treasurer position. Connie volunteered to possible Co_treasurer with her for one more year. Another, not present may also be interested in Co_treasurer. Vicki proposed a follow-up meeting next Monday to finalize the 2016-2017 board positions.
2016-17 Booster changes – Julee proposed to make it mandatory if Boosters will be managing their funds. An auction basket will also be mandatory for the Spring Auction from each sport or club that houses their money with the boosters. It was also proposed to schedule quarterly all member meetings along with monthly board only meetings. These changes were proposed by Julee, 2nd by Connie and approved.
Concessions: / No report
Fundraising Report: / Nothing new to report.
New Business: / Follow-up Booster meeting schedule for Monday June 13th, 7pm
Upcoming Events: / Senior Awards Night, Monday June 7th


LHS Boosters Live To Give!


LHS Boosters Live To Give!