Note of Meeting held on Thursday, 23 January 2014

Wighton Centre, Central Library

Present: Osla Allen, Institute of Sport, University of Dundee

Karen Dammer, Education Department, DCC

Ross McGuire, Leisure & Culture Dundee

Stewart Murdoch, Chief Executive’s Department, DCC (Chair)

Derek Napier, Ancrum Outdoor Activities Centre, DCC

Claire Peters, sportscotland

Graham Wark, Leisure & Culture Dundee

John Whyman, Environment Department, DCC

Apologies: Mary Colvin, NHS Tayside

Euan Lowe, sportscotland

Ryan McAlindin, sportscotland

Gary Robertson, Environment Department, DCC

Merrill Smith, Chief Executive’s Department, DCC

Audrey White, Leisure & Culture Dundee

No. / Item / Action /
1. / Minute of Meeting held on 11 April 2013
2. / Matters Arising
2.1 / Sports Hub Development
Graham gave an update on the development of the five approved sports hubs in Dundee. Fairfield Sports Club have expressed interest in being recognised as a sports hub – this has still to be considered.
The five original sports hubs have reached a point of development where they are now able to apply for capital grants to improve their facilities.
The City Council intends to make provision in its forward capital plan to match fund sportscotland/Cashback funding.
The other sports hub which is in prospect is the proposed Tay Estuary Water Sports Hub.
Over the past twelve months support has been given by sportscotland and the City Council and there has been a very significant local fundraising campaign to improve facilities for water sports.
This has resulted in £320,000 development of slipways and boat houses on the Grassy Beach.
An embryonic rowing club will use one of these new boat houses as its base.
There are four of five different water sports groups in this consortium and they are effectively operating as a sports hub, although they would probably not recognise that.
Daryl McKenzie, who has led the Community Sports Hub development in Dundee over the last few years, has been successful in applying for a new post.
The post he vacates is only funded to the end of March 2015 and Graham is in discussion with sportscotland prior to advertising to fill this post. / Graham
A Community Sports Hub liaison group has been established to provide a collective voice for sports hubs in the city.
Strategically, there are challenges that will emerge as a result of sports hubs managing local facilities and developing pitches. These will be addressed through development of the strategy.
2.2 / On-line Booking
Following the decision to abandon development of an in-house IT system, Dundee City Council has contracted with Gladstone to develop MRM2. Kevin Rattray has been seconded from Leisure & Culture Dundee to assist with development of the system.
The intention is still to push ahead with an on-line booking system. This will not include sports hub, college or university facilities. MRM2 also provides a fairly sophisticated level of management information.
2.3 / Outdoor Learning Strategy
Derek provided a general update on the Outdoor Learning Strategy.
Because the Strategy is so wide-ranging, it was difficult to assess the level of engagement/progress with implementation.
Partly in response to this, Derek has proposed the development of a three year action plan with clearer identifiable targets for implementation. A wide range of partners are actively involved. / Derek
One of the key development proposals is to repeat the water sports day, possibly extending it to a weekend and linking it with other events, such as Broughty Ferry Gala Week.
2.4 / Integrated Holiday Programming
This has not progressed as far or as fast as was hoped.
The importance of it, however, was reinforced by those who were present.
Graham suggested that John Skelly was in a position where he could, potentially, bring together partners who were interested in the development of holiday programmes to try and move towards a programme for the summer of 2014. / Graham (John Skelly)
Karen referred to the role of the Pupil Support Workers who developed holiday programmes for those they were working with during term times. The idea of linking these holiday programmes and seeking bursary/funding support for young people with additional needs to participate in mainstream programmes was discussed.
Osla advised the group that the University had been successful in securing bursaries for those who couldn’t afford to attend their programmes.
2.5 / Sport and Physical Activity Strategy – Action Plan
Prior to the meeting, Ross had circulated a revised and updated action plan.
Those who were present and some of those who were unable attend had written confirming that they fully supported the new direction which retains the strategic objectives, but simplifies the format within which the plan is presented.
On an agency/departmental basis, a fuller action plan was needed. Gary Robertson had already followed this approach for the Environment Department. The Partnership Action Plan needed to focus on actions which could only be done in partnership (on a multi-partner basis) and things which would support partnership actions (things which would benefit/be used by a range of partners).
In discussion, Stewart felt that, in some cases, the delivery actions did, however, need to be reviewed to ensure that as many as possible were defined in terms of specific actions (smart objectives).
It was agreed that all partners should provide an update from an agency perspective on the strategic aims within the next two weeks, and that Ross, Stewart and Graham would take responsibility for a final read through and circulation of this document by the end of March. / All
3. / Audit of Dundee Sports Facilities
As part of the work undertaken for the National Performance Centre, Leisure & Culture Dundee had undertaken an audit of facilities in Dundee.
This audit was now being revised to fit the brief of a Regional Performance Centre for Sport. The audit had highlighted the need to re-establish the city’s facilities forum and to link this, where appropriate, to a regional facilities forum.
Responsibility for the city’s facilities forum would rest under the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy Group and invitations to join such a forum would be taken forward by Graham. / Graham
A regional facilities forum was the remit of sportscotland, and it was suggested this this should be taken forward by the Partnership Manager, Ian McGregor. / Ian McGregor
Ross noted that the facilities audit needed to be run past governing bodies in order that their view of what existed and what was needed could be sharpened up, and it also needed to be run past local communities (Community Planning Partnerships). These exercises would be taken forward into the next financial year, once the audit itself had been completed. / Ross
4. / Regional Performance Centre for Sport
At its last meeting, held on 17 January, there had been an excellent turnout, with 24 agency representatives present to discuss the way forward.
The meeting had focused on the summary of facilities which would be given priority and location options.
An outline timetable for the developed of the RPSC was agreed.
Three sites remain under investigation. The first is Caird Park, the second, Riverside, and the third, Camperdown Park.
5. / Commonwealth Games Legacy Plan
The Queen’s Baton Relay will go through Dundee on 27 June (the last day of school in the current year). The event will culminate with a ceilidh in City Square.
Separately, a programme of activities are planned for the week of the shooting events at Barry Buddon (22 to 29 July).
Key events would be 27 July, when a Dance Day is proposed, and 29 July, when all cultural facilities are considering late opening.
6. / Partner Updates
6.1 / Environment Department
Investment work on the Green Circular will address signage and safety issues during 2014.
A mountain bike trail in Templeton Woods will also be complete during 2014.
A ramblers route round the waterfront is currently under discussion.
The Disabled Go Access Guide is being extended to include parks and outdoor facilities.
A comprehensive outdoor plan for the Whitfield area of Dundee is currently under development.
Plans for developments on The Law are also being progressed.
6.2 / Leisure & Culture Dundee
Levels of usage for the new Olympia have been more than twice the level of the old pool.
The “5 for a fiver (£5)” initiative at Christmas was a highly successful promotion which aimed to increase numbers at a quiet time of year whilst maintaining the same income levels as the previous year: there were some 8,000 more visitors and £2,000 extra income achieved compared to the same period last year.
The community sports facilities attached to Grove and St Paul’s have been leased to Leisure & Culture Dundee. They will, in future, be responsible for the programming, promotion and development of these facilities.
Dundee Ice Arena have agreed with Dundee City Council and Leisure & Culture Dundee to cease trading and to transfer their operations and the management of their facility and staff into Leisure & Culture Dundee from 1 April 2014.
6.3 / Dundee University/Institute of Sport
Osla summarised the wide range of programmes currently on offer through the Institute of Sport. Reference was made, in particular, to the silent raves which were taking place in the car park adjacent to the Dalhousie Building. These were attracting large numbers and were based on use of wi-fi enabled headsets.
6.4 / Dundee City Council Education Department
It was noted that James Fenna had been appointed to the post of Active Schools Co-ordinator for Dundee.
6.5 / NHS Tayside
It was noted that Mary Colvin had been seconded to the Scottish Government to support implementation of the National Physical Activity Strategy. Mary would continue as a member of the group, and she had circulated to group members information about the NPA Implementation Plan and the strategy for building on the legacy from the Commonwealth Games.
7. / Injury Claim
The claim brought against Dundee City Council for an ankle injury which occurred on a coach education programme organised by Panmure Rugby Club was discussed. Group members noted with concern that the City Council had been held responsible, as the owner of the pitch. One of the issues which had emerged was that their had to be a written signed off risk assessment prior to an activity taking place. While the risk had been assessed, it hadn’t been signed off in a written form and this had, apparently, increased the liability on the Council.
As a result of this ruling, a review of guidelines to staff was currently being undertaken by Dundee City Council and Leisure & Culture Dundee.
8. / Future Meetings
Tuesday, 22 April 2014 at 2.00 pm – Ancrum Outdoor Activity Centre
Tuesday, 14 July 2014 at 2.00 pm – Olympia Leisure Centre
Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 2.00 pm – Dundee Ice Arena


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