Chapter 5 Guided Notes

  1. Violence is
  2. A conflict is
  3. Factors that lead to conflicts between teens are:
  4. Avoiding dangerous situations
  5. Resolving conflict without violence
  6. Conflict resolution is a ______way to deal with arguments
  7. Negotiate- bargain or ______for a peaceful solution to the problem
  8. Peer mediation
  9. Be ______, use “I” messages, don’t make ______, don’t ______your voice
  10. Making GREAT decisions
  11. Give thought to the ______
  12. Review your choices
  13. Evaluate the ______of each choice
  14. Assess and choose the ______choice
  15. Think it over afterward
  16. What is abuse?
  17. Abuse is ______or emotional harm to someone
  18. Unfortunately, the most common forms of abuse come from people one should be able to ______
  19. Look for these characteristics in people: controlling, ______, manipulative, selfish, aggressive, needy, jealous, scary temper, mean
  20. Types of abuse:
  21. Draw the cycle of domestic violence------

10. Effects of Abuse:

  • ______
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor ______or overeating
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Poor ______and difficulty making decisions
  • Difficulty ______
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Feelings of guilt, shame, and ______
  1. Protecting yourself from abuse
  1. Help for the abused
  1. Sexual abuse
  • Any sexual act without ______
  • ______- sexual activity between family members who are not husband and wife
  • Child abuse is common and children feel ashamed and are less likely to tell anyone what is happening
  1. Sexual harassment
  • ______
  • Examples: telling unwanted jokes, making sexual remarks about a person’s clothing, touching a person inappropriately, staring at a person’s body parts, making sexual gestures, continuously asking a person out
  1. Responding to sexual harassment
  • There are two things you can do to stop the harassment:
  • 1.
  • 2.

*Sexual harassment is illegal

16. Sexual assault and rape

  • Sexual assault is any ______in which force or the threat of force is used
  • Date rape is sexual intercourse that is forced on a victim by someone the victim knows
  • 80% of victims of sexual assault and rape know their ______
  • Victims of sexual assault and rape suffer both ______and emotional ______

17. Protecting yourself from sexual abuse and violence

  • Keep your doors and windows ______at home, do not answer the door for strangers
  • Do not walk alone at night
  • Keep your ______handy
  • If you are being ______, call out for help!

18. Make sure you are away from further harm

  • Call for ______
  • Don’t change anything about your body or your environment
  • Ask someone to take you to the ______
  • Seek ______or counseling





5 types of stressors


Fight-or-flight response

Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion stages


5 stages of the grieving process