CampbellCemetery Burials

From Vertical Files at Moore Memorial Library


Campbell’s Cemetery

1. First Grave – “The Strange Baby”

Family came thru in a covered wagon, camped outside the fence where the cemetery is now. Had Grandma Mary Campbell’s permission to do so as the baby was very sick, Grandma helped nurse. All was done that could be done and the baby died and Mrs. Campbell gave permission to them to bury it on her property. The grandmother placed a tiny doll statute and a tiny lamb upon the grave and shortly afterwards the parents left in the covered wagon for parts unknown.

2. James Campbell – husband of Grandma Mary Campbell – was drown in GalvestonBay. Was on the boat (sail) a squall came up and he didn’t return and family hunted and found his body. He was about 64 or 63.

3. Jane Campbell – 8 or 9 years old. Daughter of Mary Campbell and the late James Campbell.

4. Frank Campbell – 13 or 15 years old. Son of Mary Campbell and the late James Campbell

5. 2 little boys Levi Parr and Joe Parr. 4 and 2 years old died a few hours with “quinsy”.

(Quinsy--a painful pus-filled inflammation of the tonsils and surrounding tissues; usually a complication of tonsillitis). Sons of Diana Campbell Parr (daughter of Mary and James Campbell) and Solomon Parr. A brick mason by the name of S. King was staying with the Campbell’s at the time of the death of the little boys. Built a brick vault under the ground. Brick factory and bricks was made on the banks of Campbell Bayou by their father, Colonel Parr and S. King.

6. Elizabeth Parr about 6 months died with croup.

7. Eddie Parr age about 3 -- three years after the two little brothers death died of quinsy.

8. Frankie Parr about one year old died six months after Eddie Parr’s death - Quinsy.

9. Charlotte Campbell daughter of Warren Campbell (son of James & Mary Campbell) and Sally Actkins Campbell - about 3 years of age.

10. Mary Sabnio Campbell wife of James Campbell, mother of Diana Parr and Warren Campbell. Died Jan 2, 1885 - age 84 years.

11. Charles Meyers – an old German sailor lived for 15 years or longer with Solomon Parr and Diana Parr. Worked doing chores and he knitted all his socks. He was liked and loved by the family. He was about 80 years and died one week after the death of Grandma Mary Campbell.

12. Mary (Mamie) Parr youngest daughter of Diana Campbell Parr and Solomon Parr. Died Aug. 1886 – 5 years old. Died from whooping cough.

13. Charles Munson – 5 years old “croup”. Son of Julia Parr Munson and

Thad Munson. Died at Dollar Point (now Texas City). Brought the body down to Campbell’s Bayou by sailboat. - grandson of Diana Parr and Solomon Parr.

14. Rundle McNeel – about 2 years old. Son of Shelby McNell Sr.

15. Shelby McNeel Sr. about 50 years of Highland now LaMarque. Died of T.B.

16. a Mr. Niles about 70 years - he and son came in a covered wagon and camped in a large house. 2 large rooms and hall on SwansLake. Son went back from where they came. Del Rio.

17.Mrs. Phebe Rutglis about 35 – mother of 4 small children. Diana Campbell Parr and daughter Jennie Parr nursed her until she died.

18. Mr. Hayford Sr. lived several years at and around Campbell’s Bayou. Died and bured at Campbell’s Bayou. Wife and 3 sons lived a few years longer. Wife lost her life at MosesLake in the 1900 Storm. She was living with her youngest son. He was carrying his mother, Mrs. Haygood, in his arms upstairs to get out of the high water and a big wave swept the stair way and he lost his hold on her. She drown and he managed to save his self. Her body was never found.

19. about 1889 – 2 babies infants of T. J. Dick and Lelia Dick.

20. adopted baby boy Mike – of Mike Toohey and Sallie Parr Toohey daughter of Diana Campbell and Solomon Parr. Baby about6 months old.

21. two babies of john and Miline Gordy 6 months and one years old.

22. Benjamin Dick son of James and Amanda Dick brother of Lee Dick. Wife was eldest girl of the late Phebe Rudglis-Annie. Benjamin Dicks body was brought over by sail boat form old home “Lone Oak” in ChambersCounty. Dick died from shotgun wounds and was reburied I Campbell’s BayouCemetery year 1890.

21. Shelby McNeel Jr. killed on work on railroad at VirginiaPoint and buried by his father S. McNeel Sr. and small brother Rundles.

22. Infant Leone Dick, twin daughter of Mabel Parr Dick (daughter of Diana Campbell Parr & Solomon Parr) and Lee Dick born aug. 16- 1895. 36 hrs. old.

23. infant baby boy of Josephine Parr Gordy daughter of Diana Campbell Parr and Solomon Parr and Joe Gordy.

24. Baby girl about two years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thedo. Dorsett year 1897.

25. Grace Dick, daughter of Laura and Jeff Dick last to be buried in the CampbellCemetery about 1904. she was about three or 4 years old.

Infant Baby of sue and Jeff Dick year 1892

Infant baby boy of William Parr and Lelia Nelson Parr year about 1886.

Infant baby of James Gordy and Bell Nelson Gordy about year of 1886