ANTH 244 Old World Prehistory

Renee B. Walker

Fall 2008Exam 1


True/False (2 points each)

1. Context is unimportant for understanding the overall development of human history.

A) TrueB) False

2. Ecofacts are objects used, but not modified by humans.

A) True B) False

3. Like other early hominids, Homo erectus only lived in Africa.

A) TrueB) False

4. Most early hominid sites are dated with the Potassium-Argon technique.

A) TrueB) False

5. Robust early hominids (Paranthropus) may have been our earliest common ancestor.

A) TrueB) False

6. Modern Homo sapiens is the only hominid species with a chin.

A) TrueB) False

7. Cut marks on the human bones at the site of Gran Dolina, Spain, indicate Homo antecessor was defleshing the bodies after death.

A) TrueB) False

8. The art from Altamira cave mostly consists of Bison images.

A) TrueB) False

9. Neanderthals are the only other hominid with a chin.

A) TrueB) False

10. The type specimen for Australopithecus afarensis is “Lucy”.

A) TrueB) False

Short Answer (Answer 6 of the following, 5 points each). About 2-4 sentences for each.

  1. Name and briefly define the goals of rnodern archaeology.
  2. What does “Man the Hunter” mean?
  3. What does “Mostly” Out of Africa refer to?
  4. Homo ergaster was defined as a new species for what reason?
  5. What is the significance of Venus figurines?
  6. Describe the Narikatome skeleton.
  7. Name three innovations developed by H. erectus.

Essay (Answer five of the following, 10 points each). About one half to one page for each response (single spaced).

  1. What is the Multi-regional model of modern human evolution?
  1. What was the first characteristic that separated our human ancestors from their Miocene ape counterparts? What are the theories behind the development of this characteristic?
  1. What was Raymond Dart’s “Osteodontokeratic Culture”? How did C.K. Brain disprove it?
  1. Describe the specimen that suggests Neanderthals and modern humans interbred. Why is this specimen so important?
  1. What is the replacement model of human evolution?
  1. Why are the Neanderthal specimens of Shanidar and La Chapelle-Aux-Saints so significant? What do they tell us about Neanderthal behavior?
  1. Describe 2 of the three cave art sites discussed in class. What does the cave art tell us about early modern human behavior?