Study Guide for Benchmark 2 (2012)

Choose the correct pronoun to go in the blank.

1.  It's (my, mine, I, me) duty to clean my room every day.

2.  I waited to receive a letter from the college to see if they would admit (my, mine, I, me).

3.  She wanted to wear her pink sweater, but she could not find (her, she, it)

4.  If you want to pass the class, (a person, they, we, you) will have to study.

5.  John, Tom, and Tim had a practice for (them, their, his, he) team.

Study the following spelling words:











Circle the appositive in each sentence.

1.  The teacher, Mrs. Elkins, is having a baby soon.

2.  The student, Johnny, made a 100 on his test.

3.  The book, Maniac Magee, is a very interesting novel.

4.  The school, Thomas County Middle, is a very big school.

Write these sentences correctly, using correct punctuation and capitalization.

1.  I love thanksgiving said mrs Johnson

2.  She was so excited to take a trip to new York

3.  We wanted to camp in yosemite national park

4.  My daughter katie loves to play tennis

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb to be.

1.  We ______ready to go.

2.  I______stronger than the wind.

3.  ______you afraid of the dark?

4.  There ______a lot of cookies in the jar.

5.  There______a large raccoon in the yard.

The prefix dis- means not and the prefix mis- means wrong.

Match the following words to their meanings.

_____ / disconnect / 1) to fail to understand correctly
_____ / misjudge / 2) to pass out of sight
_____ / disappear / 3) to print incorrectly
_____ / mislaid / 4) to judge wrongly or unfairly
_____ / disagree / 5) to lead in the wrong direction
_____ / mislead / 6) to fail to agree
_____ / discover / 7) to place or put down incorrectly
_____ / misprint / 8) to fail to satisfy the hopes or expectations of
_____ / disloyal / 9) to break or undo the connection of
_____ / mismatch / 10) not loyal or faithful
_____ / displace / 11) bad luck
_____ / misspell / 12) to move from its usual or proper place
_____ / disgrace / 13) to pronounce badly or incorrectly
_____ / mistreat / 14) to treat wrongly or badly
_____ / distrust / 15) to match badly or unsuitably
_____ / misfortune / 16) a lack of trust or confidence
_____ / disappoint / 17) loss of honor respect or reputation shame
_____ / mispronounce / 18) to be the first to find learn of or observe
_____ / dishonest / 19) not honest
_____ / misunderstand / 20) to spell incorrectly

Complete the following analogies

1. Open is to close as near is to ______.

(far, close, shut)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ______.

( synonyms, antonyms)

2. Soft is to loud as slow is to ______.

(quiet, quick, sluggish)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ______.

( synonyms, antonyms)

3. Little is to small as large is to ______.

( tiny, huge, medium)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ______.

(synonyms, antonyms)

4. Smart is to intelligent as sly is to ______.

(sneaky, dumb, genius)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ______.

(synonyms, antonyms)

5. Dishonest is to honest as always is to ______.

(usually, never, sometimes)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ______.

(synonyms, antonyms)

Answer the following questions on encyclopedias.

1. If using an encyclopedia, what entry word would Sarah look up to read about the Civil War?

a. Civil
b. War
c. Civil War
d. fighting

2. If using an encyclopedia, what entry word would Elizabeth look up to discover what kind of
education is required to become a teacher?
a. jobs
b. teaching
c. money
d. college

Study the dictionary entry.

1. Which definition BEST fits the use of the word in the sentence below?

The delegates of this Congress decided that if Great Britain did not change some of their
“intolerable” laws, the colonists would refuse to trade with them.

a.  definition 1

b.  definition 2

c.  definition 3

d.  none of the above

2. Read the sentence and answer the question below.

Great Britain felt otherwise, and as a result, tension between the two sides began to mount.

What does the word mount mean, as it is used in this sentence?

a.  increase

b.  a base or stand used for support

c.  get on

d.  a large hill

Use the following Table of Contents to answer the following questions.

1. According to the Table of Contents, what page does the chapter, “To Move to St. George” start on?

a.  Chapter 2

b.  page 38

c.  Chapter 15

d.  page 211

2. According to the Table of Contents, what is the title of Chapter 13?

a.  “Early Years at IU”

b.  “Beginning Retirement”

c.  “My Work at Rath”

d.  “Community Activities”

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

1. Alex shivered and snuggled into the blankets. She rolled over and closed her eyes, but she couldn’t fall asleep. Something had made a noise somewhere in the house. The sounds were barely audible – a faint noise like fingernails scratching a chalkboard, followed by tiny footsteps. Alex sat up in bed, her heart beating fast. She knew that her parents were fast asleep. If she woke them up, they probably would tell her it was just the wind. So again she tried to fall asleep, but it was no use. Alex was up late wondering about the sounds.
2. The next day at school during lunch, she told her friends what she had heard.
3. “Do you think it was a prowler?” asked Eliza.
4. “I bet it was a ghost!” said Miko. “That’s so cool!”
5. “I don’t know what it was,” Alex said, “but it sure was weird. And I’m going to need your help to figure it out. Her friends nodded their heads in agreement. “Emergency sleepover at my house tonight,” Alex said. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this mystery.”
6. That night Eliza, Miko, Becky, Sarah, and Olivia came to Alex’s house. The girls had a taco dinner together and watched a movie. Afterward, it was time to go up to Alex’s room and get ready for bed. When they all were finally lying down, the girls became quiet and listened. They heard nothing for a long, long time. Miko declared that she was bored. Just then, they heard a scratch. Scratch, scratch, scratch. The girls listened closely and then made a plan to explore the house in pairs. That way no one would have to be alone.
7. Becky and Eliza carried a flashlight into the cold, dark basement. Sarah and Olivia searched the attic. Miko and Alex started in the living room. They were the first to hear the scratching sounds again. Miko almost screamed, but Alex clamped her hand over Miko’s mouth. “Shhhh,” she said. Then they heard tiny footsteps.
8. “We’re being followed!” said Miko. Alex shushed her again. They heard what sounded like soft voices. Miko’s eyes grew wide.
9. “OK, I’ve had enough of this,” said Alex as she flipped on the light. The two girls stopped in their tracks.
10. There on the table were two squirrels, eating leftover corn chips from the girls’ dinner. Miko and Alex looked at each other. Then they burst into nervous laughter. “Well,” said Alex, “there’s our ghost!”

Look at each number in parentheses. Find the paragraph in the story with the same number. Then find the word that fits the given meaning. Choose the correct word.

1. able to be heard (1)

a.  shivered

b.  snuggled

c.  scratching

d.  audible

2. explained (6)

a.  listened

b.  explore

c.  heard

d.  declared