ISA 2009 Second Announcement

The 4-th International Sea-Buckthorn Association Conference (ISA 2009)


On The Way Between Science

and Industry Interaction

Belokuriha, Russia September 1-6, 2009

Organized by

International Seabuckthorn Association (ISA)

Administration of Altai Territory

Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia

Dear colleagues!

At the days of difficult economic and financial situation all over the world we are glad to inform you that the Fourth International Seabuckthorn Association Conference will take place in Belokuriha at Altai according to the previous decisions. Russia has been chosen as host of ISA 2009 and it is a great honor and responsibility for us. We are glad to invite the world-known experts involved in cultivation, processing and pharmacology researches, as well as companies engaged in SBT business. We would like to remind to everyone the previous meetings in Berlin, Beijing and Quebec which have shown us a superb organization and wide interest to seabuckthorn from many countries of Europe, Asia and America.

Altai territory was not casually chosen as a place of the next meeting. This is the place where wide researches on seabuckthorn have been carried out for the first time. Nowadays the achievements of the Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia are known far beyond of its territory. But not only scientific and research activity are there at Altai. This is the leading region in Russia on producing and processing of seabuckthorn. The main SBT plantations and processing enterprises are concentrated there.

We convinced that now is exact time for wide cooperation, mutual support and reciprocal involvement of business and scientific community. That is why we proclaim the next conference as “Seabuckthorn – on the way between Science and Industry interaction”.

We hope to meet the delegates from all over the world. We believe that following the Chinese colleagues – the world leaders in seabuckthorn cultivation, the Mongolian friends where SBT industry is rapidly developing will join the Conference. The representatives of the European and Scandinavian countries where substantial contribution to the biochemistry and processing of seabuckthorn have been done, the Indian experts studying the pharmacological value of culture, as well as our friends from Canada and the USA will attend the conference also.

We are looking forward to meet pioneers in seabuckthorn researches from Japan, Korea, South America and Middle East countries.

This meeting should become a revival of scale works on sea-buckthorn which were carried out in the former Soviet Union in 70-80-s. We are waiting for colleagues from near abroad - the Central Asia and the Baltic countries.

On behalf of Organizing Committee of the 4-th International Seabuckthorn Association Conference I would like to invite you to attend the Conference. We believe that it will be perfect opportunity for experience exchange as well as new friends and colleagues meeting.

Vladimir Usenko

Co-Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee of ISA2009 Conference

Director of the Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia,

Doctor of sciences, Professor.

Common information

Honorary Chairman:

Yuanlin Tai, President of ISA, Director of China Administration Centre for Seabuckthorn
Development,the Ministry of Water Resources, CHINA

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)


Boris Neudahin Vice governor on Horticulture of Altai Territory


Vladimir I. Usenko

Director of the Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia, Barnaul, Russia

Vice Chairman:

Yury A. Zubarev

Deputy Director of the Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia, Barnaul, Russia

Academic Committee


Heikki Kallio, Turku University, Finland

Vice Chairmen:

Jianzhong Hu,Deputy Secretary of ISA, Division Chief of China Administration CentreforSeabuckthornDevelopment,the Ministry of Water Resources, CHINA

Yury A. Zubarev, The Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia, RUSSIA


Elizaveta I. Panteleeva (Breeding/Genetics) Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia, Barnaul, Russia

Natalia A. Demidova (Cultivation/Plantation) Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources, Russia

Oleg Tolkachev (Medicinal/Nutritional aspects) All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia

Gennadiy M. Skuridin (Biochemistry/Analysis) Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia

Prof. Rongsen Lu (Breeding/Genetics) Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Science, China

Dr. Joerg-Thomas Moersel (Chemistry/Analysis) Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Mr. R C Sawhney (Medicinal/Nutritional aspects) Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, INDIA

Dr.Virendra Singh (Cultivation/Plantation) Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, India

Dr.Alphonsus Utioh (Technology/Processing), Food Development Centre Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, Canada

Dr.Yang Baoru (Product Development/Marketing) Aromtech Ltd, Finland

Prof. Shunguang Lu (Environment/Soil and water conservation/Animal), China Monitoring Center for Soil and Water Conservation,the Ministry of Water Resources, CHINA


General Calendar of Events

March 31, 2009 / Deadline for abstract submission
June 30, 2009 / Deadline for registration submission and tour reservation.
July 15, 2009 / Deadline for full paper.
September 1-6, 2009 / Conference
September 1, 2009 / Registration & Accommodation, Evening cocktail
September 2, 2009 / Opening Ceremony, Keynote Speeches,
Invited Speech and Technical Session
September 3, 2009 / Invited Speech and Technical Session
September 4, 2009 / Invited Speech and Technical Session, ISA board meeting, Closing Ceremony, Reception
September 5, 2009 / Conference Technical Visits
September 6, 2009 / Post-conference tours

Central Theme of the Conference

”Seabuckthorn on the way between Science and Industry Interaction”

Objectives of the Conference

to share, exchange and update findings and progress of seabuckthorn research

to promote new knowledge about the health function of seabuckthorn

to show new technologies of high quality seabuckthorn product development

to develop long term strategies and partnership for scientific and commercial co-operation on seabuckthorn

Main Themes of the Conference

gene resources utilization and breeding of seabuckthorn

plantation and horticulture technologies of seabuckthorn

nutritional and medical application of seabuckthorn

processing and marketing of seabuckthorn

seabuckthorn in soil conservation

international co-operation on seabuckthorn

Conference Language

The official language of the Conference will be English. Consecutive translation is planning.


The academic part of the Conference will take place in Belokuriha. But the venue is occupied also Barnaul and Novosibirsk.


The average air temperature at the beginning of September at Altai region is range between +15…+25 °C and only sometimes it can be rather cold. Guests are kindly suggested to have some warm clothes like sweaters and jackets. Sunshine largely predominates, but rain may occur.


Local time differs from Moscow by +3 hours, i.e. Greenwich Mean Time +6 hours.


220 volts, 50 Hz, 2 pin round plugs.

Currency and banking:

There are a lot of local banks and branches of Moscow banks in Novosibirsk and Barnaul. Some of them are there in Belokuriha. You can exchange foreign currency in cash for Russian roubles in numerous exchange offices in airports, hotels, post offices and supermarkets. Hotels in Belokuriha are equipped by cash machine.


The department stores are generally open from 9.00 am or 10.00 am to 7.00 pm for a whole week. There food stores are mostly from 8.00 am to – 9.00 pm 7 days a week. Some of them are 24-hours open.

Preliminary prices for accommodation in Belokuriha hotels

Services / Unit / Price, roubles
Double room first class (one place) / Per day / 1300
Double room second class (one place) / Per day / 1070
Double room third class (one place) / Per day / 440
Single room first class / Per day / 2340
Single room second class / Per day / 1915
Suite first class single / Per day / 3895
Suite first class double (one place) / Per day / 3095
Suite second class single / Per day / 4285
Suite second class double (one place) / Per day / 2600
Luxury suite single / Per day / 10970
Luxury suite double (one place) / Per day / 7050
Reservation / % / 5
Buffet / 3 times per day / 950
Buffet luxury / 3 times per day / 1430
Ordered menu / 3 times per day / 715

For more details about Novosibirsk, please, see on the web-page:

For more details about Barnaul, please, see on the web-page:

For more details about Belokuriha, please, see on the web-page:


Dear participants, we should like to inform you that the Shuttle buses Barnaul-Belokurikha are organized by Local Committee. The departure time is 1-st of September (morning) from the hotels “Barnaul”, “Centralnaya” (Barnaul city).

For temporary accommodation in Barnaul:

From Railway station and Shuttle-Bus station "Barnaul":

The most common bus which can get you to the Hotel “Centralnaya” as well as to Lisavenko Institute is No 55. The bus stop is located at the station square. It will take you no more than 15 and 30 minutes respectively.

Hotel “Barnaul” is located not far from both stations, so you can get it by walk.

From airport “Barnaul”

You arrived to the airport Barnaul according to the schedule:

Near the Airport take the bus No 110 to reach hotels “Barnaul” and “Centralnaya”, or fixed-run taxi No 144 to reach hotel “Centralnaya”. It will take you approximately 40 and 50 minutes respectively.

For straight traveling to Belokurikha:

From airport “Barnaul”

If you are not planning to stay at Barnaul and going to go to Belokurikha immediately take the bus N 110 or fixed-run taxi No 115 to reach the Shuttle-Bus station “Barnaul”. It will take you approximately 40 and 50 minutes respectively.

From Railway station and Shuttle-Bus station "Barnaul":

The shuttle buses’ departure time from Barnaul to Belokurikha as follow:

Destination / Departure time* / Qt seats
Belokuriha / 11:00 / 35
13:40 / 20
15:40 / 43
17:30 / 35
20:15 / 13

* - Departure time could be changed.

(The traveling will takes you about four hours)

For temporary accommodation in Novosibirsk:

From airport “Tolmachevo” (Novosibirsk)

You arrive to the international terminal of airport Tolmachevo according to the schedule of international flights:

You arrived to the domestic terminal of airport Tolmachevo according to the schedule of domestic flights:

To get the Hotel “Novosibirsk” as well as Railway station “Novosibirsk Glavniy” (for traveling to Barnaul) you need to take a bus No 111e, 122, 722 or fixed-run taxi No. 1122. Bus stop is in front of the airport buildings (Both terminals are alongside).


You can take a lot of taxi in Barnaul:

333-666, 360-360, 40-40-40, 666-666, 333-333.

29-96-96 – taxi-airport

Taxi fee from Airport to Hotel “Centralnaya” is about 10 US $.

Useful expressions:

Hallo! Zdravstvuyte!

Where is the bus stop? Gde avtobusnaya ostanovka?

How can I get “Centralnaya” (“Barnaul”) hotel? Kak ya mogu doehat do gostinitsi “Centralnaya” (“Barnaul”)?


Conference registration fee rates are as follows:

- 350 $ US for commercial participants;

- 250 $ US for the scientific participants who have no Russian citizenship;

- 150 $ US for the scientific participants from Russia;

- 100 $ US for accompanying persons.

The Conference registration fee is to be paid in cash in rubbles according to the current exchange rate at the registration desk.

Commercial participant* registration fee includes attendance at all scientific program events and displaying their advertising material.

- transfer from Barnaul to Belokuriha;

- attendance at the Opening Ceremony;

- attendance at all sessions;

- presentation of advertising material;

- conference banquet;

- conference bag with the conference program, abstract volumes, stationery, etc;

- morning and afternoon tea/coffee;

- audio-visual equipment;

- meeting room rental fees;

- attendance at the mid-conference tour (technical visits);

- name badge.

* For commercial participant the flexible sponsorship proposal is offered.

Scientific participant registration fee includes attendance at all scientific program events:

- transfer from Barnaul to Belokuriha;

- attendance at the Opening Ceremony;

- attendance at all sessions;

- attendance at the mid-conference tour (technical visits);

- conference banquet;

- conference bag with the conference program, abstract volumes, stationery, etc;

- morning and afternoon tea/coffee;

- audio-visual equipment hire;

- name badge.

Accompanying person registration fee includes:

- transfer from Barnaul to Belokuriha;

- conference banquet;

- attendance at the mid-conference tour (technical visits);

- name badge.

The registration fee does not include the cost of accommodation, meals, and post conference tours.


Deadline for Abstract Submission is March, 31.

Abstracts should be sending to the Secretariat at the following e-mail:

, or

Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors no latter than May 31, 2009. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed, and all accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Proceedings will be issued as print or CD version after the conference.

Full papers should be sent to Secretariat via any of the previous e-mail addresses before July 15, 2009.

The Academic Committee has the right to reject the abstracts that will come after the deadline or is prepared against the rules.

Abstracts must be written in English and not exceed 1 page, being A4 format using 12-point Times New Roman font. Text should be single-spaced with 3 cm from the left margin and 2 cm from other margins and justified.

The title should be centered typed in bold capital letters (14-point Times New Roman font)

SEABUCKTHORN on the way between Science

and Industry Interaction

Separate title from names of authors by one blank line.

Authors' surnames and names should be centered typed in the separate line in bold Italics, and the family name should follow first name.

Yury A. Zubarev1, Joerg-Thomas Moersel2

In the next centered lines, the institutional affiliation(s), city, country of authors should be given as well as any additional information. E-mail address of the author should be in the next line.

1LRIHS Zmeinogorskiy Tract 49, 656045 Barnaul, Russia

2TU Berlin Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany

Separate names of authors from the text below by one blank line.

Free style of text presentation is acceptable.

Key words are lined at the end with 6-8 words at maximum.

Poster Presentations

Poster presentation should include:

- Title

- Name of authors

- Abstracts

- Subject, i.e. research objective

- Experimental materials and methodology

- Key conclusions

- Major references

Each poster presenter will be provided with one board of each being 90 cm by 120 cm for displaying.

Contact the LOC

Dear participants, for any information or assistance, please contact the LOC by e-mail: , . We will be pleased to answer you as soon as possible.

Pre-registration form and any additional information you will find on the webpage:

In case of high importance call 8906943 4024 (Zubarev Yury)