EDN 301


1.  Without any aides, the learner will be able to write the definition of adaptation with 100% accuracy. Cognitive Domain, Verbal Information Step #1 in goal analyses

2.  After seeing slides of the three types of adaptations (coloration, body structure, and instinctive behavior), the learner will be able to discriminate and identify each slide according to its type. Cognitive, Intellectual Skill, Concept. Step #2 in goal analyses

3.  Having played a game using a variety of colored pieces of paper, the learner will explain that it is more difficult to pick up certain colors from the green grass by orally answering the teacher’s questions with 100% accuracy. Cognitive Domain, Intellectual Skill, Concept Step #3 in goal analyses

4.  Having played the game described in #3 and given 4 pictures of animals that are green, brown and white, the learner will be able to apply the concept of camouflage and describe the environment where it would be protected by drawing colored pictures of the animals’ environments with 100% accuracy . The students will have 4 correct responses. Cognitive, Intellectual Skill, Rule learning. Step #3 in goal analyses

5.  Having read about camouflage, the student will be able to use a magnifying glass correctly and observe a chameleon change color to match its environment by following the steps for using a magnifying glass outlined in the text. Psychomotor Step #4 in goal analyses

6.  Given 5 pictures of birds’ beaks, the learner will be able to identify them according to their use (seed crushing, insect boring etc.) by completing a worksheet where students match types of beaks with the type of food the birds eat. They should be able to complete this worksheet with no more than 2 errors. Cognitive, Intellectual Skill, concept. Step #5 in goal analyses

7.  Having made a spider web out of yarn and tape, the learner will be able to determine three attributes of the web (sticky, strong, and difficult to see) that they observed that helped the spider catch its prey by writing the conclusions drawn from the activity in their science notebooks. They should be able to write about 2 of the 3 attributes in their science notebooks. Cognitive, Intellectual Skill, Problem Solving Step #6 in goal analyses

8.  After participating in a web making activity, students will be able to explain to their partner how the instinctive behavior of building webs is a type of adaptation with 90% accuracy. Cognitive, Intellectual Skills, Rule learning. Step #6 in goal analyses

9.  Using yarn, tape and directions, students will be able to construct a web as shown in the textbook with no more than 2 errors. Psychomotor Step #6 in goal analyses

10.  Having discussed in class and read about the three different types of adaptations (coloration, body structure, and instinctive behavior) and given a variety of materials (glue, crayons, paper, scissors, ribbon, buttons, paint, paper bags, and natural materials, such as twigs, leaves, berries), the student will be able to apply the rules of adaptation by creating an imaginary animal and writing about its adaptations. Each type of adaptation covered in class should be described accurately. Cognitive, Intellectual Skills, Problem Solving Step #7 in goal analyses

11.  Having created their imaginary animals, the learners will be able to present their animal’s adaptations to the class by explaining all three adaptations accurately. Psychomotor #8 in goal analyses

12.  In their free time with access to the library and the internet, students will choose to read how other animals adapt to their environments. The students will share with the class at least 3 new animals and their adaptations. Affective Step #9 in goal analyses

13.  Having built the spider web, the students will show appreciation for the complex skills spiders possess by using words such as “Wow”, and “Cool” at least once as they share adaptations they discovered.. Affective Step #9 in goal analyses