Social Studies Book Assessment

Please choose one of the following to complete for the project. Choose an option that best accommodates your strengths (good writer, artist, etc.).

1.  Newspaper Summary- Create a newspaper front page with a newspaper title, three main articles (main event summaries from the beginning, middle, & end of the novel), a title for each main article, and at least one picture. The newspaper should be at least 5 colors and each main article should be at least 3 paragraphs (15 sentences minimum). It should be in pencil and then should be traced with colored pencils or markers.

2.  Story on a Rope-Write a summary of the story with a different ending. The summary should be at least 8 paragraphs (minimum of 40 sentences). The summary section should be a maximum of the first 4 paragraphs and the different ending section should be at least the last 4 paragraphs. Include a title for the summary with a different ending.

3.  Story From A Different Perspective (Point of View)- Rewrite a summary of the book from a different perspective. It must be from the perspective of something already in the book (a character or object). It should be at least 8 paragraphs (40 sentences). The summary should appear much different from the original summary, such as having different emotions about events in the book. Include a title for the summary from a different perspective.

4.  Comic Book Strip- Create a comic book strip of the characters and events in the book. There should be at least 10 pictures in sequential order and there should be a minimum 4 -sentence summary of the events at the bottom of each comic book strip picture. The comic book strip should be hand-drawn and colored at least 5 colors.

5.  Powerpoint- Create a power point with one slide per chapter, a title slide, and a closing slide. Include a 4 sentence summary of each chapter. Also, provide at least 10 pictures that are relevant to the story. In the closing page, explain how this book might assist someone in understanding the history of your country or time period.

6.  Visual Metaphor- Create a visual metaphor of characters, settings, or events in the novel. There should be 10 metaphors with a prevailing central theme. It should be at least 5 colors and on poster board.

7.  Recreating Scenes- Using 3 main events from the novel (one from the beginning, one from the middle, & one from the end), write three mini-skits that will be performed in class or recorded outside of school. The scenes should be performed with costumes and props. The people performing the skit will NOT be able to count this as their project. Each mini-skit should be at least 1-2 minutes long (so, it should be at least 5 minutes in total length & have at least 5 total script pages).

8.  Puppet Variation- Same as in number 7, but use puppets.

9.  Cereal Box Option-See additional sheet with information.