Industrial Revolution Quiz Study Guide- 30 points

Format of the Quiz

  • Matching- 15 points
  • Multiple Choice- 10 points
  • True/False- 5 points


  • All Industrial Revolution Notes
  • Pgs 283-304 in the textbook
  • Kahoot!

Terms to Know:

  • Industrial Revolution-
  • Industrialization-
  • Urbanization-
  • Laissez-faire-
  • Capitalism-
  • Utilitarianism-
  • Socialism-
  • Capitalism-
  • The Cotton Gin-
  • The Steam Engine-
  • The Clermont-

People to Know:

Adam Smith-

Karl Marx-

Jeremy Bentham-

Frederich Engels-

Eli Whitney-

Robert Fulton-

James Watt-

Questions to Consider:

What were conditions in the cities like during the Industrial Revolution?

Conditions were poor due the fact that there was not enough room to accommodate all of the people moving to the city. The overcrowding caused the spread of disease, and the pileup of waste and garbage.

Why did people start moving from the countryside to the cities?

People found out that they could be paid more working in the factories, than they were making tending to farms.

Why was the mining industry unsafe?

Mines were prone to collapses, had toxic fumes, and flooded. Working in mines had immediate dangers and risk for long term illnesses from the fumes.

What was a positive result of the emergence of factories?

A positive result of the emergence of factories was that increase of production, and the creation of more jobs in the factories, on railroads, ect.

What kind of conditions did child laborers have to endure while working in the factories and mines?

Child laborers had to work long hours with minimal breaks almost every day of the week. They also risked illness, and their safety working in close confines on machines that were dangerous to operate.

What are the three natural laws of economics that Adam Smith talks about in The Wealth of Nations?

•The law of self-interest- People work for their own good

•The law of competition- Competition forces people to make a better product

•The law of supply and demand- Enough goods would be produced at the lowest possible price to meet demand in a market economy

In the communist system, there is common ownership of ______.

All means of production