Therapeutic Taping for the Rehabilitation Professional

This course has been condensed to a one-day, content full taping course for taping for the entire body utilizing the most current evidence based practice and integration of all types of taping including Kinesio, Mulligan, McConnell and athletic taping techniques. It is designed for the practicing therapist. We use a variety of teaching styles including two presenters, slide show, demonstration and practice for every technique to appeal to all types of learners.

This is what our previous course attendees have to say about the course:

“Course was well organized with the right amount of lecture and lab. Excellent speakers, both obviously have extensive clinical knowledge & experience and had a very down-to-earth, hands-on approach which is refreshing”

“Speakers were clear, concise with good levity. Lecture and demonstration well presented. Gave a good overview of perspectives and objectives. Well organized, packed with info”

“Great! Lots of fun. You both are good together. Liked the relaxed atmosphere. Totally impressed with both of you. Great course!”

“Excellent clinical knowledge and application. Well-organized, appropriate demonstration and practice time”

“The course was one of the best I’ve been to!”

“Good drawing in where people work and taping for that setting. Site specific examples of when to use tape as it stimulates lateral thinking.”

“Liked two presenters, styles kept it interesting. Well organized, good flow of information from evidence to demonstration to application. Excellent review of studies, up to date”

“Entertaining, easy to learn from, easy to understand content, slides and demonstration. Very organized. Breaks were long enough and stayed on schedule”

“Great content. Will be able to apply techniques tomorrow. Well organized, easy to understand”

“The speakers were very knowledgeable and presented in a concise and clear manner. They answered personalized questions fully and clearly”

“Well run, good amount of time to practice. Easy to listen to and receptive to questions”

“Well organized. Excellent speakers/educators. Nice stream-line of information”

“Instructors definitely know the material, great course content”

“Content was very appropriate, not too difficult, not too easy. Speakers were clear, funny, available and great with questions”

“Good energy. A lot of information combing taping with intervention examples”

“Speakers were great! Very energetic and knowledgeable”

“Informative and entertaining”

“Well organized and able to easily follow with presentation broken down into joints and body segments. Well prepared and easily organized for a person with very little kinesiotaping background to follow”

“Entertaining, easy to learn from. Easy to understand content, slides & demonstration”

“Well organized, friendly environment. Excellent demonstration of taping techniques”

“Great energy of speakers, good current information”

“I appreciated the encouragement to clinically problem solve and customize treatment to the patient”

“Well organized by body region – lecture, demonstration then practice – great reinforcement. Excellent knowledge base, evidence base and lab component”

“Great material. Lots of content communicated well”

“Speakers know the information and project well. Nice organization, efficient”

“Well organized, efficient. Well-paced, cover a lot in one day”

“Well-done! Thorough and easy to follow”

“Great, easy going presentation. Good organization”

“Many courses only show “their side”, this course was even handed. Great course – Thank You!!!”

“Information presented was very informative, well supported with Evidence Based Practice”

“Course was very informative and I feel I have clear knowledge supporting taping techniques”

“Great job – really enjoyed it!”

“I liked that there were two presenters – they each had their own unique ways of presenting keeping us entertained and offering practical skills. The content was practical and useful”

“I really liked the one day format. Presenters were very knowledgeable and helpful. Would recommend!”

“Interesting, informative, useful – I’m glad I experienced this. Thank You.”

“Speakers were knowledgeable with great hands on session.”

“It was a great course and very helpful, I am happy I took this course!”

“Enjoyed the course and will be using many of the techniques in my private practice”

“The seminar was very informative and useful”

“Instructors were proficient, skillful and knowledgeable”

“Well done, good pace. Knowledgeable and enjoyable”