CATA High School

Peer Tutor Contract 2016/17

Teacher: ______Selected Student: ______

Peer Tutors serve to assist with instruction in the classroom at CATA High School as requested by the teacher and approved by the Principal.

I understand that I was selected to be a Peer Tutor based on excellent grades in the course I will be tutoring in, the ability to help students understand the content, a good discipline record, a record of dependability and honesty, and a good work ethic.

I also understand the importance of setting a good example as a Peer Tutor. Therefore I will follow the following guidelines:

  1. I will pay attention to the lesson and will work with the students, as instructed by the teacher, in order to increase learning. (For ex. if the teacher asks me to take notes and post my notes for student reference, I will complete the task).
  2. Maintaining excellent attendance.
  3. I will work to support learning, but I will not assist students in cheating by providing them with answers or an unfair advantage.
  4. I will comply with the teacher’s directions cheerfully and promptly.
  5. I will arrive on time and will refrain from doing other classwork during the class period.
  6. I will maintain excellent behavior and have a good attitude.
  7. I will willingly help the classroom teacher with any task he/she deems necessary to assist in the classroom.

I also realize that I will be graded for the Peer Tutor class based on observations by the classroom teacher. I also understand that if I fail to do as stated in this contract that I will be removed from the Peer Tutor class immediately and assigned a class for which I will receive no credit.


I give my permission for my child to participate in the Peer Tutor program at CATA High School. I understand the conditions of this contract and as a parent will assist the school in ensuring that my child abides by this contract.


Parent SignatureDate


I accept the conditions of this contract and agree to abide by the rules as stated above.


Student SignatureDate


I accept the conditions of this contract and agree to abide by the rules as stated above.


Teacher SignatureDate