ASWSUE Meeting Fall 2015

Thursday, October 1, 2015

GWHRoom 105

06: 53 a.m. –07:45a.m.

  1. Call to order

Meeting called to order @ 6:53a.m.

  1. Roll call

Hayley Statema / President
Pedro Nunez / Vice President (Late)
Jeremy Canaria / Senior Senator (Late)
Sapphire Chan / Senior Senator
Andrew Crain / Senior Senator (Late)
Ben Duschene / Junior Senator
Hannah Lu Marie / Junior Senator
Michael Austin / Junior Senator
Wendy Hughes / DOLA (Late)
Cathy Wright / Advisor
  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

There were noprevious minutesto approve.

  1. Open issues
  2. Office hours
  • Hayley reminded Senators to use the accountability form to keep track of their office hours.
  1. Meetings
  • Executive Board decided to hold Senate Meeting weekly instead of bi-weekly.
  • The time and day for meeting might change in the future so that everyone would be able to attend the meeting on a weekly basis. Change of time and day is TBD.
  1. Orientation dinner
  • Most of the Junior Senators have met with Senior Senators.
  • Ben will meet with Pedro and Jeremy to learn more about his roles.
  1. Midterm Mornings
  • The event will be held from 10:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. on Oct 6th , 7th and 8th in GWHRoom 365.
  • Senators will be responsible for setting up the event at 10 a.m. and tearing down the event at 3:30p.m. The event set up and tear down schedule will be as follow:

Tuesday:Wendy & Hannah will in charge of set up; Hayley and Wendy will in charge of tear-down.

Wednesday:Andrew and Jeremy will in charge of set up; Hannah and Sapphire will in charge of tear down.

Thursday: Michael and Wendy will in charge of set up. Ben will in charge of tear down.

  • Wendy will bring toasters for the event, Hayley will bring coffee maker and creamer. Bangles and cream cheese, fruits (oranges, bananas, grapes) chips and salsa, juice and coffee will be served during the event.
  • Senators will be in charge of decoration for the event.During the event, ASWSUE will give out WSU swags items including pens and sunglasses to students.
  • The budget for the event is $150.
  1. New business
  1. Tardy policy – add to By-Laws
  • Hayley reminded Senators meeting attendance is mandatory. Senators can be removed from the Office for unexcused absence of three meetings.
  • Hayley made a motion to add a Tardy Policy to By-Laws. Jeremy seconded.
  • According to the Tardy Policy, if Senators or Executive Board members are late to the meeting for 10 minutes without notifying any of the Executive Board members in advance, they are considered to have an unexcused absence. Two unexcused tardies might lead to removal from the Office.
  • An excused absence or tardy is one in which the person who is late presents a reason for nonattendance to Executive members, by phone call, message or email.
  • Those who are late to meetings will be noted down for record purpose.
  • ASWSUE will use Blackboard Collaborate for online meeting in the future. Senate meeting might be held in Blackboard every other week.
  • Hayley will gather all the informationabout Blackboard Collaborate meeting by next week.
  1. Rules and Administration Committee By-Laws section 214.00
  • ASWSUE has to establish a Rules and Administration Committee. The committee should meet every week and Ben will be The Chair of the committee. Andrew and Pedro will be part of the committee.
  • Possible candidates for the committee could be a COM major student or an advising mentor whocan sit in on meeting.
  • According to the By-Laws, the duties of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee shall be:

Authority concerning referral, review and revision of the ASWSU By-Laws, and any further laws, codes, rules, or regulations affecting the governance of ASWSU;

To administer and coordinate all internal affairs of the Senate;

To set and adopt the Senate agendas;

To oversee the budget of the Senate.

  • Preferred by Winter Break
  • Engineering Club and Jeremy
  • Have a representative from the executive members of clubs to attend meetings.
  1. Registered Student Organization forms and process - By-Laws section 710.00
  • RSO forms have to be approved by Rules and Administration committee
  • Andrew did research onthe recognition process of student organizations. ASWSUE can use the recognition process of student organizations in ASWSU Vancouver as a reference.
  • Student organizations that seek recognition should file an application with the Association's Advisor andsend the application to the Rules and Administration committee for approval.
  1. Application for funds
  • Application for funds will be handled by ASWSUE Treasurer.
  • Fund applications has to be reviewed by Rules and Administration committee.
  1. Other business
  • ASWSUE has to establish a Senate Programing committee to ensure ongoing communications between each committee.
  • Senators can email Hayley by 7 p.m. before eachSenate meeting if they want to add something to the agenda.
  • Cierra will be sitting on meeting occasionally, career counseling hours, She will be the head of the Career Fair
  • Jeremy will email Hayley about student concerns.
  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 07:45 a.m. Next meeting will be on October 8, 2015 at 06:45 a.m.