Minutes of General Meeting Held at the Speed Dome, Eddie Baron Drv, Midvale on 8th December 2008.
Meeting Open at 7.40pm
Present: Name Position / Club
Board Steve Dixon President
Matt Butterworth Vice President
Lucille Truscott Secretary
Des MacCormack Officiating
Penny Ainger Marketing
Delegates Reg Ralph Southern Districts
Ric Curnow Rockingham
Lisa Hansen Southside
Mark Ewens Westside
Destry Schrock Hills
Allan Van Haeften-Brown Cockburn
Geoff Williams Wanneroo
Jeff Ashworth Peel
Visitors Bunny Lim Westside
Don Thomas Karratha
Debbie McCrellis Rockingham
Dianne Young Peel
Tania Wehr Office Administrator
Apologies: Martin Brown Events
Stephen Hopkins Track
Jade McPherson Coaching
4.0 Motion: That the minutes of the meeting held on 25th August 2008 be accepted as a true and correct record.
Moved: Westside
Seconded: Hills
Motion Carried.
Steve Dixon welcomes Matt Butterworth to the Board.
5.0 Business Arising from Previous Minutes
· Wildcard applications for the 2009 National Titles need to be submitted as soon as possible.
Delegates should ensure this is well advertised at clubs.
· Night Series – is going ok. Only average attendance.
6.0 Portfolio Reports
National Sign On Day Clubs should have dates set by now.
If clubs need any assistance with organising this event they should contact Penny.
National Titles Sponsors We are seeking sponsors for the 2009 National Titles.
If clubs have any contacts or can offer any assistance with securing sponsors then
they should get in contact with the office or Penny.
Officiating Firstly I would like to thank all the clubs that voted for me as Official of the Year for 2008, it
is really appreciated.
To all riders and Special Award recipients, congratulations on your achievements.
All officials that worked at the State Championships are to be thanked as well, they all acquitted themselves well to make the titles run smoothly. Congratulations to all riders for their efforts.
With Steve Dixon, we ran an officials course in Rockingham and 9 more people now have taken the next step on the ladder to accreditation.
Another course is going to be run in Geraldton on the weekend of the 10th and 11th January 09 and there are talks with another one to be run in Cowaramup, so a lot of people and clubs are getting up to speed with officials.
A reminder to all that the ARA rule book has been streamlined and a lot of the rules that mirrored the UCI rule book were deleted.
This means that if the rule you are interested in is not in the ARA book then the rule in the UCI rule book applies.
Please also remember that the number plate colours have changed for ELITE and EXPERT classes.
Elite will now ride with a White plate and Expert will now ride with a Yellow one. This rule applies now, so could you please let clubs know so they can implement this before the next Super Series.
On behalf of myself and my family I wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Des MacCormack
President Super Series structure changes.
In keeping with the developments undertaken over the past 4 years with regards to Super Series, for the 2009 Super Series, BMX Sports WA will Trial an ONLINE Nomination, secure pay with Credit Card and all responsibilities for entries, rego, prize monies etc in regard to the running of a Super Series event.
In previous years there has been some confusion with registrations ie incorrect classes being formed incorrect entries incorrect registrations etc leading to some confusion and some disorganisation of this our premier series.
For 2009 the Host Club will be:
· Paid an $800 fee towards the use of their facility. This fee will be payable to both City and Country Super Series hosts and as such will aid the less subscribed country clubs to be more profitable.
· Will no longer be required to accept nominations, set classes or carry out any of the administrative burden associated with the running of a Super Series event.
· Only requirement is that the Host Club will be responsible for the supply of First Aid.
· For all 2009 Super Series events BMX Sports WA will be offering a pay online entry nomination form with secure credit card payment facility to help this process run smoother.
· There will be an increase of approximately 10% on all entries online with the CPI. This increase is yet to be finalised.
· Hard copy entries will still be available with all nominations being directed to the State Office.
· Another major change to the 2009 series will be the removal of A and AA and the move to a 14+ Pro Open class. This class will run exactly as the night series with 2 finals on the day, a main and consolation.
However they will remain as a 3 final, final.
· The free ride promotion for all new riders will still apply.
Secretary 2008 Super Series and Special Awards Presentation Night.
v Again we held the 2008 Awards presentations at The Great Escape, Hillarys Boat Harbour on the 29th November 2008. As in previous years the event was a great success.
v In excess of 520 people were in attendance.
v Comments and ideas for the 2009 event are sought from clubs and members.
v Breakdown of Awards Night Expenditure as follows.
Exclusive Venue Hire (Inc Security) $ 6,809.00
Age Classes Including $ 13,607.55
Special Awards and
Number Plates $ 688.00
Tickets Sold $ 3,158.00
Super Series Levy $ 23,047.80
Income $26,205.80
Expenditure $21,104.55
Profit / Loss $5,101.25
(Note: $6 ticket price included GST)
Less GST Payments $1,704.00
Plus Interest Earned $14.45
Total Net Profit $3411.70
6.1 Questions Time of Board Member Reports
Nil questions
7.0 Agenda Items
7.1 Possible Change of Date for State Titles 2010 onwards.
Motion: That the State Titles for 2010 and onwards be moved to the March Labour Day long weekend.
President: Prior to this very important issue the meeting be adjourned so as to give all delegates the opportunity to call their committees. Delegates where reminded of the extreme importants of this motion.
Meeting reconvened with the previous motion on the floor.
Moved: Westside
Seconded: Rockingham
For 8
Against 0
Unanimous decision that the 2010 and subsequent State Titles be moved to the March Labour Day long weekend.
Discussion on the additional changes that this will bring to the calendar. Our Super Series will run from approximately September through to about the June long weekend. This will mean that the winter months will have no structured events.
7.2 2010 State Titles Ballot count.
Board: Notes that it was a very pathetic response received.
Ballots were sent via registered mail.
As per Closing date BMX Sports WA had only received 8 votes, with the result being 4 to Westside and 4 to Hills.
As a result BMX Sports WA conducted a phone survey of the eligible Board Members, with Lucille Truscott, Des MacCormack and Stephen Hopkins unable to vote.
After receiving the phone result the 2010 State Titles has been awarded to Hills BMX Club.
Discussion ensued re the process used to obtain a result. Suggestion - that clubs could be notified when registered mail has been sent out.
It should be noted that the office only received 4 out of 20 returns for another matter sent out recently so it would seem to indicate that some clubs have a lacklustre attitude with regard to responding to administration requests from the office.
General Business
Southern Districts Wish to return to Friday night racing.
Board Could Southern Districts please send written request to office.
Cockburn It seems that Southern Districts club is struggling and that other clubs should try and come up with some ideas to help promote Southern Districts.
Southern Districts We only have about an average of 14 riders.
Board Need to promote via local paper, schools, flyers. BMXA have promotional DVD’s also.
Wanneroo After received a telephone call, Geoff Williams advises the meeting that the Wanneroo BMX Club have never received the ballot paper for the 2010 State Titles. Also suggested that this may have happened to other clubs that have not returned their ballot.
Bunny Lim Suggests that if this is the case then the ballot should be reconducted.
Board Tania Wehr to contact Australia Post next morning and request Registered Mail delivery details/receipts for each club.
Des MacCormack Has been to some clubs and observed a problem with alcohol being consumed during race
meetings. Delegates are advised that alcohol is not to be consumed during racing and that in future there will be the risk of the club being shut down for racing on that night if this continues to occur.
Cockburn Have heard that UCI are looking at banning skins and knee guards?
Des MacCormack It seems likely that there will be a return to traditional wear, ie long pants.
Clubs should download the ARA and UCi rule books to read in conjunction to keep updated with any rule changes.
Southern Districts Issue of an incident at the recent State Titles where there may have been a problem with a rider letting down the tyre of an opposing rider. Query the action taken, was it too lenient?
Board All clubs should make their riders aware that of next year there will be zero tolerance of any behaviour that contravenes our Code of Conduct.
Hills What do we do about riders doing tricks etc during a race?
Board It is up to the club to control racing and to administer the appropriate rules.
Cockburn Would like to put forward the suggestion that all clubs put in to buy a bobcat. It would be
Shared amongst participating clubs and could be stored by someone with sufficient room.
Any club interested should contact Cockburn.
If we were to move quickly then we would have it for the Nationals.
Cockburn The seatainer that belongs to Peel is still at Cockburn. Contents need to be removed by the
Peel Are in negotiations with the Shire re seatainer at their track.
Meeting Closed at 10.30pm.