/ Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre
Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
01451 832 585
Clerk: Robin Dix

Minutes of Planning Meeting held in the Youth Centre

Thursday 31st July 2014, 7.00pm,


Cllrs, Chris Turner (CT), Alun White (AW), Ben Eddolls (BE), Simon Clarke (SC), Sue Green (SG), Mike Moseley (MM) Jack Baggott (JB), Joanna Neave (JN) and Tom Edwards (TE).


Robin Jones, Mike Curtis, Kit Ayres and Andrew Eastabrook

Code of Conduct & Declarations of Interest: – members must declare any interest as it arises.


The minutes for the 17th July were agreed with one alteration. Proposed AW, seconded BE, all in favour.

Matters arising:

TE spoke about the lack of information concerning the road closure for work on the A429 and the disruption it caused; TE thought that traffic and parking be incorporated with planning. It was agreed that this should not happen although there would be some overlap on certain issues.


14/02512/FUL – Rath Cottage – Park Street – Single Storey extension – Application permits

14/02127/LBC – St Edwards Cottage – The Square – Internal alterations – Application permits

14/01987/FUL and 14/01988/LBC – Hartwells Cottage – Digbeth Street – Replacement doors and windows – Application permits.


14/02709/LBC – 1 Manor Cottages – The Square – Replacement doors and windows – Council has no objection. AW proposed, BE seconded. All were in favour.

14/03132/FUL – 2 The Mews – Union Street – First floor extensions above existing ground floor room and garage and erection of a porch. – Council requests more information.

Application for street trading licence – Muzzy Kebabs. The Council are the legal title holders to the Square, as such all applications for a licence should be put to the full Council for approval. The Council has the right to charge a licencing fee. It was agreed to contact Ms Handley of CDC to ask that the applicant apply directly to the Council. TE suggested that the question of liability be investigated.

Any Other Business: CT asked that all opinions and decisions about planning applications be made on planning grounds only.

Next Meeting: Thursday 14th August 2014 at 7pm in Stow Youth Centre.

Signed: ......

Dated: …......