Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association Limited
2012 – 2014
Contact details:
Telephone: 02 9629 1442
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
1. Executive Summary 3
Strategic Framework 4
President’s Message – Jenny Pike 4
Short/Medium Term Goals 6
2. Mission Statement 7
Objectives 7
Corporate Vision 8
3. Issues and Outcomes Facing the Association 9
Outcomes 9
4. Environmental and Marketing Analysis 10
5. Short & Long Term Objectives and Key Performance Areas 11
6. Strategic Business Plan 12
Complex 12
Management Plan 14
Marketing Plan 16
Operational Plan 18
Financial Plan 22
7. Financial Assessment 23
8. Monitor and Review of the Plan 24
9. Management Structure 25
10. Organisational Flowchart 28
1. Executive Summary
The Strategic Business Plan will play an integral role in managing the Association and achieving its goals over the next two years.
It will be used extensively by the Council.
When necessary, it will be modified to reflect the ongoing development and needs of the Association.
Strategic Framework
President’s Message – Jenny Pike
The Strategic Business Plan of Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association Limited has been developed to ensure BHSNA adopt effective governance and best management practices in the running of our complex.
It will assist in providing and maintaining services relevant to our competitions, members and the wider community and ensure continued annual growth in our registered membership.
The Executive and members of BHSNA, are committed to improving our facilities for all who attend and to strive to have a first-class netball complex and to be the best Association in NSW. We have hosted Netball NSW State and State Age Championships, run our ever increasing local competitions for the Winter Season and expect to hold annual Spring and Summer Night Competitions.
We plan to provide effective training and educational programs to strengthen our member’s knowledge for the future, not only for our Association but also for our affiliated Clubs, and provide them with the up to date information and tools to ensure their Clubs are run efficiently and effectively. We continually strive for innovation and the best practice in our Representative, Coaching and Umpiring programs.
The Association’s partners in this journey include the BHSNA Executive, their Committees, the numerous volunteers from all our affiliated Clubs, Netball NSW, local community businesses and The Hills Shire Council. Without these essential partners our tasks would be quite challenging. We plan to increase and foster our relationships with local and broader businesses to seek sponsorship and to develop planned events to increase our profile in the community.
Over the last 20 years that we have been at our Kellyville complex we have expended over $5,000,000 in the initial 32 courts and temporary buildings. In 2008 we finalised the construction of a new administration building, new toilet block and 6 additional courts to bring us to the 38 court complex we have today. Plans are underway to build a new lower toilet block with disabled access to replace our existing demountable block which is sadly in need of replacement. The canteen was upgraded in 2011 and a new container purchased to store our equipment. Each year work is required to ensure all court surfaces remain safe and in fairly good condition.
Your registration fees, after submitting our part to Netball NSW, are put to good use in the maintenance that is required each year at our complex to ensure a safe and hazard free environment for all who attend.
Our major aims for the future include the replacement of our existing demountable lower toilet block which will include disabled access, car park improvements and expansion of our outdoor courts to accommodate our ever increasing number of teams for our annual winter competition.
Our vision for the future is to build a first class indoor court centre.
This Strategic Plan provides more detailed information about BHSNA’s strategic business vision and will be reviewed regularly to ensure the plan is successful to strengthen our netball community.
Short/Medium Term Goals
· Pay off Winston Hills loan
· Repair car park
· Fencing – if grants received
· Permanent barbecue area
· Bottom toilet block
· Administration building
o Extensions
o Media centre
o Computers & website upgrades
o Lockable filing cabinet, furniture
o Trophy cabinet & extend workbench
· Remembrance garden
· Sign at gate
· Court numbering repainting
· Keep out garden signs
· Court repairs – quotes to be obtained annually in September
· Speaker upgrades – Completed April 2012
2. Mission Statement
BHSNA will provide sporting leadership, equality and enjoyment through the promotion of netball to its members and The Hills Shire community.
The objects for which the Association is established are:
- To affiliate WITH AND SUPPORT Netball NSW or such other organization as shall from time to time exist, for the promotion regulation and control of netball within the boundaries of The Hills Shire Council.
- To promote, encourage and control the game of netball within the current boundaries as designated by Netball NSW.
- To promote, institute, regulate and control competition between affiliated clubs.
- To select and manage netball teams to represent the Association in matches against teams representing other local areas and districts of New South Wales
- To promote the economic and sporting success, strength and stability of the Association and each affiliated club.
- To strive for and maintain Government, commercial and public recognition of the Association as the authority for netball within our designated boundaries as currently set by Netball NSW.
- To pursue, through itself or others, such as commercial arrangements including sponsorship and marketing opportunities as are appropriate to further the objects of the Association.
- To act as arbiter on all matters pertaining to the conduct of netball within our designated boundaries as currently set by Netball NSW, including all disciplinary, tribunal, appeal and grading matters, in accordance with our Constitution, policies and the Netball NSW Member Protection Policy.
- To formulate and implement appropriate policies including matters as arise from time to time as issues to be addressed in netball.
- The income and property of the Association whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association.
- To act for its Members in all matters pertaining to netball.
- To use and protect its intellectual property.
- To encourage and promote performance-enhancing drug free competition.
- To give, and where appropriate, seek recognition for players, officials and other individuals participating in netball in any capacity to obtain awards or public recognition.
- To do all such things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the Objects of the Association.
Corporate Vision
B est Practice / We will ensure we adopt the recognised methods of correctly running our AssociationA chievement / We seek to achieve by providing a competitive and safe environment for our Members
U phold / We will uphold the Constitution and Policies of our Association
L oyal / We will be loyal to our members and promote and support Baulkham Hills Association
K indred / We are family
H igh Performance / We will provide opportunity for high performance in areas of playing, officials and administrators
A ccountable / We will be accountable for our actions and governance
M anagement / We will provide effective management and assist our members and clubs to follow
H ear / We will hear our members and listen to their needs
I nclusive / We will include all members and Clubs in moving our Association forward
L eadership / We will provide Leadership for our members and stand tall amongst our peers
L ooking forward / We look forward to the future striving to be the best Association in NSW
S upport / We will support our members and Clubs with their problems and requirements
3. Issues and Outcomes Facing the Association
Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association is faced with a number of issues that are likely to have a direct impact on the implementation of this plan. These issues have been addressed in this Strategic Business Plan.
· Decreased levels of funding from sources such as local, State and Federal Governments, as well as sponsorship and fundraising.
· Corporate governance restructures, to make the Council more efficient and promote the use of different committees.
· Servicing of affiliated clubs and their members and working with them to increase membership in the future.
· Implementation of education and training programs.
· Decline in volunteers.
· Lack of a unified approach to strategic planning and co-ordination.
· Boundary development and adjoining Association growth.
Ø The Association to have strong market position.
Ø Recognised as a leader in best governance and management.
Ø Financial stability and growth.
Ø Increase support to affiliated clubs & in turn affiliated clubs to implement the strategies of the Association.
Ø Increase levels of sponsorship and fundraising.
Ø Effective Governance and management practices in place.
Ø Effective volunteer management plan.
Ø Membership growth and increased representative success.
Ø Effective training and education programs.
Ø Greater level of support from local Government.
4. Environmental and Marketing Analysis
The SWOT analysis has two targets:
- To help identify where the Association is now; and
- To prepare the Association to develop a strategy that will utilise the organisation’s strengths, manage its weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities, and minimise the impact of those threats that become real.
The goals, objectives and strategies in this Strategic Business Plan aim to bridge the gap between where BHSNA is now, and the vision of where the organisation wants to be in the future.
Environmental Analysis
Strengths / WeaknessesInternal environment / o Ownership of facilities
o Representative players, umpires coaches & Executive
o Unpaid volunteers
o Training & development
o Skills & expertise
o Diversity of membership / o Environmental impact on grounds
o Ageing volunteers
o Ineffective Council structure
o Membership funding
o Ongoing capital expenses
o Communication & marketing
o Lack of strategic direction, planning & review
Opportunities / Threats
External environment / o Growing membership
o Event management
o Strategic alliance with Netball NSW & The Hills Shire Council
o Internet presence
o Current venue to raise revenue
o Bid for hosting NNSW State Events
o Reputation / o Sport guidelines & rules
o Insurance & compensation
o Decline in Government & sponsorship support
o Adjoining Associations
o Blacktown Association relocation
o Indoor netball
o Increasing costs
o Managing growing membership
5. Short & Long Term Objectives and Key Performance Areas
BHSNA has identified the following Key Performance Areas (KPAs) and focus areas as follows:
KPA / Broad Focus AreasComplex / Maintenance program; program of works; facility hire
Committee: President, Vice President and Treasurer.
Management Plan / Executive; Corporate Governance Structure; volunteers; paid staff; membership; clubs; partnerships (academies, Netball NSW, Netball Australia, Government, Swifts, local schools)
Committee: Media & Promotions Officer and Special Events Co-Ordinator.
Marketing Plan / Sponsorships & fundraising; promotions; communications, website & social media; public relations & media
Committee: Secretary, Media & Promotions Officer and President.
Operational Plan / Event Management; umpiring, coaching & officials – education, training, growth and retention; representative programs & accreditation; fixtures; competitions
Committee: Kathy Fitch, (Committee); Coaching Convenor, Umpires Convenor, Senior Representative Convenor, Junior Representative Convenor and Registrar.
Financial Plan / Budget management; partnerships; canteen; staff/wages
Committee: Carol Murphy (Committee), Treasurer, Vice President, Kathy Fitch (Committee).
Assistants: Sue Walker
Revised August 2012
6. Strategic Business Plan
Focus Area: Maintenance program
Aims: To undertake maintenance work to improve the complex for all members including upgrading of boundary fences, car park access roads and parking areas and improvements to the playing courts.
Strategies/Target / Actions / Person responsible / Timeframe / Update / StatusEnsuring safety with boundary fencing / Visual observation / President / April 2013 / March 2013
Fixing internal fencing / Obtain quotes / President / March 2013 / March 2013
Re-line, mark and number courts / Identify need / President / March 2013 / March 2013
Re-galvanise old goal posts / Identify need / President / April 2013 / February 2013
Re-bitumen car park & attached roads / Contact The Hills Shire Council to ask for assistance / President / March 2014 / December 2013
Obtain quotes
Focus Area: Program of works
Aims: To undertake a program of work to significantly improve the capital worth of the complex by installing new lighting towers, a toilet block and fencing.
Strategies/Target / Actions / Person responsible / Timeframe / Update / StatusNew lower toilet block / Obtain quotes/ Meeting with Hills Shire Council / President / March 2013 / February 2013
Fencing and Security Gates / Onsite meeting with contractors / President / December 2013 / March 2013
Additional Courts / Obtain quotes / President / March 2013 / February 2013
Onsite meeting with contractors
Management Plan
Focus Area: Partnerships
Aims: To build the profile of Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association within the local community
Strategies/Target / Actions / Person responsible / Timeframe / Update / StatusRe-engage The Hills Shire Council and establish a working relationship / Contacting Council and identifying appropriate person to speak to.
Identify our wish-list.
Complete Strategic Plan to use in conversation
Organise meeting / Carol Murphy (Committee) and President / February 2013 / November 2012 / Ongoing
Reinforce relationship with Netball NSW to identify and utilize resources / Contact NNSW Officer
Obtain information
Identify areas of opportunities / President and Executive Members / Continual / Monthly
Focus Area: Education and Training
Aims: Identify areas for improvement to knowledge & skills for Association Executive volunteers.
Strategies/Target / Actions / Person responsible / Timeframe / Update / StatusIdentify areas for improvement to provide a balance of Executive knowledge and skill / Survey Executive to ascertain current skills and strengths / Media & Promotions Officer to contact Julie Stafford – an external facilitator / June 2013 / December 2012
All Executive to attend basic administration or committee course / Obtain information on available courses / Special Events Co-ordinator / June 2013 / December 2012 / Ongoing
Identify qualifications of paid staff and sub-contractors / Questionnaire to staff and contractors to ascertain current skills and strengths / Secretary and Executive Members / June 2013 / December 2012
Marketing Plan
Focus Area: Communication