Minutes for Stakeholder/Steering Committee

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

4:00 to 5:00 PM

Bartlett Administrative building

Present:April Rezendes (JPHC), Julie Neyhart (NAMI), Sam Trivette (self), Lynnette Dihle (self), Shannon Dilley (DJJ), Bill Martin (SSPC), Kevin Ritchie (After School Coalition), Jorden Nigro (Zach Gordon Teen Center), Alice Rarig (self), Gus Marx (JYS), Kelly Niemann (JSD), Kris Sell (JPD), Esther Smith (Juneau Violence Prevention Coalition), Walter Majoros (JYS), Hilary Young (JYS), Ginny Hayes(Private Practice), Beth Leban (Juneau Teen Health Center), Betsy Longenbaugh (USCG), Becky Roth (self), Justin McDonald (SEARHC), Gayle Trivette (self).

Grant updates: The working group for the DBH grant will meet Friday (9/18) at 3:30PM to continue working on the grant requirements of the strategic plan, logic model, and management information system (MIS).
*Kelly, Alice and Julie will represent JSPC at the annual DBH Grantee Conference in Anchorage 9/2915 – 10/01/15. *Kevin and Jorden will attend The Collective Impact Summit in Vancouver, B.C. on 9/28. Joy Lyon from AEYC and a representative from the Juneau Community Foundation will also attend. *Alice and Walter presented the results of our needs assessment to the UAS Advisory Council.

Training and Public Awareness Committee Update:Hilary has been promoted to Program Coordinator forJSPC. *09/07/15 – 09/13/15 was National Suicide Prevention Week. Commemorating activities included: radio spot advertisements, a guest appearance on KXLL radio station, a letter to the Juneau Empire, as well as an article by a Juneau Empire reporter, stickers advertising the Careline number and our websites on the front of two editions of the newspaper, a “spotlight” section on our website and UAS did a “Wall of Hope” activity in the cafeteria, which was featured in a newspaper photo the next day.

*Hilary did a modified QPR training for the JDHS staff 08/18/15 and for the staff of the Teen Health Center and Communities in Schools on 09/02/15.

*Gus reported JSPC has an ad in the Juneau Guide and that the guide also includes general information about suicide warnings signs. *JSPC is advertising and interviewing to hire a Community-Based Prevention Specialist to handle public awareness, training, and postvention tasks.

School-based Services: Signs of Suicide(SOS) presentations at JDHS dates are 11/17/15 and 11/18/15.Hilary was contacted by the health teacher at TMHS to collaborate on SOS presentations in health classes. Plans haven’t been finalized, but they are looking at the weeks of 10/20/15 – 10/30/15. They may include Sources of Strength presentations as well. YDHS SOS presentations are usually done in the winter / spring.

*Sources of Strength students helped with freshman orientation at both JDHS and YDHS and had tables at open houses. More students have been recruited at JDHS than at TMHS. Hilary and Esther have spent considerable time revising the Sources of Strength Peer Leader guidewith local specific information. They have also spent a great deal of time on evaluation for the Sources of Strength program.

*Discovery Southeast is using Sources of Strength features in their middle school after school BAM program.

Postvention Update: Postvention materials have been ordered to replace the many that have been given out. A new book for children affected by suicide was ordered as well as free material from SAMHSA.

*The Response Team was assembled to deal with one recent suicide death.

Partner Reports/Other Business: Betsy with USCG is a trainer for ASIST and safeTalk.

*Esther is moving from Juneau.All her help at JSPC will be greatly missed!

*Kris reported JPD will have an “Anti-heroin Initiative” in October. Its use is causing many deaths and JPD wants to increase community awareness and problem solving. JPD will begin CIT Training for officers in February with a goal of having at least one CIT trained officer on every team.

*Kris reported Glacier Valley Rotary Club would like to have a Pillars of Freedom speaker on the topic of suicide prevention in the military and requested help finding the right speaker for this venue.

*April reported JPHC’s new administrator Allie Bremner was hired from within local staff.

*The Hasty Half race on 09/27/15 will donate all proceeds to suicide prevention. Kris will speak before the race.

*Bill will attend a NIMH suicide prevention conference with U.S. and Canadian delegates in Anchorage. He will also be attending the quarterly SSPC meeting in Fairbanks 09/23/15 & 09/24/15.

*Jorden requested volunteers to lead short classes for middle school students in the BAM program 3:00 – 4:30 PM on any selection of school days that works for the volunteer.

*Walter reported JYS is continuing to work with Communities in Schools doing substance abuse and trauma intervention at JDHS. AWARE staff and Ginny have been contracted with to provide more counseling hours at the Teen Health Center. JYS is still seeking therapeutic foster parents.

*Hilary reported the Violence Prevention Coalition is holding an all-day retreat on Friday (09/25/15) from 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM at the Douglas Library. Anyone is invited to attend.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 21, 4:00 PM at Bartlett Admin. Bldg.

Submitted by Gayle Trivette