Fall Fitness Tests,Basketball Ball Handling Skills, and Holiday Fun Unit Plan

Physical Education

Grade Level: 4th-5th

Length of Time: 9 Lessons 50 minutes each

Melissa Shaw


My unit plan is based on fitness tests that have to be recorded on each student at the beginning and end of each school year and even required in the middle of the school year by some districts. I will show testing strategies and techniques on the 15 meter pacer test, curl-ups, push-ups, and sit and reach for flexibility. They will learn proper form and technique for each test and the overall goal I have for each student is to improve from test to test. The main goal of fitness tests is to track each student from year to year to see their progress on their fitness level. These scores will follow them until they graduate from high school. As the students get older they start to have more control over their fitness and more educated on what they can do to improve their fitness level. After my fitness tests are completed I’ll be working with the students on increasing their aerobic capacity and introducing basketball skills to them such as dribbling, passing, and shooting.


This unit will prepare your son/daughter with life skills by giving them lifelong skills on how to become healthy and live a long healthy lifestyle. Fitness is very important for a long healthy life, without understanding the importance of physical activity your son/daughter may be at risk of a heart attack, diabetes, obesity, or many other cardiovascular diseases. Most of these issues won’t occur to be a problem right away but when you find out there’s a problem it may be too late to do anything about it. That is why I teach my students skills that they can obtain at a young age and take with them forever. Also during this unit not only will your child be learning fitness skills but during physical education we combine social, physical, and cognitive skills all in one. The FITNESSGRAM physical fitness assessment is based not on athletic ability, but on good health. No matter what your child will grow up to become, they will live happier, more productive lives if they are healthy and physical fitness is a vital component to overall health. The FITNESSGRAM provides accurate and reliable information about your child’s level of physical fitness. The FITNESSGRAM test and scores include a number of different assessments because fitness has multiple components. Some kids may have good muscular fitness but need improvement on aerobic fitness. By having a complete report, you and your child will know more about their overall level of physical condition and how it can be improved.

The way I set up my unit is with a lot of creative lessons that allow the students to practice the necessary skills for them to obtain while having lots of fun, moving, and learning. They also feel like they have somewhat of some control in my class because I reward them with golden shoes as a whole class if they are on excellent behavior and after they receive five golden shoes they are rewarded by getting to pick their favorite class activity and getting to do that the next class. Students understand that if the whole class doesn’t follow the rules or refuses to participate than they won’t receive a golden shoe.

Physical education helps students develop knowledge, fitness levels, motor skills, and personal and social skills to obtain the ultimate goal of a lifetime of physical activity and health. All of this is very important in the workforce. Being healthy and being physically active helps relieve stress, it increases endorphins that make you feel good after working out. My unit will also stress the importance of teamwork which is needed in every working area because you are always working together with someone to obtain the bigger picture goal as a company.

This unit relates to the standards and curriculum for physical education because it is a standard. One of the standards to be taught is standard four where students begin to understand the cause and effect relationship of physical activity and health. They are able to analyze assessment data and develop simple fitness goals. So this could be used in my unit from their initial FITNESSGRAM scores and then after they see what fitness zone they are in they could make a personal fitness goal for them for when we test again in the spring. Students should also be able to identify many physical activities that influence health related (healthy lifestyle) fitness.

This unit is very beneficial to the units that will follow. In order for students to improve skills they must be taught the proper technique and have practice. Most of the skills at the elementary level are basic especially beginning at the first grade level. They would be considered stage 1 and as they get older they progress from stage one hopefully to the mature stage of each skill. In order for the students to become part of a sports team they have to be able to show the mature stage of the skill that is specific for their sport. Other students that may never want to be part of a sports team still have to show the mature stage for skills such as walking or running so that’ll be beneficial for them to have a healthy lifestyle full of physical activity. The fitness tests will show students what areas they may want to work on or what they are better at. If a student realizes they are very flexible they may want to try something out like dance or gymnastics whereas some students may say wow I need to improve my flexibility for football I should take a dance class.

Map of Assessment


Lesson # / Standards Addressed in this Unit / Objectives / Formative Assessment / Summative Assessment
1 / Standard 4 / -Students to learn proper technique and form for fitness test.
Participate in self-assessment for physical fitness and meets the standards for that particular test for their appropriate age group
-Pacer Test / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice,discussion / Recording testing scores: Pre-test, Middle test, and Post Test during the year.
2 / Standard 4 / -Students to learn proper technique and form for fitness test.
Participate in self-assessment for physical fitness and meets the standards for that particular test for their appropriate age group
-Push-Up Test / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Recording testing scores: Pre-test, Middle test, and Post Test during the year.
3 / Standard 4 / -Students to learn proper technique and form for fitness test.
Participate in self-assessment for physical fitness and meets the standards for that particular test for their appropriate age group
-Curl-Up Test / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Recording testing scores: Pre-test, Middle test, and Post Test during the year.
4 / Standard 4 / -Students to learn proper technique and form for fitness test.
Participate in self-assessment for physical fitness and meets the standards for that particular test for their appropriate age group
-Flexibility Test / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Recording testing scores: Pre-test, Middle test, and Post Test during the year.
5 / Standard 4 / -Students to learn proper technique and form for fitness test.
Participate in self-assessment for physical fitness and meets the standards for that particular test for their appropriate age group
-Height and Weight for VO2
-Personal Fitness Goal Cards / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Test Scores recorded and personal fitness goals students chose.
6 / Standard 1 / -Students will learn the correct ways to dribble a basketball. The concept of double dribble.
Demonstrate combinations of motor (movement) skills for specific sports.
-Dribbling relays
-Knockout/Elimination / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Oral Exam
7 / Standard 1 and 5 / -Demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.
-Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
-Halloween Fitness / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Oral Exam
8 / Standard 3 / -Demonstrate all space awareness movement concepts for location (e.g., self-space and general space) in isolated settings. (M.MC.03.01)
-Balloons-Hand-eye Coordination / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Oral Exam
9 / Standard 1 and 5 / -Demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.
-Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
-Thanksgiving-Turkey Fitness / Check for oral understanding, observation done with group practice, discussion / Oral Exam


Technology is integrated into my unit to support student learning in multiple ways. One way technology will be used is during the FITNESSGRAM testing I have a track on my IPod that leads them through each test by pacing them correctly so that the test is universal. The pacer test uses beeps to let them know when to go and if they got to the line in time, the curl-up and push-up test uses an “Up, Down” repeatedly. Initially I use an IPod and IPod dock for the pacer test. I also use a projector to demonstrate to the students how to record the pacer fitness test of other students. After the FITNESSGRAM tests are completed they will be put online using PowerSchool for the parents of the students to access. Another way I used technology with my students was I did a lesson using Just Dance for the Wii. The students loved it and had a blast while exercising and getting their heart rates up.

Professional Research List


PE Central

EPIC Curriculum

Lesson Plan Sketch

Lesson # / Topic / Overview/Content/Process
1 / 15 Meter Pacer / Fitness Test
2 / Push-Up / Fitness Test
3 / Curl-Up / Fitness Test
4 / Sit and Reach/Flexibility / Fitness Test
5 / Height/Weight, Personal Fitness Goal Cards / Fitness Test
6 / Basketball-Dribbling / Right, Left, Alternate
7 / Halloween Fitness Activities / Agility, Teamwork, locomotive skills
8 / Balloons / Hand-eye coordination
9 / Thanksgiving Turkey Fitness / Fitness Activities, Teamwork

Instructor: Melissa ShawCourse: PE 4th-5th

Date: 9/15/2011-9/21/2011Mentor teacher: TammiGronski

Title of the lesson: / Moving to the beat
I. Preliminary Planning
Objective(s) of the lesson:
(Post these from the start!) / Fitness Pacer testing- To test their aerobic capacity
GLCE/HSCE best served:
(no more than 2 or 3) / Standard 4: 4.4.1Participate in self-assessment for physical fitness and meets the standards for that particular test for their appropriate age group
Focus question: / How fit are the students?
Key vocabulary/concepts: / Aerobic, Pacing
Time required: / 50 Minutes (+)
Materials needed: / IPod, IPod player, fitness gram, tape marked on the gym floor, recording sheets for each student, pencils for each group, a projector to demonstrate how to record the test.
II. The Lesson Itself*
Lesson launch (aka thehook or accessing prior knowledge): / Who in here remembers the pacer test from last year?
How the lesson’s objec-tive(s) will be shared with the students: / Verbal, visual, and practice. They can see on the bulletin board where they fall in the fitness chart.
Learning activities:
(step-by-step and detailed) / 1. Explaining the Pacer Fitness Test
  • Have the students sit in the center of the floor facing the projector screen so that they can see the recording sheet.
  • Tell the students how important it is for them to follow directions today and pay attention because the longer it takes them to get through it the longer it takes them to move on and get to fun things.
  • First tell them that they will be taking the Pacer fitness test that measures their aerobic fitness level. It will measure how far you can go. During this test you want to pace yourself you don’t want to use all of your energy and go as fast as you can because then you won’t have any energy left. It’s not a test that measures how fast you can go, it measures how far you can go.
  • They will listen to the guy on the IPod and they will hear two different sounds. Play through the IPod once so that they can hear the two different sounds. Explain to them that the single beep they hear is their signal to go and that they must get to the opposite line before that beep goes off again. Once they go from the black line to the red line or the red line to the black line they should turn around and wait for the beep that means go again.
  • When they get to lap 9 they will hear the double beep and that means to go but to also speed up they will have less time to get from line to line.
  • After they hear the two beeps go back to giving instructions. Tell them they are going from the black line to the red line and then the red line to the black line. If they fail to get both feet over the line before the next beep it is an error.
  • There will be two line judges in each group, one on each line watching. If the person in your group fails to cross the line with both feet you will raise your hand so that the recorder can see and put 1 finger up for an error. If you are the runner keep running until you get 2 errors. Once you get 2 errors your test is over.
  • The recorder will be recording each lap for the runner. They will put an “X” in the circle if the lap was completed, one lap is from one line to the opposite line, if the runner fails to complete a lap and the line judge puts an error up then the recorder will put a triangle in the circle.
  • Pick one student to do their test in front of the class. Then pick 2 students to be the line judges, and 1 student to be the recorder so that the class can watch.
  • After the demonstration group has gone, put the students in groups of 4 per group.
  • Go to the black line and say group 1 stand in line here, all the way up to however many groups you have.
  • Hand out the recording sheets for each group and a pencil, have them write their names at the top of the sheet and give it to the 3rd person in line.
  • Have the first person in line be the line judge on the opposite end. The second person in line will be the runner. The third person in line will be the recorder and the 4th person in line will be the line judge for that end.
  • Ask the students to repeat what the line judge does if there’s an error and how the recorder records the runner.
  • After the first runner has gone, have them be the line judge on the opposite end, have the line judge from the opposite end come down and be the line judge on the recording end, then have the line judge that was line judging on the recorders end be the runner, and the recorder stays the same. Keep that rotation, the recorder will record all 3 of its groups runners and will be the last runner.

Checking for understanding:
(formative assessment) / Having one group of students do it in front of the class
Then observing them while they do their tests and seeing if their score sheets are filled out correctly
At the end of the lesson, how will what was learned be summarized for the class? / Who can tell me why it is important to pace? Are you going to go farther in the pacer test if you pace yourself at the beginning or if you sprint and use all of your energy?
Post-lesson reflections and ideas for next steps: / This lesson works great but is a lot of directions and information for students to grasp and obtain to do it correctly. Depending on which class I had and the amount of student I had I performed it a little differently. With one of my classes I assigned 5 recorders that recorded the whole time and certain students that I knew were behaving and listening well to be line judges. With classes that were smaller and I felt comfortable with them understanding the jobs necessary to get the job done I allowed each student to have an important job and they would rotate allowing those classes to finish more quickly while the bigger classes had to do it for 2 weeks before they finished.