TASFAA Board Meeting

February 9-10, 2010


Round Rock, TX

Members and Committee Chairs Present: Carolyn Jones, Rick Renshaw, Tia Clary, Ed Turney, Amy Hardesty, Kay Mooney, Enrique Garcia, Laurie Coulter, Anne Walker, Richard Silva, Lynn Barnes, Michael Williams, Mike Carranza, Shannon Crossland, Joe Pettibon, Amanda Jurovic, Christina Quintanilla and Karen Krause

Guests: Sue McMillion, Trey Schalk, Dan Weaver, Amanda Dickinson, Richard Sapp, George Torres and Matt Siegel

Not Present: Melet Leafgreen, Carolyn Mallory, Devon Wiggins, Alan Ahmad, JimAnn Batenhorst, Sharon Mullins, Carol McDonald, Kevin Campbell, Raul Lerma and Dana Mingo


Carolyn called the meeting to order at 12:31 p.m.

President’s Report Carolyn Jones

Carolyn asked everyone to introduce themselves. She asked that we allow partners reports from TG and Rodgers Capital Inc. to present their reports before we begin the regular reports.

Carolyn reviewed her report with the board. Lisa will not be able to attend the meeting. Carolyn suggested that we read Issue Paper #14. Joe stated that a student who is to receive a refund of money that you issue a refund for books or provide a book voucher. Institutional liability is still in place. There are some things to think about regarding R2T4.

On February 24th Lisa, Joe and Rick will make a presentation to the Legislature. The CB and TG will also be presenting that day as well.

Carolyn also mentioned updating the website with current information. She has been working with committees and will be contacting others in the near future.

President’s Report

Lyn Wheeler has resigned her position on the Board of Directors to take a position at THECB. I look forward to working with Lyn at The Coordinating Board. She will be a great help to all of us with her knowledge and experience. She has many years of great service to TASFAA and I am thankful for all she has taught me. Karen Krause from UT Arlington has agreed to complete Lyn’s term that expires in October of 2010. I would like to welcome Karen to the Board and I look forward to working with her.

Lisa Blazer has graciously stepped in to replace Wes Vanderburg as chair of the Regional Training Committee. Lisa is trying to get spring training up and running and will have a report hopefully on Wednesday.

Negotiated Rulemaking is underway and one major point of discussion is “Disbursement of Title IV Funds”. “Summary of issue: Should we establish disbursement procedures that limit how long an institution may delay disbursing Federal Pell Grants funds?” Issue Paper #14 is a very interesting read and I would suggest you be aware of what is being discussed. This could have a major impact on your procedures -- especially if you are a Community College. I have a copy of the Issue paper if anyone has not read it and is interested.

Lisa Blazer (UTSA) was asked by UT System to visit with someone from Chairman Dan Branch’s office about financial aid and the charge of the House Committee on Higher Education.

The committee’s charge: Study current financial aid programs, tuition and fee exemption
programs, loan repayment programs, and professional incentive programs. Evaluate the impact of need-based versus merit-based assistance. Recommend changes where appropriate to improve the alignment of these programs to meet state needs.

TASFAA will present as follows at the Hearing on February 24th:

10 minutes on Federal programs (Rick Renshaw)

10 minutes on State/Institutional programs (Joe Pettibon)

10 minutes on need versus merit (Lisa Blazer)

In October I had asked all of the committee chairs to get the TASFAA Website updated as soon as possible because some of the information was extremely old. I would like to thank those who have completed this task and tell everyone what a great job they are doing. For those committee chairs who have not yet updated their section please do so prior to the May Board Meeting and I am available to help in any way necessary.

Vice President’s Report Kay Mooney

Kay reviewed the schedule for today and tomorrow. She expressed her appreciation for getting the reports in to her.

Agenda and Scheduling

February 9, 2010

·  Meeting starts with lunch at 11:30 in the TGSLC Board Room

·  Snacks and drinks will be provided for the 3:00 break on Tuesday

·  Dinner will be at TGSLC while we are working the Financial Aid Telethon from 5 pm to 8 pm.

·  TASFAA members who have offered to help with transportation will transport board members from TGSLC to the Hampton Inn

February 10, 2010

·  Breakfast at the Hampton Inn – Round Rock from 7:30 to 8:30 am

·  TASFAA members will transport everyone to TGSLC for the 9 am meeting.


·  The following have rooms on our Master Bill at the Hampton Inn:

Carolyn Jones, Rick Renshaw, Kay Mooney, Tia Clary & Amy Hardesty, Laurie Coulter, Shannon Crossland, Enrique Garcia, Amanda Jurovic, Karen Krause, Richard Silva, Ed Turney, Mike Carranza, Anne Walker and Mike Williams.

The following are self-pay: Joe Pettibon

Committee Reports

·  I did not receive a report from:

Tom Melecki – Legislative Issues Committee

Joe Pettibon – Finance Committee

President-Elect Joe Pettibon

Joe discussed the chair and vice-chairs for the committees. His focus has been on selecting vice-chairs. He has 4 of the 5 standing committees vice-chairs named. The N&E committee has yet to be named. The Ad-Hoc committees are at the discretion of the president. There are 5 that he anticipates continuing and he has not appointed anyone to the Newsletter Committee. There are 5 committees as to whether they should continue and what their role is. He has not had a chance to visit with Mike Williams yet. He also has questions about the Regional Training and the financial aspects and the budget. Joe does not think that the fees for the training are financially viable. He does think we need to continue the training since it is part of our mission. He has reviewed the constitution and by-laws regarding the process. The communication committee is really a one person committee and he wondered if the Secretary/Historian should be responsible for updating the website since reports are submitted to include in minutes. Another question he has for the Communication Committee is regarding the TRAIN network. He stated that it is not real consistent right now. He has not seen Alan’s report yet. Joe did visit with Alan about what other states were doing to document outreach efforts. He also has a question regarding the Constitution and By Law committee as to whether it is needed each year. Rick stated that it is normal to have it sporadically. Karen asked if this committee was to update the Constitution and By Laws. Karen stated that there were some things missing from the current version i.e. Ad-Hoc Committees requirements. Shannon stated that she found a longer version that does include that as a responsibility. Rick stated if the committee is not kept that the President-Elect would need to handle updating the By Laws and P&P. Karen stated that an argument could be made to have it occasionally. Rick stated that the most recent P&P had not been updated. He stated that Kathy Bassham has the update version. Carolyn stated that the current P&P does not have the corrections/changes that Rick made early last year. Carolyn did get the updated version from Kathy and updated the website. Shannon is working on getting it up to date due to the vote we had last year. Carolyn has a concern with getting rid of this committee because the Constitution and By Laws has never been fully updated. That is with a committee and a chair working on it. She asked what would happen if we don’t have the committee. Joe stated that he agreed that someone should update it but he wondered if a committee was needed. The committee has not been affective in getting the changes made. The Constitution changes are voted on by the membership and the P&P is voted upon by the board.

Joe also has some questions for the board:

·  What is the role of TASFAA in regards to advocacy of federal and state aid issues?

·  Should TASFAA try to adopt positions relative to current aid issues?

·  TASFAA needs to have a balanced budget despite current reserve balances.

Rick stated that the strategic long range plan addresses this issue. Carolyn stated that it is part of our vision. Rick stated that he was only able to provide information last year since the board was not able to take a stand on the issue.

Joe also had several recommendations for the Constitution. Joe stated that he did not think the Constitution should reference the Constitution and By Laws Committee since it is an ad hoc committee. Roberts rule states that the standing committees are stated in the constitution and by laws. Ad hoc committees are not to be included. Joe recommended that the wording be changed to state that the counting of votes for constitutional amendments be supervised by the Secretary/Historian or another appropriate person designated by the president which would take the reference to the Constitution and By Laws Committee Chair out of the Constitution itself. Joe’s second recommendation was in regards to the By Laws. Newsletter is referenced so often as a means of communication to updating the membership that it out to have a standing or permanent committee. Perhaps the name might need to be changed to Communications Committee or Public Information Committee. Joe feels it is important enough that it should be a permanent committee. Karen stated that the standing committees are listed in the By Laws. Rick and Karen stated that the Constitution and By Laws is one document. Rick suggested that the wording Secretary/Historian be removed from his recommendation. Joe stated that was his first thought. Carolyn asked if a change would need to go to a vote. Rick stated that he would need to check to see if a vote was needed since it was an error. Karen thought it would have to go to a vote since it has been in the constitution for so long. Karen would recommend that we take this change to the vote. Joe would like the Constitution and By Laws committee to review these recommendations. Rick did caution Shannon on the time needed to get a vote out to the members.

President Elect Report

The primary focus of the President-Elect has been the review of committees and the selection of vice-chairs as well as a review of the Constitution and By-Laws. The following committees have been confirmed and vice-chairs approved as noted (need private, four year representation among vice-chairs):

Standing Committees

Fall Conference - Beth Reid and Jason Young (UTA)

Finance - will be President-Elect next year

Membership - Terry Bazan (ACC)

Nominations & Elections - pending

Training - Erin Porter (TAMU)

Official Ad-hoc Committees

Awards & Scholarships - Rickey Eddie (UNT)

Early Awareness - Raul Lerma (UTEP)

Legislative Issues - Rick Renshaw (DCCCD)

Newsletter - pending

Site Selection - JimAnn Batenhorst (South Plains College)

Ad-hoc Committees Still Under Review

Communication Network - Should this be a function of the Secretary/Historian

Constitution & By-Laws - At this time, do not anticipate a need for it

Mentoring, Leadership & Diversity - What is the future role?

Regional Training - Can this continue to be supported financially?

Additional areas of focus for 2010-2011 being considered

1.  What is the role of TASFAA in regards to advocacy of federal and state aid issues?

2.  Should TASFAA try to adopt positions relative to current aid issues?

3.  TASFAA needs to have a balanced budget despite current reserve balances.

Recommendations to Change Constitution and By-Laws for consistency

Recommendation 1:

Constitution, Article VII, Section 6 currently reads:

“The counting of votes for constitutional amendments will be private and be supervised by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee Chairperson. The Chairperson will submit the results to the President. The Chair will also ensure that results are announced to the membership at the next business session of the Association, included in the official Association minutes, published in the first issue of the Association newsletter and posted to the website following the voting.”

Recommended Change:

“The counting of votes for constitutional amendments will be private and supervised by the Secretary/Historian or another appropriate individual designated by the President. Results will be submitted to the President and announced to the membership at the next business session of the Association, included in the official Association minutes, published to the members through the website.”


The Constitution should not reference an ad-hoc committee that may or may not exist. It is inconsistent with the designation of Constitution and By-Laws as an ad-hoc committee. This committee should remain ad-hoc.

Recommendation 2:

By-Laws, 5. Committees, Section 3: “Newsletter” should be added as a standing committee of TASFAA.


The By-Laws consistently refer to the Newsletter committee as a primary committee for communicating information to the membership. The By-Laws place a high degree of importance and expectation on the existence of the Newsletter committee. Therefore, it should have full standing as a permanent committee.