M & M Scrivener Press


We thank you for allowing M & M Scrivener Press to evaluate your work for publication. In order to do this in the most expedient way, please answer all questions on the form as fully as possible. Although we understand that the information at the moment is preliminary and tentative, please be fairly accurate with word and schedule estimates. Please note that by completing this form it does not represent any agreement between the Publisher and yourself and it is non-binding.

Please complete and return to:Martin Scrivener

M & M Scrivener Press

72 Endicott Street

Salem, MA 01970



Tel: 781-864-5705

Name(s) and address(es) of all main author(s)/editor(s)

Corresponding contact e-mail addresses: primary:secondary:

Telephone numbers: work:home:

Fax numbers:work:home:

Working title and subtitle (if any) of the book

Type of work:□ monograph □ edited volume□ textbook □ reference □ other

Projected number of words in manuscript:

Will the book contain photographs/tables/illustrations? yes/noIs color required? Yes/no

If yes, how many?

Completion date of first draft to the publishers (month and year):

Is this book proposal being sent exclusively to M & M Scrivener Press? Yes/no

If this work emanates from a conference or society will there be a bulk sale? If yes, how many copies approximately?

Will a publication subsidy be made available? Yes/noIf yes, what might be the value?

In 150 words please give a description of the work and draw out its main features. On edited volumes please describe each chapter (attach a separate sheet if need be).

Provisional table of contents (please attach on separate sheet)

Please list the primary, secondary, and teriatry readership for your book

Please give level of readership for academic settings (research, graduate, etc) and job titles for corporate settings.

Can this book be used on courses?

If so, state course title, level, and student numbers.

Please give title and bibliographic information on the published books your work will compete with. Please elucidate the weaknesses of these titles and document how your book improves on them.

Please list societies/associations (both national and international) that should be interested in receiving information about your book.

Please document professional electronic bulletin boards, listerservs, and websites that might help in advertising the book.

Please attach or enclose your resumé (CV) when returning this New Book Proposal Form.

Please provide name and contact information of at least two people whom you think are appropriate to review this work.

Thank you very much indeed for taking the trouble to complete this form and to submitting your new work to M & M Scrivener Press for consideration. We will be back in touch with you shortly.

Date: Signature: