Board Minutes

June 8, 2011

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 8, 2011

President Sherm Voiles called the Regular June 8 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:09 p.m.

Present: Sherm Voiles, Richard Hendricks, Jeff DeMarre, Greg Hanon, Mike Pavlik

Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Debra Barlow, Executive Director, Human Resources; Deb Campbell, Executive Director, Business Services; Erin LaVerdiere, Executive Director, Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director, Communications; Susie Lynch, Director, Research & Assessment; Sandy Maynard, Chief Technology Officer; Mark Baumgarten, Director, Marina Taney, Administrative Assistant,and Sean Ryder, Gary Hopkins, Chris Biller, M&O Department; Althea Clark, Director, Finance; Millie Hopkins, Accountant, Business Services; Tim Thomsen, Director, Athletics & Activities; Troy Whitten, Director, Transportation;Karen Brown, Director, Jean Nutter and Kathy Worley, Child Nutrition Department; Becky Giles, Coordinator, Community Recreation & Education; Keoni Smith, Director, Special Services; Steve Sjolund, Principal, Sumner Middle; Bill Gaines, Principal, Sharon Crow-Roemer, Psychologist, and Rob O’Connor, Teacher, Sumner High; Beth Dykman, Principal, Victor Falls Elementary; School Counselors, Angi Sullivan, Dasha Berry and Vicki Johnson;Hillery Berteaux, SEA President; Sarah Briehl, Director, Career & College Readiness; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director, STARR Project; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.

Visitors: 21

Flag Salute

Approval of Agenda

Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre.Motion unanimously carried.

Approval of Minutes

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular May 25 Board meeting as presented: Seconded by Greg Hanon. Motion unanimously carried.

Consent Items

Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Greg Hanon. Motion unanimously carried.

Contract Ratification

John Hellwich, Teaching & Learning Director, Administration, new hire on a 1.0 FTE administrative contract, effective July 1, 2011. John was present at the meeting and was introduced to Board members by Dr. Mendoza.

Amy Birklid, Online Learning Manager, Bonney Lake High, rehire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2011-2012 school year

Taryn Capps, Learning Specialist, Sumner Middle, rehire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2011-2012 school year

Spenser Phelan, English/Social Studies Teacher, Sumner High, new hire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2011-2012 school year

Laurie Sjolund, Early Childhood Coordinator, Administration/Bonney Lake High, rehire on a .80 FTE provisional contract, effective 2011-2012 school year

Angela Sullivan, Counselor, Sumner High, rehire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2011-2012 school year

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June 8, 2011

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Supplemental Contracts

Stacia Dorman, Cheer Advisor, Bonney Lake High, 2011-2012 Winter/Spring


Abigail Gonzales, Paraeducator, Liberty Ridge Elementary, effective end of 2010-2011 school year

Cheryl Niemela, Science Teacher, Bonney Lake High, effective end of 2010-2011 school year

Robert O’Connor, Math Teacher, Sumner High, effective end of 2010-2011 school year

Patricia Peterson, Learning Specialist, Liberty Ridge Elementary, effective end of 2010-2011 school year

Leave of Absence

Christen Robinson, Preschool Teacher, Daffodil Valley Elementary, new request for .20 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2011-2012 school year

Acceptance of Donation

The Board accepted, with thanks, Lakeridge Middle School PTO’s donation of $5000 for deposit into the school’s Hawkshun account.

The Board accepted, with thanks, Bonney Lake Elementary School PTO’s donation of $3112.00 to Bonney Lake Elementary to cover expenses for a 5th grade field trip.

Program Applications

The Board authorized the District to submit applications for the 2011-2012 school year as listed below.

Title I/Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

The 2011-2012 Title I and Learning Assistance Program applications are being submitted as part of the OSPI consolidated grant application process. Estimated federal grant allocation for Title I is $635,623. The estimated grant allocation for LAP is $660,000. Title I, Title I ARRA and LAP funds are used to supplement the basic education program based on individual plans submitted by eligible buildings. Each building plan was developed with the involvement of teachers, administrators, staff, and parents. Title I/LAP-eligible buildings are Daffodil Valley Elementary, Maple Lawn Elementary, Liberty Ridge Elementary, Bonney Lake Elementary, and Emerald Hills Elementary School. LAPonly eligible- buildings include: Donald Eismann Elementary, Victor Falls Elementary, Crestwood Elementary, Mountain View Middle School, Lakeridge Middle School, Sumner Middle School, Sumner High School and Bonney Lake High School. Title I and LAP services are intended to provide coordinated, supplemental learning opportunities to help participating students meet the state’s challenging student performance standards. The type of service is annually determined at the building level. Services are offered in the area of reading and/or math instruction as determined by the building.

Highly Capable Program

The annual program application for funds for highly capable students is being submitted to OSPI; the estimated state grant allocation is $70,200.

State Transition Bilingual Program

The annual program application to receive funding for the State Transitional Bilingual Program for the 2011-2012 school year is being submitted to OSPI; estimated grant allocation is $195,000. Funds are used to assist eligible students to acquire English language proficiency and academic content knowledge.

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Program Applications, continued

Title III (Limited English Proficient)

The 2011-2012 Title III application is being submitted to OSPI. Estimated federal grant allocation is $38,000. Title III funds are used to supplement the basic education program for students with limited proficiency in English, and supports professional development for instructional staff as well as acquisition of supplemental curriculum materials.

Perkins IV Act Application

The annual program application for funds under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) will be submitted to OSPI by September 1, 2011. The grant amount will be decreased this year due to a change in federal funding. State and local accountability measures are included in the grant evaluation and yearend report.

Title X Part C: Education of Homeless Children and Youths

The District appliedto OSPI for competitive funding to support work with McKinney-Ventoeligible students and families.The 2011-2012 application for $28,890 will support our 'Homeless Education Coordinator' position, in conjunction with mandatory Title I set aside money required to serve homeless students in non-Title I schools. The STARR Project coordinates this program with Special Services.

Title IV-B: 21st Century Community Learning Centers - Cohort 7

Renewal of the agreement with OSPI for competitive 21st Century (Title IV-B) funding, in the amount of $101,846 to support the Dolphin Club after school program at Daffodil Valley Elementary School. This funding represents the third year of a five-year grant award, pending ESEA reauthorization in 2011.

Pierce County Human Services Chemical Dependency Prevention Grant

County (federal) funds in the amount of approximately $40,000 will support best practice substance abuse prevention curricula at selectedelementary schools in Sumner and Puyallup school districts. Funds include support forstaff training, materials, student workbooks and STARR Project staff that will manage reporting requirements. Grant fundsare available July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012.

Cooperative Agreements

The Board authorized the District to approve cooperative agreements for the 2011-2012 school year as listed below.

Interdistrict cooperative agreement to establish receipt of services from or provision of services for Special Education nonresident students with Tacoma, Puyallup, Franklin Pierce, Enumclaw, Orting, Dieringer and White River school districts.

Interdistrict cooperative agreement with Enumclaw, White River and Sumner school districts to operate the White River Alternative Program (WRAP), formerly known as Collins High School, Collins Junior High and Collins Extension Center.

Renewal of the interdistrict cooperative agreement for the operation of Pierce County Careers Connection (PC3), a tech-prep consortium designed to provide students with dual creditopportunities and facilitate connections between secondary and post-secondary programs and staff. Pierce County school districts offer courses for credits through Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Tacoma Community College, and the Pierce College. Following the discontinuation of federal funding for Tech Prep, the consortium will be reconfigured with diminished staff and program support.

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Cooperative Agreements, continued

Renewal of the interdistrict cooperative agreement for the operation of the South King County Tech Prep Consortium (SCKTP). In an arrangement similar to PC3, SKCTP provides students with dual credit opportunities through Green River Community College, Highline Community College and Renton Technical College and professional development opportunities for Sumner School District staff. Following the discontinuation of federal funding for Tech Prep, the consortium will be reconfigured with diminished staff and program support.

Renewal of the interdistrict cooperative agreements with Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Green River Community College, Highline Community College, Pierce College and Tacoma Community College for the Running Start Program and technical high school opportunities.

Renewal of the interdistrict cooperative agreement with Bates Technical College. This agreement allows us to provide Bates college classes in the areas of automotive, construction and computer hardware for our students on the Sumner High School campus.

Renewal of the revised interdistrict agreement with Pierce County school districts for participation in programs offered through the Pierce County Skills Center (PCSC).

Approval of the memorandum of understanding between the PCSC and the Sumner School District in order to offer satellite courses on Sumner School District properties during the 2011 summer session.

Interdistrict cooperative agreement for participation in the Puget Sound Educational Service District No. 121 cooperative for Indian Education Services.

Renewal of the interlocal agreement with the City of Bonney Lake to contribute $12,000 toward the funding of the Sumner/Bonney Lake Family Center Coordinator position (January 1 – December 31, 2011).

Renewal of the interlocal agreement with the City of Sumner to contribute $29,200 toward the funding of the Sumner/Bonney Lake FamilyCenter Coordinator position (January 1 – December 31, 2011); and $800 for the Sumner Summer Lunch Program (supervision expenses).

Interlocal agreement for participation in the Puget Sound Joint Purchasing Cooperative for the bid and purchase of food and nonfood items.

Surplus Property

The Board authorized the District to surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.

Out of State Travel

Anthony Clarke, Head Wrestling Coach, Jeremy Sabin, Assistant Wrestling Coach, and MikeStock and Jim Cunningham, Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coaches, to accompany student wrestlers to the Tri-state Wrestling Tournament, December 16-17, 2011, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Funding source: BonneyLake High Boosters, ASB fundraising and parent donations.

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Out of State Travel, continued

Anthony Clarke, Head Wrestling Coach, Jeremy Sabin, Assistant Wrestling Coach, and Jim Cunningham, Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach, to accompany student wrestlers to the Rocky Mountain Rumble Wrestling Tournament, January 13-14, 2012, in Orem, Utah. Funding source: Bonney Lake High Boosters, ASB fundraising and parent donations.


a. Retiree Reception

JoAnn Stansell, Tom Pagel, Carolyn Mapile, Cecilia Hymer,and Joyce Albert were recognized for their dedication to the Sumner School District. These employees represent 150 years of service to Sumner School District students and families.

Meeting Recessed: 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Reconvened: 6:47 p.m.

Audience Comments

Four people addressed the Board with comments and concerns about the Sumner Pool. District Maintenance staff Mark Baumgarten, Gary Hopkins and Sean Ryderspoke about their concerns with lack of funds and available manpower to keep pool operational particularly during budget and staff reductions.Parent Susan Zweigler spoke to the positive impact having a pool has on students.

Four parents and two students addressed the Board to give positive comments and appreciation of Dr. Mendoza’s service to the District as superintendent and expressed concerns with his departure. They were: Melissa Russell, Dylan Russell, Nestor Fernandez, Tyler Bucich, Steve Mark and Rich Moczygemba.

Meeting Recessed: 7:15 p.m.

Meeting Reconvened: 7:20 p.m.


a.End of Course Exam Update

Research and Assessment Director Susie Lynch shared observations on the recently completed High School End of Course exams. The District will receive the results in late August.

b.Comprehensive Guidance Plan Report

Career and College Readiness Director Sarah Briehl shared the District’s Guidance and Counseling mission, to promote and enhance student learning. Counselors Dasha Berry and Angi Sullivan gave an overview of the progress being made to implement a consistent districtwide guidance program.

c.Culminating Project Report

Teaching & Learning Executive Director Erin LaVerdiere reviewed changes made to the District’s

Senior Project processthat will be implemented during the 2011-2012 school year. While

meeting existing state requirements the process has been streamlined. The new Culminating Project

will require a minimum of15 hours of communityservice. Culminating Project presentations will be given to student peers rather than staff and community members.

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Reports, continued

d.2011-2012 Budget

Business Services Executive Director Debbie Campbell recognized and thanked Althea Clarke and Millie Hopkins for their work on developing the 2011-2012 school year budget. Deb gave an introduction to the prototypical staff funding model for schools and reviewed the new funding formulas.

e.High School Aquatics Program Update

Athletics and Activities Director TimThomsenbriefed the Board on input received from recent meetings with athletes and parents related to the swimming pool and high school aquatic programs. He provided structure for the short and long-term decisions that need to be made. He also announced a proposal received from a possible business partner to continue operation of the pool. The Board agreed to schedule a study sessionto review the District’s options.

f.Myers Road Improvement Update

Maintenance and Operations Director Mark Baumgarten reported on the current status of the Myers Road improvements portion of the Lakeridge Middle School project. A recommendation by the Administration on this improvement will be presented as a change order at the July 13 Board meeting.

Superintendent Comments

Dr. Mendoza thanked and commended Victor Falls ElementaryPrincipal Beth Dykman, Deb Barlow, Craig Spencer and Ann Cook for their work and support of students, staff and families impacted by the tragedy and unexpected death of Victor Falls teacher Amy Erwin.

Board Member Comments


Unfinished Business

a. Instructional Materials Adoption: Second Reading

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board adopt the following textbooks for use in the Sumner School District: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

Title: Introductory Algebra – Everyday Explorations 4th Edition

Author: Alice Kaseberg

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Copyright: 2008

Name of class in which the textbook will be used: College Math Exam Prep (1st semester)

Title: Intermediate Algebra – Everyday Explorations 4th Edition

Author: Alice Kaseberg

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Copyright: 2008

Name of class in which the textbook will be used: College Math Exam Prep (2nd semester)

Title: Introduction to Video Game Design

Author: D. Michael Ploor

Publisher: Goodheart-Wilcox

Copyright: 2011

Name of class in which the textbook will be used: Middle School Intro to Game Design

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June 8, 2011

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New Business

a. Yearbook Contract Renewal

Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board extend the contract with Taylor Publishing as the yearbook vendor for the period of September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

b. 2011-2012 Dairy Vendor

Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board award the dairy vendor contract to Dairy Fresh Farms for the 2011-2012 school year: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

c. Warrant Approval

Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the warrants as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.

Warrant #43334-#43391 in the total amount of $3,258,729.90

General Fund $102,384.29

Capital Projects $3,031,893.13

ASB Fund $14,985.48

Private Purpose Trust Fund $200.00

Transportation Vehicle Fund $109,267.00

Warrant #43392-#43466 in the total amount of $282,196.91

General Fund $192,753.38

Capital Projects $1,239.48

ASB Fund $21,787.12

Private Purpose Trust Fund $66,416.93

Warrant #197131-#197177 in the total amount of $4,959,486.14

General Fund

Warrant #101100029-#101100031 in the total amount of $4,731.82

General Fund $4,063.10

Capital Projects $450.53

ASB Fund $218.19

d. Instructional Materials Adoption: First Reading

These materials have been reviewed and approved by the District Curriculum and Instructional Materials Committee and were provided for first reading.

Title: Mapping United States History (Teacher’s Guide Binder, Student Activities Binder, Atlases)

Publisher: Nystrom/Herff Jones Education Division

Copyright: 2009

Name of class in which the textbook will be used: 6th Social Studies-U.S. History

Title: How a Bill Becomes a Law

Author: Pat Luce & Holly Joyner

Publisher: Scholastic

Copyright: 2008

Name of class in which the textbook will be used: 6th Social Studies-U.S. History

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June 8, 2011

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Instructional Materials Adoption: First Reading, continued