May 6, 2014

The Zeeland Charter Township Board held a Regular Board meeting on May 6, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Hall at 6582 Byron Road, Zeeland, Michigan. Members present: Supervisor Nykamp, Treasurer Myaard, Trustees Barkel, Brink, Oonk, and Zylstra. Absent Clerk Evink.

1.  Supervisor Glenn Nykamp called the meeting to order.

Recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Invocation offered by Supervisor Nykamp.

2.  Motion made by Trustee Oonk to approve the minutes of the April 15, 2014 meeting. Treasurer Myaard supported the motion which passed. Absent: Evink.

3.  Business Items:

a.  Public Safety Building Update. Bids will be opened next Thursday, May 15 at 3 pm.

Progress continues to go well.

b.  MAX Amendment Approval. The MAX board of directors approved the amendment effective April, 2014.

c.  Treasurer Myaard’s Report.

i.  We received a State Revenue Sharing check totaling $107,883 for January and February.

ii. Treasurer Myaard motioned to amend the current investment policy. The word “only” will be changed to “examples of those investments would be the following” in describing allowed government investments under PA 20 of 1988. Trustee Barkel supported the motion which passed with a roll call vote. Absent: Evink.

iii.  Treasurer Myaard motioned to switch from Ameriprise to Huntington Capital Markets managed by Mr. Bill Kilzuski. The change will reduce the fees to the township. Trustee Brink supported the motion which passed with a roll call vote. Absent: Evink.

4.  Committee Reports:

a.  PLANNING COMMISSION. Will meet next month to discuss the Master Plan. The committee acted on 75% of the recommendations.

b.  BOARD OF APPEAL. Rescheduled for May 13.

c.  MACC & MACC TECH. 2 Treasurer Myaard reported on a recent meeting discussing the proposed changes to the M-40 truck stop area. Included in the proposed changes will be to realign two roads and add two roundabouts. The group also discussed a non-motorized plan for the area.

d.  BUILDING /GROUNDS. Bids for the public safety building will also include new shingles and new parking lot lights for the town hall.

e.  CEMETERY. Met May 6 and decided the township will have one sexton for the entire township. Mr. Jim Timmer will be the new Zeeland Charter Township cemetery sexton. The Committee will make recommendations to the board at a future date on specific changes for the cemetery ordinance.

f.  ROADS. Committee will meet next week. Supervisor Nykamp noted the gravel roads need brining due to the dry weather.

g.  PARKS/RECREATION. Trustee Brink reported Zeeland Recreation is doing a good job managing the ball games at the Drenthe Grove. Integrity Landscape submitted the low bid for caretaker. Mr. Earl Arendsen will continue as caretaker for front section. The pond will receive treatment. Mr. Doug Walcott will resign as chairman of the Drenthe Grove Association at the end of this year.

Supervisor Nykamp put up new “no motorized vehicle” signs in VanZoeren Woods.

5.  Supervisor’s Report.

a.  Black Creek Ridge will have a pre-con meeting for 2nd phase construction next week.

b.  Received a thank you from the Holland Zeeland Community Foundation for our fireworks donation.

c.  Received a thank you from Sergeant Weiss for the donation to the memorial statue at the Fillmore complex.

d.  The Ottawa County Road Commission is conducting a poll for a County-Wide road millage.

e.  An article about the new Public Safety Building appeared in the latest issue of Michigan Township Focus.

6.  Additional Board Comment

a.  Trustee Barkel requested the Fire Chief appear before the board to give a quarterly report. He also inquired if the fire committee had discussed long term absentness from the fire department. No comment was made at this time.

7.  Citizen / Public comment.

a.  Lana Frody of Mica Dr. expressed concern over possible future changes in property use as allowed under the Master Plan. Of particular concern is the possible construction of a truck stop along Adams Street.

8.  Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Freeman – Recording Secretary