Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a historic and cultural icon, a hero that fought to educate and inspire others to break down barriers and unite together in the fight for civil rights for all people no matter their skin color, nationality, religious affiliation, or income level.

He had a dream and so do you. Let the music, dance, poetry / spoken word that you choose to perform reflect the memory and uphold the legacy of Dr. King. Search his most famous quotes to inspire your performance.

Audition is January 10, 2017 @ 3:45 p.m. in the cafeteria.

·  You will be auditioning in front of a panel of teachers.

·  The time limit for an audition is 3 minutes. YOU need to time your talent to make sure you do not go over.

1.  Be prepared

·  You will need a permission slip in order to audition.

·  If you are using a CD, you must bring it with you & have it clearly marked with the track #, and your name.

·  Bring 4 copies of any poem or spoken word or lyrics to a song that will be sung


§  All songs & dances should be appropriate for all ages to see & hear at school.

§  Suggestive dancing seen in most music videos is not appropriate for school. Please think about this BEFORE the audition.

§  If your act is not appropriate, you will not be cast in the assembly.

3.  Costumes

·  If it is not allowed at school, it is not allowed on stage.

4.  Selected students will be posted Thursday, January 15th by 8:30 AM.

·  Outside of room 209.

5.  Additional rehearsals will be posted when the list of selected students is shared.

Act Description

Student Name:______

Other group members’ names:______


Name of act: ______

Type: (dance, singing, etc) ______

Song name: (if you have one) ______

Participation Agreement

“I understand and agree to all provided information regarding auditions, rehearsals, and performances. I have put the info sheet in a safe place for future reference.”

Student Name ______

Student signature: ______date:______

Parent/ Guardian: ______date:______

Contact Information

Partial Schedule (list teachers only):

2nd period:______3rd period:______

Emergency Contact Information (Please Print Clearly)

Emergency Contact 1: Name:______

Phone: ______Relationship:______

Emergency Contact 2: Name:______

Phone: ______Relationship:______