Self-Assessment Rubric – Group Work

Antarctica Web Activity for
Note: Calculate the score by multiplying the level number by the number in parentheses under the category name. For example, if the performance matches Level 3 for Graphics, the score is 3 x 2 or 6. Put 6 in the Score column in the Graphics row, then, add it to the other points for a total.


 / How did I do? /

Level 1: Beginning

/ Level 2: Developing / Level 3: Accomplished / Level 4: Exemplary / My Score
Researching and collecting information
(x 3) / I did not collect any information related to the topic. / I collected some information, but only a small portion of it was useful for the topic. / I collected some information, but not all of it was related to the topic. / I collected a lot of good information for my part of the topic.
12points possible
Sharing information
(x 1) / I did not share any information with my group. / I shared a little bit of informationwith my group. / I shared some useful information with my group. / I shared lots of useful informationwith my team.
4points possible
Participating in the tasks
(x 3) / I did not participate in any of the tasks or assignments. / I participated less than half the time on any tasks or assignments. / I participated on more than half, but not all the tasks and assignments. / I participated in all the tasks and assignments.
12points possible
Completing my tasks
(x 2) / I did not complete any of the tasks assigned to me. / I completed fewer than half the tasks assigned to me. / I completed more than half, but not all, the tasks assigned to me. / I completed all of the tasks assigned to me.
8 points possible
Listening to other members of the group
(x 2) / I did not listen to other members of the group; I did things my own way. / I did not listen to other group members’ ideas or suggestions very often. / I listened to other group members’ ideas and suggestions nearly all the time. / I listened to other group members’ ideas and suggestions, and then decided if it would help the project to follow them.
8 points possible
Co-operating with my team
(x 2) / I argued with my group members and tried to get them to do things my way. / I sometimes argued with other group members. / I discussed things with other group members and had only a few arguments. / I discussed things with other group members without arguing.
8 points possible
Making fair decisions
(x 2) / Having things go my way is the only way a group should work. / In my group, I only worked with my friend. / Sometimes I had the best idea, and sometimes it was someone else. / Our group made fair decisions as much as we could.
8 points possible
Antarctica Web Activity for
Note: Calculate the score by multiplying the level number by the number in parentheses under the category name. For example, if the performance matches Level 3 for Graphics, the score is 3 x 2 or 6. Put 6in the Score column in the Graphics row, then, add it to the other points for a total.
Level 1: Beginning / Level 2: Developing / Level 3: Accomplished / Level 4: Exemplary / My Score


(x2) / The audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. / The audience has difficulty because the student presents the information sequence in an erratic manner. / The student presents the information in a logical sequence that the audience can follow. / The student presents the information in a logical, interesting fashion that the audience can follow.
8 points possible
Subject Knowledge
(x3) / The student does not have a grasp of the information; the student cannot answer questions concerning the subject. / The student is uncomfortable with the information and is able to answer only elementary questions. / The student is at ease answering anticipated questions, but cannot elaborate. / The student demonstrates full knowledge by answering all types of questions with explanations and elaborations.
12 points possible
(x2) / The student uses unnecessary or no graphics / The student occasionally uses graphics that rarely support the presentation. / The student’s graphics relate to the presentation. / The student’s graphics clarify and enhance the presentation,
8 points possible
(x 1) / The student’s presentation has 4 or more spelling &/or grammatical errors. / The presentation has 3 spelling &/or grammatical errors. / The presentation has no more than 2 spelling &/or grammatical errors. / The presentation has no spelling or grammatical errors
4 points possible
Eye Contact
(x 1) / The student reads all of the presentation with no eye contact. / The student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of the presentation. / The student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to his/her notes. / The student maintains eye contact with the audience, seldom returning to their notes.
4 points possible
(x 1) / The student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for all to hear. / The student’s voice is low, he/she incorrectly pronounces terms and the audience has difficulty hearing. / The student’s voice is clear, he/she pronounces nearly all words correctly and most of the audience can hear what is said. / The student uses a clear voice and correct pronunciation. All audience members can hear what is said clearly.
4 points possible