Process Management / Syllabus 2014

Process-Based Business Development


Syllabus 2014

Dag Naslundand Hana Hulthen, 2014-03-10

Welcome to Process-Based Business Development

Course objectives

The overall purpose of the course is to give the student tools and methods as well as principles, concepts and visionary perspectives within the subject area of Process-Based Business Development.

The course will also strengthen the students’ holistic view of processes and relate to other topic areas such as logistics/supply chain management, operations management and strategy.

Assessment and grades

To qualify for a final grade the student must have passed a written examination and completed all compulsory assignments satisfactorily (cases, projects, games etc.).

•The exam is worth 50% of the final grade.

•The cases and assignments are worth 50% of the final grade (14 + 7 + 29).

The written examination covers course literature and lectures. Maximum is 50 points, and at least 25 are needed to pass.


The course is for 7.5 higher education credits which corresponds to about 200 hours of work divided into lectures, cases studies, project work, a simulation game and individual studies.


The course website includes syllabus, course material, contact information, changes and updates etc. The website is updated on a regular basis so please make it a habit to check the webpage frequently.

Click on Courses and then Process-Based Business Development

Username:will be distributed at course start

Password:will be distributed at course start


The course literature consists of articles and other material such as powerpoint presentations, cases etc. All material covered in class and posted on the website is part of the course and could be included in the examination.

Contact Information


Phone:046-222 9150


Phone046-222 9154

Guest Lectures

Eva Berg, Tlog

Jan Olhager, Tlog

Anders Ljungberg, Trivector

Bengt Larsson, Alfa Laval

Robert Lindroth, Axis

Department Secretary


Phone:046-222 91 51

Office:Building M, room 4118.

Contact time:At department 09-12, 13-15.30


Your feedback regarding teaching and learning activities is important to us, the department and the students of next year’s course. You are always welcome to contact ustodiscuss the course, its structure and content.

Welcome to the course Process-Based Business Development!

Date / Time / Room / Form / Topic / Groups
Mon 17 Mar / 13-17 / MA:MA02 / Lecture / Introduction / All
Tue 18 Mar / 13-15 / MA:MA02 / Lecture / Process Management / All
Wed 19 Mar / 13-15 / M:D / Lecture / Process Management / All
Fri 21 Mar / 8-12 / M:Ida / Game / Process Management / Groups
Mon 24Mar / 13-15 / M:Q / Lecture / Process Management / All
Tues 25 Mar / 10-16 / M:Q, X1a / Case 1 / Process Management / Groups
Mon 31Mar / 13-17 / M:Q / Lecture / Cross-Functional Integration / All
Tues 1 Apr / 13-15 / M:B / Lecture / Sales and Operations Planning / All
Wed 2 Apr / 13-15 / M:D / Seminar / Cross-Functional Integration / All
Mon 7 Apr / 13-17 / M:Q / Lecture / Process Leadership / All
Tues 8 Apr / 10-12 / M:D / Lecture / Process Leadership / All
Wed 9 Apr / 13-15 / M:D / Lecture / Process Leadership / All
Mon 5May / 13-17 / M:Q / Lecture/ Presentation / Process Mapping / All
Tue 6May / 13-15 / M:E / Lecture / Process Analysis and Change 1 / All
Mon 12 May / 13-17 / M:Q / Lecture/ Presentation / Performance Measurements / All
Tues 13 May / 13-15 / M:E / Lecture / Process Analysis and Change 2
Wed 14 May / 13-17 / M:D / Presentation / Group Projects / All
Thur 15 May / 13-15 / M:Q / Presentation / Group Projects / All
Mon 19 May / 13-17 / M:Q / Case 2 / Process Analysis and Change / Groups
Tues 20 May / M:E / Lecture / Systems Theory / All
Wed 21 May / 13-15 / M:D / Seminar / Review / All
Mon 26 May / 14-18 / MA:08 / EXAM