To provide the Principal, central team and Academy Improvement Board with:

  • Day to day Financial Management – payroll, setting and monitoring budgets, securing external funding, cash management, implementing best value and best practice.
  • Contributing to strategic planning and effective wider leadership across the academy
  • Human Resource Management – recruiting and managing staff, personnel issues, relationship management, performance management, professional development, payroll policies and employment law.
  • Premises and facilities Management – managing contracts, facilities, lettings, health and safety.
  • Whole school administration – To provide systematic whole school administration for the benefit of the school. To produce reports within these areas for the Principal and Academy Improvement Board.
  • To be a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

The details set out below describe the main duties and responsibilities for the post Business manger

However, a document such as this does not allow for every item to be specified in detail, nor does it direct the particular amount of time to be spent on carrying them out.


  • To be responsible for all day to day financial matters ensuring that the school makes best possible use of the resources available.
  • To be responsible for the disciplines of Financial Management, Personnel Management, Estate Management and general administration of the academy functions
  • To be responsible for effective risk management for Health and Safety and in the management of any third party contracts.
  • To be part of the Senior Leadership Team and participate in the development and review of the school improvement plan.
  • To be accountable to the Academy Improvement board, central team and internal audit.


  • To comply with the financial handbook for academies and complete returns in line with NET deadlines.
  • To maintain and monitor budgets headings. To prepare regular management accounts for budget holders and to report to governors and the central team.
  • To ensure that the School Improvement Plan is fully costed and remains within budget.
  • To monitor school based expenditure and income against the approved budget using the agreed Financial Package.
  • To use financial management information especially benchmarking tools to identify areas of relevant spend and liaise with procurement advisors to ensure best value.
  • To monitor all accounting procedures and resolve any problems including, the ordering, processing and payment for all goods and services provided to the school. The operation of the bank account ensuring full reconciliation is undertaken at least once per month. Preparation of invoices and collection of fees.
  • To monitor income streams, e.g. standards fund, income and pupil numbers.
  • To complete PLASC as required and liaise with the principal and governors regarding strategic planning
  • To negotiate, manage and monitor contracts, tenders and agreements for the school.
  • To be responsible for the arrangements for school facilities including, catering, bookings for school facilities.


  • To be responsible for general personnel matters.
  • To monitor sickness and maternity procedures, redundancy and liaise with HR support from NET on general HR matters.
  • To maintain confidential staff records.
  • To provide leadership and guidance to support staff including the direct line management responsibility where required.
  • To organise the schools administrative systems and personnel to ensure a smooth running organisation, which enhances the work the school is doing to provide high quality education for its pupils.
  • To be responsible for all staff contracts and co-ordinate the administration for recruitment.
  • To formulate, monitor and implement the schools safety policy to comply with the requirements of Health and Safety at work act and other legislation.
  • To act as the schools Health and Safety coordinator and Fire Officer.


  • To keep records of and to initiate regular fire practices and alarm tests.
  • To ensure that emergency procedures are currently and timely.
  • In conjunction with the Principal, to develop and monitor the Business and Continuity plan.
  • Ensure a safe environment for the stakeholders of the school to provide a secure environment in which due learning processes can be provided.
  • To maintain all school insurances in all forms including assessments, claims and administration
  • To lead on Health and Safety undertaking to ensure legislative compliance and the necessary risk assessment monitoring through NET procedures and protocols.
  • To ensure, in conjunction with the Principal and relevant staff that all H&S procedures and requirements are being resourced and met
  • To ensure that systems are in place for effective monitoring, measuring and reporting of Health & Safety issues using the NET HALO system.


  • To attend school events as required
  • To participate in school emergencies, in conjunction with other members of the SLT, including the implementation of effective evacuation and search procedures as required
  • To arrange and give training sessions to staff to ensure that they are aware of procedures and regulations
  • To attend training sessions and meetings as required
  • To seek, consider and act upon professional support and advice as required
  • To assist in such duties and activities relating to any of the above areas appropriate to grade as the Principal and governors shall from time to time reasonably require