Dr. Ted Hildebrandt, OT History, Lit., and Theology, Lecture 15

A. Quiz Preview [0:00-0:54]

79 questions

B. Interracial Marriage and the OT [0:55-6:03]

C. Moses and Humility and the authorship of Num. 12:3 [6:04-13:14]
13 minutes / 10+ 6 =16 questions / 10+3 = 13 questions

D. Sending out the Spies into the Promised Land [13:15-14:14]

E. Can God change his mind? Is God static or dynamic? [14:15-18:43]
F. Sending the Spies [18:44-21:45]
8 minutes / 6+2 = 8 questions /

G. Kadesh Barnea [21:46-29:33]

H. God’s resolve to destroy Israel [29:34-32:01]
I. Moses argues with God [32:02-35:05]
J. Forgiveness and consequences [35:06-36:25]
15 minutes / 11+2 = 13 questions /

K. Can God change his mind? [36:24-37:35]
L. Prayer and changing God’s mind [37:36-39:04]
M. On choosing multiple goods [39:05-41:26]
N. God as unchangeable [41:27- 46:23]
10 minutes / 7+5 = 12 questions /

O. Rumination on the mystery and wonder of God [46:24-56:35]
10 minutes / 5+1 = 6 questions /

P. Korah Rebellion [56:36-62:01]

Q. Moses as prophet and sheol [62:02-66:14]

10 minutes / 8+3 = 11 questions /

R. Can people change? [66:15-71:32]

S. Moses and the rock [71:33-77:12]

T. Snake on the pole (Num. 21) [77:13-79:44]
13 minutes / 11 + 2 = 13 questions /

Dr. Ted Hildebrandt, OT History, Lit., and Theology, Lecture 15

Multiple Choice:

1. The discussion on interracial marriage was prompted by [15B]
A. The Israelites pursuing Midianite wives
B. Some of the Israelites had black wives
*C. Moses marrying a Cushite wife
D. Some Ethiopians who came out of the slavery in Egypt with Israel
2. Why was it suggested that Aaron did not get judged with leprosy for criticizing
Moses but Miriam did? [15B]
A. Aaron was just going along with Miriam and didn’t initiate the complaint
*B. Aaron was high priest and that would impacted the whole nation
C. Aaron actually tried to defend Moses but Miriam rejected it
D. Aaron himself had married a Cushite wife

3. What was ironic about the judgment on Miriam for objecting to Moses’ Cushite
wife? [15B]
A. Miriam herself is turned black with disease
B. Miriam is expelled from the camp which is what she wanted for Moses’
C. God rebukes Miriam in the Cushite language
*D. Miriam herself is turned white with leprosy
4. Who was Moses’ father-in-law from back in Midian? [15B]
A. Melchizedek the king of Midian
B. Balaam, the prophet from Midian
*C. Jethro, the priest of Midian
D. Abiraim, the prophet of El

5. How did God say he normally communicated with prophets? [15B]
A. Through thoughts and minds
B. Through the Urim and Thumim
C. Through the priestly ephod
D. Through dreams and visions

6. How did God say Moses was unique from other prophets when Miriam and Aaron
objected to his Cushite wife? [15B]
A. Moses alone had gone up Mount Sinai to receive the law
B. Moses alone had the staff of God
C. Moses alone had heard the name of God from the burning bush
*D. Moses alone spoke with God face to face
7. Zipporah, Moses’ first wife, was of what ethnic origin? [15B]
A. Moabite
B. Edomite
*C. Midianite
D. Jebusite

8. A verse in Numbers that critics use to suggest Moses didn’t write the Pentateuch is
A. The verse about Moses striking the rock
*B. The verse about Moses being humble
C. The verse about Moses having the ground open up to swallow Korah
D. The verse that describes Moses’ wife
9. It is possible that the word translated “humility” in Number 12:3 could better be
translated ______[15C]
*A. Oppressed
B. Short in height
C. Embarrassed
D. Forgiving
10. What is a helpful way of discovering one’s own pride? [15C]
A. Prayerful personal reflection
B. Read and think about Psalm 15
C. See how easy or difficult it is for one to confess their sins
*D. Ask a trusted friend
11. The spies Moses sent out to scout out the Promised Land were sent out from ______
*A. Kadesh Barnea
B. Mount Sinai
C. Beer Sheba
D. Taberah

12. The spies Moses sent out to scout out the Promised Land brought back fruit
from the area of ______[15D]
A. Bethlehem
B. Tekoa
C. Lachish
*D. Hebron
13. All of the following questions were raised in regard to God’s response to the spies
rejecting the idea of going up and taking the Promised Land EXCEPT [15E]
A. Can God change?
B. Can God make a choice right now or have all choices already been made?
*C. Is God fickle switching back and forth between choices?
D. Is God static or dynamic?

14. Why was it argued that Moses was not wrong in sending out spies to scout out
the Promised Land? [15F]
A. Moses prayed before he sent out the spies
B. Aaron had cast divine lots for which men should go as spies

C. This was a common ancient custom always done before attacking
*D. God told him to send out the spies
15. How was the Promised Land commonly described? A land _____ [15F]
A. Of grapes, olives and figs
*B. Flowing with milk and honey
C. Filled with flourishing cities and rich farm land
D. Thriving with cattle and crops

16. When the Bible describes the Promised Land as a land flowing with milk and honey,
what was a suggested understanding of what that was referring to? [15F]
*A. Goat milk and date jam
B. Cow milk and bee honey
C. Coconut milk and sugar cane
D. Shepherds and farmers

17. When the Israelite spies came back they portrayed themselves as ______in
comparison to the inhabitants of the land. [15G]
A. Ants
*B. Grasshoppers
C. Sparrows
D. Spiders
18. What two groups did the spies report that brought fear into the hearts of the
Israelites? [15G]
A. Jebusites and Hittites
B. Philistines and Girgasites
*C. Anakim and Rephaim
D. Nephalim and Zamzummim

19. After the Israelites voted against going up and taking the Promised Land what
did they propose doing? [15G]
A. Settling at Kadesh Barnea
*B. Returning to Egypt
C. Returning to Mount Sinai
D. Going into the Negev
20. How many spies were sent out to scout out the Promised Land? [15G]
A. 2
B. 6
*C. 12
D. 24
21. After the spies reject going up into the land why does God say he’s upset? [15H]
*A. After all the miraculous signs they still don’t believe God
B. They did not think God was greater than the giants
C. After the promises to Abraham they still didn’t believe
D. They lacked courage even though God was going to give them the victory
22. What was God’s response when the people refused to go up and take the Promised
Land? [15H]
A. He said he would let them die of thirst in the desert
B. He said the Philistines would come in and destroy them
*C. He said he would destroy them with a plague
D. He said he would take them back to Egypt
23. How did God say he would treat Moses after the Israelites refused to go up
and take the land? [15H]
A. He would let only those that Moses approved live
*B. He would make Moses into a greater nation than Israel had been
C. He would take only Moses’ family into the Promised Land
D. He would give Moses all the Promised Land for himself
24. When God said he would destroy the Israelites for not going up and taking the
Promised Land on what basis did Moses argue against God’s stated intention?
A. God had made a promise to Abraham which he could not break
*B. The Egyptians would hear and conclude God was not strong enough to
bring them into the Promised Land
C. He would send out a new batch of spies to reverse the decision of the
former group
D. Moses said he would ignore the vote of the spies and just go up and
take the land anyway

25. Moses argued that God should not destroy the Israelites after they refused to
go up and take the land for all of the following reasons EXCEPT [15I]
*A. God always keeps his covenant
B. God is slow to anger
C. God abounds in loyal love
D. God forgives sin and rebellion
26. On what basis did God say he would forgive the Israelites after they refused to
go up and take the Promised Land? [15I]
A. His steadfast love
B. The people’s repentance
C. God’s realization that they would never change
*D. Moses’ prayer
27. It was argued that forgiveness may not annul the ______in reference to Moses
praying and God forgiving their refusal to take the land [15J]
*A. Consequences
B. Compassion of God
C. God’s promise
D. People’s rebellion
28. What was used as proof that God in fact did change his mind? [15K]
A. God said he would provide manna for the Israelites and then later
said he would stop the manna
B. God told Moses to strike the rock and then when he did Moses is
judged for striking a second rock
*C. God said he would wipe Israel out and then later said he would forgive
and spare them
D. God ordered the snakes to bite the Israelites and then ordered them
to stop
29. What was listed in the text as a factor for why God changed his mind from going
to destroy Israel to letting them wander for 40 years in the wilderness? [15L]
*A. Moses prayed
B. Aaron offered a sacrifice
C. They put blood on the mercy seat
D. The people repented
30. What was the response to the object if God changed than he must have made a
mistake earlier or if he changed his perfect plan is it less than perfect now? [15M]
A. God changed only when humans change
B. God didn’t really change, it just appeared to humans that way as he did he
knew ahead of time exactly what he was going to do
C. Change was just an anthropomorphic way of portraying God, he
in fact did not really change
*D. It was proposed that there could be multiple perfects or goods and God
changed from one to the other
31. It was argued that everything is not fixed in the future because [15N]
A. God can change anything he wants about himself or the world
*B. God gave Saul an if-statement the outcome of which is determined
by Saul not God
C. For God there is no difference between the present and the future
D. God interacts with humans in ways that seem changing but are not

32. All of the following were listed as examples of something God promised and had
to happen in the future EXCEPT [15N]
A. God promised Abraham the land
*B. God said he would make Moses into a nation greater than Israel
C. God said the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem
D. God told Abraham that he would multiply his seed as the stars
33. It was maintained from the book of Numbers that [15N]
*A. Some things in the future are fixed and some are not
B. From God’s perspective all things in the future are known and fixed
C. God determines things only in the now so everything in the future is up for
D. God himself doesn’t know the future because the future doesn’t exist
34. All of the following are speech acts that do not require a fixed future response
*A. A promise
B. A wish
C. A observation of a fact
D. An if-then statement
E. An expression of surprise or grief

35. The desire of this course is to move from the debate on predestination and free will to
*A. An appreciation for the wonder and mystery of God
B. A solution which you will feel comfortable with
C. How to think critically about such conundrums
D. A scriptural foundation that will allow you to solve such issues
36. In Isaiah 40:28 God says [15O]
A. My word reveals who I am and will be
B. Obey me and then you will understand my ways
*C. No one understands my understanding
D. If you believe you will understand
37. Some suggest God is portrayed in Scripture as changing because [15O]
A. He in fact never changes and wants us to appreciate that
*B. He’s giving us an anthropomorophism so we can understand
C. He’s using language which itself changes
D. Change is all we know and can understand as humans
38. Some respond that God is portrayed in Scripture as changing because [15O]
A. Change is all we know and can understand as humans
B. He in fact never changes and wants us to appreciate that
C. He gets bored always being the same
*D. He is using it to teach Moses not that God really changes

39. God used conditional statements with Saul [if/then] and [15O]
*A. In the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve
B. With Abraham and the covenant
C. With Moses when he did the plagues on Egypt
D. Jacob when God choose him before he was born
40. All of the following rebelled against Moses’ leadership EXCEPT [15P]
A. Korah
B. Dathan
*C. Phinehas
D. Abiram
41. Korah was from which tribe of Israel? [15P]
A. Judah
*B. Levi
C. Benjamin
D. Ephraim
42. In what sense did God give Korah what he wanted? [15P]
*A. He separated him
B. He honored him
C. He anointed him
D. He commanded him
43. What new role did Moses play in the Korah incident? [15P]
A. Judge
B. Protagonist
C. Prophet
*D. Anti-mediator
44. In the Korah situation Moses asked God ______[15P]
A. Not to answer their prayers
*B. Not to accept their sacrifice
C. To make them leaders instead of himself
D. To stop the snakes biting the people