Minutes of the meeting of Ashby Woulds Town Council Communications Committee held on Wednesday 6th July2016in the Council Chamber, Moira Replan, 17 Ashby Road at 5.30pm

Present:Cllrs S McKendrick (Chair),L Ordish, E Shephard, P Thomas

Officers:A Robinson (Clerk),

  1. Apologies


  1. Declarations of Member’s Interests


  1. Questions from members of the public


4.Approval of Minutes

Resolved: That the minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd February 2016 be approved and signed as a true record.

5. Clerk’s Report

Litter Pick held on 16th April was not quite as well attended as the previous year and only one person from Albert Village took part. It was however still a good turnout and successful event. Next year’s national campaign will be the Great British Spring Clean held first weekend in March.

Resolved: Seek approval from full council to hold event that weekend and to purchase own equipment.

6. Newsletter

Articles for next newsletter discussed. Deadline 12th August. Publication mid September.

To include usual events, reports and message from the Mayor. To include introductions to

Councillors. Consideration given to asking local businesses to provide flyers for distribution

with newsletters. Item to be considered in more detail at the next meeting. Next issue to

include calendar of council meetings and local events for the forthcoming year.

7. Social Media/Website

Draft social media policy incorporating newsletter policy circulated and considered.

Newsletter deadlines and publication dates slightly amended. Still awaiting confirmation of

number of new houses from NWLDC.

Resolved:Social Media Policy to be submitted to Full council for approval.

First meeting held with new website provider. Template provided for pages to be built and content added. Clerk to build website and seek input from members when necessary. LCC website will be switched off on 31st August.

Facebook continues to be updated regularly and is proving to be successful with more

people engaging in council matters.

8.Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 19thOctober 2016 5.30pm

Meeting closed at 6.20pm.

Chair’s Signature