Inglês 8.º ano

1. Choose the correct option.

Google is a famous...

a)computer brand.

b)PC game.

c)Internet search engine.

d)online encyclopedia.

2.Choose the correct option.

What is a genome?

a)The scientist that studies genes.

b)The scientific branch that focuses on the study of cells.

c)A human disease.

d)The complete set of genes in a cell or living thing.

3. Choose the correct option.

In July 5 1996 Dolly became the world's first mammal ever to be successfully cloned from a single adult cell. She was...

a)a dog.

b)a frog.

c)a sheep.

d)a whale.

4.Choose the correct option.

What is genetics?

a)The branch of biology that deals with the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics.

b)The branch of history which studies the ancient Egypt.

c)The branch of history that deals with the study of the human race.

d)The branch of biology that deals with the use of microorganisms in industry.

5.Choose the correct option.

If you're an elderly person who uses the Internet, you're...

a)a pink panther.

b)a black surfer.

c)a white surfer.

d)a silver surfer.

6. Choose the correct option.

“RoboCup's most ambitious goal is, by the year 2050, to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots.”

How many adverbs of degree does this sentence contain?





7.Choose the correct option.

If something isn't rocket science, it...

a)isn't difficult or complicated.

b)is Russian.

c)is American.

d)is hard to understand.

8.Choose the correct option.

Which sentence contains a compound word?

a)Robotics is developing fast in the last few decades.

b)There are small-sized, middle-sized, four-legged robots leagues as well as a humanoid league.

c)I'm crazy about robotics.

d)RoboCup is an international research and education initiative.

9.Choose the correct option.


a)made our lives easier and more comfortable.

b)are a waste of time and money.

c)had no impact on human life whatsoever.

d)made our daily routines more difficult.

10.Decide if the following sentences are true [T] or false [F].

a)Each chromosome contains hundreds of genes separated by intergenic sections.

b)The human genome is composed by 23 pairs of chromosomes.

c)Genes are arranged on a long chain in a complex chemical known as DNA.

d)DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.

e)Genes are a set of instructions that do not pass on from parent to offspring.

11.Decide if the following sentences are true [T] or false [F].

a)Artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) are good answers to infertile couples.

b)AI only allows a woman's egg to be fertilised by her partner's sperm.

c)AI techniques may pose legal and moral problems difficult to cope with.

d)Both AI and IVF are cheap procedures.

12.Decide if the following sentences are true [T] or false [F].

Read the text 'Welcome to the Robot Soccer World Cup!' and answer accordingly.

Welcome to the Robot Soccer World Cup!

In case you’re fed up with real soccer, here’s an alternative competition: RoboCup! RoboCup is an international research and educational initiative, which aims at developing robotics and promoting research and education in the field of artificial intelligence. Having the soccer game as a central topic of research, RoboCup develops innovations to be applied for socially significant problems and industries.

Robotics is developing fast in the last few decades. This particular robotics competition was founded in 1993 and in July 1997, the first official conference and games were held in Nagoya, Japan. RoboCup has currently four major divisions, RoboCupSoccer, RoboCupRescue, RoboCup@Home and RoboCupJunior, each with a number of leagues. There are small-sized, middle-sized, four-legged robots leagues as well as a humanoid league. Last RoboCup venue was in June, 2006 in Bremen, Germany. Four hundred and forty teams from 35 countries/regions participated in RoboCup 2006 Bremen. Next RoboCup venue will be in Atlanta, USA in 2007. All the events will be covered by national and international media all over the world.

RoboCup’s most ambitious goal is, by the year 2050, to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that, complying with the official FIFA rules, can win against the human world soccer champion team. But, will they live up to their goals? Let’s wait and see.

a)RoboCup is an American project which promotes artificial intelligence and robotics.

b)RoboCup aims at developing systems that will solve social and industrial problems.

c)Robotics competition was founded in 1997.

d)Robotics has been decreasing lately.

13.Decide if the following sentences are true [T] or false [F].

a)We can create new words in English by the process of composition.

b)When two existing words are combined to give a new meaning, they form a compound.

c)Only nouns can be created through composition. Adjectives and verbs can't be formed this way.

d)Humanoid is a compound noun.

e)Cyberspace is a compound noun.

14.Join the items and build true sentences.

  1. A line of videophones first appeared in…
  2. Limited analogue phone lines and…
  3. A common use for videophones is…
  4. A videophone is a telephone equipped for…
  5. Videophones are often a method of communication in…
/ II
a)both audio and video transmissions.
b)many science fiction films.
c)the early 1990s but it was a commercial failure.
d)high prices prevented videophones from spreading fast.

15.Join the items and build true sentences.

  1. Scientists cloned Dolly from a cell…
  2. This pioneering sheep was cloned by…
  3. Since Dolly, sheep, mice…
  4. Dolly was cloned at the…
  5. Dolly, the most famous sheep, died…
/ II
a)when she was only six.
b)and cows have already been cloned.
c)Roslin Institute in Scotland.
d)a research team managed by Ian Wilmut.
e)taken from a six-year-old ewe.

16.Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.

  1. web browser
  2. cracker
  3. upload
  4. hacker
  5. download
/ II
a)to move data to a larger computer system from a smaller one
b)a programme which allows you to look for documents on the Internet
c)person who exposes faulty parts of a computer system just for fun
d)to move data to a smaller computer system from a larger one
e)a person who breaks into entire systems to damage, destroy files, steal credit card numbers or plant viruses.

17.Join the items and build true sentences.

  1. Skype created a piece of software that made cracker…
  2. Skype features are various and include…
  3. It was founded in 2003 by…
  4. Skype is an Internet…
  5. Thousands of people around the…
/ II
a)telephone network.
b)NiklasZennström and Janus Friis.
c)world are using Skype to communicate.
d)free voice and video conferencing.
e)communications with people around the world easier and cheaper.

18.Match the acronyms on the left with their meanings on the right.

  1. CPU
  2. HTML
  3. WWW
  4. IP
/ II
a)Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
b)Internet Protocol
c)HyperText Markup Language
d)Central Processing Unit
e)World Wide Web

19.Match the items and build true sentences.

  1. The four Harry Potter books have been made into very…
  2. In the future people will no longer…
  3. If our domestic waters were heated by…
  4. Reporters and journalists report live worldwide…
  5. Teenagers enjoy listening to music…
/ II
a)with I-pods.
b)with their videophones.
c)be driven by cars.
d)solar panels, more energy would be saved.
e)successful films by Warner Bros.

20. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

My husband is an international pilot, so he's often away for some time. We use Skype a)______he's abroad. I feel so happy b) ______we meet online. It's so comforting to hear his voice and be able to look at him even though he's miles away! c)______, he sends me a text message. d)______, I pick up the computer, put on the headseat, plug in the microphone and e)______thing we know we are in the same room. Time flies f) ______we are online. Skype has been such a huge blessing in my life!

Options:so, whenever, whatever, First, next, while, when, Then

21.Complete the sentences by inserting the correct preposition.

a)Bill Gates and Paul Allen succeeded ______the computer software industry.

b)Bill Gates is praised ______his work at Microsoft, the company he co-founded.

c)Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation saves people ______poverty or famine.

d)I'd love to have the chance to talk ______Bill Gates and his wife ______their foundation's work.

e)I would congratulate them ______their philanthropy.

Options:by, on, from, about, for, in, to, at

22. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

Today millions of people around the world use the a) ______.

Internet is, thus, a b) ______system of c) ______computer networks and all the information that d) ______between them. People use the Internet to e)______information, send emails, talk and f)______online, g)______and sell products or do some h)______either at home, school or work. Internet is a highly i) ______resource!

Options:Internet, travels, research, discuss, buy, worldwide, valuable, interconnected, access

23. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

When we consider the a) ______as an imaginary area without limits where we can meet people and discover information about any possible subject, we talk about b)______. In cyberspace electronic mails, also called c) ______, can be d) ______between people. e) ______offer the chance of talking in f)______while g)______allow people to discuss specific topics online.

Information is displayed and published in h) ______on the Internet, often containing text, pictures, video and sound.

The web is based on i) ______links that allow people to move from document to document.

Options: hypertext, cyberspace, Internet, real-time, newsgroups, Chat rooms , exchanged , websites , emails

24.Build questions for the following answers.

a)Their intention is to donate money to charitable organisations and scientific research programmes.

b)Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was established in 2000.

25.Rewrite the following sentence in the negative and in the interrogative form.

“Education will be done at home through videoconferencing.”

1. c)

2. d)

3. c)


5. d)

6. b)

7. a)

8. b)

9. a)

10. a)T;b)T;c)T;d)T; e) F

11. a)T;b) F; c)T;d) F

12. a)T;b) F; c) F; d) F

13. a)T;b)T;c) F; d) F; e) T

14.1. – c); 2. – d); 3. – e); 4. – a); 5. b)

15. 1. – e); 2. – d); 3. – b); 4. – c); 5. a)

16. 1. – b); 2. – e); 3. – a); 4. – c); 5. d)

17. 1. – e); 2. – d); 3. – b); 4. – a); 5. c)

18. 1. – d); 2. – c); 3. – e); 4. – b); 5. a)

19. 1. – e); 2. – c); 3. – d); 4. – b); 5. a)

20. a)whenever; b)when; c)First; d)Then; e)next; f)while

21. a)in; b)for; c)from; d) to / about; e) on

22. a)Internet; b)worldwide; c)interconnected; d) travels; e)access; f) discuss; g)buy; h)research; i) valuable

23. a)Internet; b)cyberspace; c)emails; d)exchanged; e)Chat rooms; f) real-time; g)buy; h)websites; i) hypertext

24. a) What's their intention? b) When was Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation established?

25.a) Education won't be done at home through videoconferencing. b) Will education be done at home through videoconferencing?

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