Let’s Celebrate the European Heritage! I

The project will take place in the city of Baia Mare & 14 other rural & urban communities from the Metropolitan Area, within AIST & local partner premises. The geographic scope of the project covers Romania plus 8 other Programme countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, involving 12 other promoters acting as SOs. As 2018 has been declared the "European Year of Cultural", we will be celebrating diversity and richness of our European heritage.

The proposed project has two projects:A1 (Multicultural European Heritage)and A2 (Intercultural European Heritage) thatfollows our project objectives:

Impact: Beneficiaries, families & community leaders will act less xenophobic, racist & become open towards multiculturalism & key European values.

It will play a key role on convincing other actors such as institutions, schools units, and businesses to host & send volunteers.

Practical and logistic matters: travel will be fully reimbursed. Volunteer will be hosted in safe & central lodging in Baia Mare, all facilities & utilities included, monthly phone credit and free access to internet.

Volunteer will be issued with travel insurance but are advised also to bring their European Health Insurance Card, before arrival to service.

Volunteers will work 35 h/week, 2 days off every weekend, free bank/religious holidays plus 2 days monthly holiday.

Basic language session, culture & civilization within Romanian lessons will be arranged weekly

A1 "Multicultural European Heritage"

Date:25.06.- 22.08.2018 (short term activity: 59 days of service)

Target group: kindergarten (4 to 6) primary (7 to 11) & secondary (12 to 14) school kids, from both rural: Băița, Bozânta, Cărbunari, Chechiș, Dumbrăvița, Rus, Șindrești, Unguraș& urban areas: Baia Mare, Tăuții Măgherăuș, Baia Sprie.

Work:Weekly (Mo-Fr) of average 7 h/day program, raise awareness on multicultural European heritage, with daily themes, activities & methods: Monday, ”My personal Heritage”: personal backgrounds, identities, family trees/heroes, role models & life stories with impact on their community & evolution; living library, collage, multimedia.

Tuesday, ”Our local Heritage”:geographic, historical & cultural dimension of a

place, creative potential, ethnic diversity; by theatre, arts&crafts, videos. Wednesday ,”Our regional Heritage”: cultural aspects defining region’s folklore, traditional crafts& music, environmental issues, religious diversity; by music, dance, cooking workshops: Diversity is Tasty (culinary traditions).

Thursday, ”Our national Heritage”: national identity with multiple regional peculiarities, cultural aspects, diversity of regions comprising' a nation, linguistic diversity; by documentary & short films, photo voice.

Friday, ”Our European Heritage”: identify & explore richness of European heritage; treasure hunts.

A2 "Intercultural European Heritage"

Date:15.09.2018-15.06.2019 (long term activity9 months)

Target group: kindergarten (4-6) primary (7-11) secondary (12-

14) & high school (15 to 18) kids & teenagers, from rural: Băița, Bozânta, Chechiș, Dumbrăvița, Nistru, Rus, Șindrești, Unguraș& urban communities of Baia Mare, Baia Sprie,Tăuții Măgherăuș.

Work: Activities of non-formal education to raise awareness on the intercultural European heritage through cross-cultural communication & education, considering peculiarities of each village/city, inform & inspire teenagers to better understand the added value each country brings to the shared European identity. Each month of service will be dedicated to exploring, acknowledging & promoting therichness of European Heritage. Starting from personal experiences, EVSers & participants shall identify relevant facts in the history & culture of their family, village/city, region, country. I. EVSers’ll organize public events to disseminate results of activities of non-formal education (edutainment, gamification, animation, etc) & to valorize the heritage explored:

Dec: ”Our local Heritage”: representatives from all communities will share aspects of their local heritage.

"International Volunteer Day": arts&crafts, music & dance, educ. theatre, multimedia.

Feb: ”Our regional Heritage”: Maramures has regions with historical & cultural heritage; community audits, treasure hunts.

April: ”Our national Heritage”: identify linguistic & cultural diversity; music & dance, gamification.

June: ”Our European Heritage”: public speaking, Forum theatre, multimedia. II. EVSers’ll organize 4"MONTHLY PUBLIC CAMPAIGN", empowering youngsters to be pro-active & open-minded.

Nov.,"International Education Week": diversity of educational systems in Europe; living library.

Jan., "International Nonviolence & Peace Day": promote tolerance& peace, Transcend method, statues Forum Theatre;

March, "Lead a healthy lifestyle": ballanced living, promote volunteering &EVS;Photovoice;

May, "Let’s Put a Face to Europe": awareness, key EU values, multilingualism;

Labirinth Theatre.