ENL508– 01 English InternshipSection –SPRING2016

Professor Perry Glasser

Office: MH 107-A

X 7032

Catalog: ENL 508 Internship in English 1-6 credits

An internship designed to provide on-the-job training and work experiences relevant to the student’s academic concentration inwriting and/or literature. Time and service arrangements contracted between student, training site, and Department. Number of credits hours will vary with commitment, intern advisor’s recommendation and Department Chairperson’s approval.

Prerequisites: ENG 102, ENG 103, or ENG 106H, completion of atleast 6 credits of English electives

Course Description: See above.


Goals and Objectives

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Perry Glasser


  • To experience the world of work
  • To apply the skills of an English Major to the workplace
  • To develop the habits and attitudes of an employee destined for leadership



  • Maintain regular working hours
  • Deliver the final Portfolio
  • Meet regularly with the internship coordinator
  • Work in a productive, collaborative environment.

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Perry Glasser

By their nature, all internships will be different. Students must read and understand the Internship Contract (attached) with special attention to the academic elements and assessment.

Final Exam:None

Policies: This syllabus/plan is subject to change with the needs of the instructor (that's me) and the students (that's you). You are required to monitor your SSU email account for notices of inevitable changes. University policies supersede any implied or direct conditions of this syllabus.

Regulations:All students are expected to be familiar with the academic regulations, including those regarding Academic Integrity, for Salem State University as published in the university catalog. In addition, each student is responsible for completing all course requirements and for keeping up with all that goes on in the course (whether or not the student is present).

Emergencies: In the event of a university declared critical emergency, Salem State University reserves the right to alter this course plan. Students should refer to salemstate.edu for further information and updates. The course attendance policy stays in effect until there is a university declared critical emergency. In the event of an emergency, please refer to the alternative educational plans for this course to be posted online and notified by SSU email as needed at . Students should review the plans and gather all required materials before an emergency is declared.

Special Provisions: Salem State University is committed to providing equal access to the educational experience for all students in compliance with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act and The Americans with Disabilities Act. Any student who has a documented disability requiring an accommodation, aid or adjustment should speak with me privately. Students with Disabilities who have not previously done so should provide documentation to and schedule an appointment with the Office for Students with Disabilities and obtain appropriate services.

Dishonest Scholarship may lead to dismissal from the university and this class. See also:

English Dept Mission:

Profound literacy is the hallmark of a liberal education. To that end, English department courses involve instruction and study in literature and writing, the emphasis varying according to course content. Through intensive reading and analysis, students develop a critical appreciation of literature written in disparate times and places. Through expository writing, students learn techniques for conducting research and for drafting and revising analytic and persuasive essays based on critical reading. In creative writing, students develop an aesthetic through practicing the craft of various genres. The English department prepares students for professional and academic leadership including careers in teaching and writing.

The Internship Portfolio will contain the listed components, each of which will be weighed into the award of a final grade. Since different work positions will emphasize different skills, students should apprise the coordinator of their progress and difficulties well in advance of the due date.

These requirements are designed to have students engage professional experiential learning.

The components are:

  • The Internship Contract – blank attached
  • The signed Site Supervisor’s Assessment -- blank attached
  • A bi-weekly time log of hours and tasks initialed by a site supervisor.—blank attached
  • A weekly journal assessing skills learned, tasks encountered, and attitudes toward that experience. – see below for a suggested format.
  • A 1200-word final self-assessment essay – see below for a suggested structure.
  • Samples of work product.

Mechanical requirements:

  • a 1-inch 3-ring binder
  • all entries typed in a 12-point font (except for required signatures)
  • 3-hole punched paper
  • cover sheet (see attached)
  • table of contents
  • tabbed components

Assessment will include consideration of

  • Attendance at regular meetings with the internship coordinator. TBA
  • Weekly monitoring of your Salem State University email.
  • Timely submission of documents. Lateness of any intermediate document will result in a lower grade. Chronic lateness will be cause for failure.
  • Total hours on the job.
  • The Site Supervisor’s assessment
  • The Internship Portfolio’s completeness and thoughtfulness.
  • An oral presentation at the final internship luncheon.

The weight of these components will vary with the internship—clearly, work product will vary, for example—but in all cases students will begin to plan for this assessment within the first two weeks of the semester..

Students may inspect Internship Portfolios filed by former students on file in my office.

Add Drop: The last date to drop a class with a grade of W is Jan 25

Changes to this Syllabus will be distributed electronically. They will be confirmed by email and posted at

Final Exam: There will be no Final Exam.

--Perry Glasser

Calendar of Meetings and Document Due Dates

(All documents and forms are part of this syllabus)

Tuesday Jan 19 at 2:00 / Optional meeting for students still needing placement
Monday Jan 25
MH 107-A / 1st Internship meeting. Attendance is mandatory.
are required to arrange an alternative time and date. I will not pursue you. Failure to meet soon after may result in your being asked to drop the course.
DUE: Bring a copy of this Syllabus with you.
Monday Feb 22
MH 107-A / 2nd meeting.
DUE: Your completed Internship contract signed by you and your site supervisor. Unsigned contracts will not be accepted.
DUE: A signed Site Supervisor’s Acknowledgement form.
DUE: Your initialed and signed Academic Requirements Checklist.
Materials may be delivered to the envelope on my office door and may be delivered earlier
Monday Mar 21
MH 107-A / DUE: Time/Task Log, initialed by your site supervisor
We will be discussing Portfolio Presentations
Monday May 9
12 noon
Location TBA / Internship luncheon at noon. Portfolio presentations: location TBA.
Attendance is mandatory.
  • DUE: Contract copy
  • DUE: The signed site supervisor assessment
  • DUE: Complete set of Time/Task Logs
  • DUE: Completed weekly Journals
  • DUE: Work-product samples
  • DUE: 1,200 word self assessment
Incomplete,unbound Portfolioswill not be accepted. See above for mechanical requirements.

The responsibility for obtaining signatures and submitting forms is the intern’s.


English Internship (ENL 508)

Academic Requirement Checklist

The student must file this form with the Internship Coordinator no later than Week #4 of any internship experience.

Pleaseinitial each line.

_____ I have read and understand the ENL 508 Syllabus.

_____ I will regularly monitor my SSU email account.

_____ I will obtain a signed Site Supervisor’s Acknowledgement and signed Contract.

_____ I have noted that I am required to write a weekly journal and submit it at regular intervals.

_____ I have noted that I am required to maintain and submit bi-weekly time/task sheets initialed by my site supervisor.

_____ I have noted my appointmentsand due date schedule with the Internship Coordinator.

_____ I have noted that I must aggregate work-product of an editorial nature.

_____ I agree that if I am receiving insufficient supervision I am obliged to report this to the Internship Coordinator.

_____ I have noted the date the final Portfolio is due.

_____ I have noted that my final Portfolio must contain

  • a self-assessment essay of 1,200 words
  • work product
  • complete time/task sheets
  • complete journals
  • my site supervisor’s assessment

_____ I am aware that if I must withdraw from my internship for any reason, I must obtain the Intern Coordinator’s permission before I leave the internship site, and that if I leave without permission, I will be assigned a grade of “F.”

_____ I have made a copy of this signed checklist for my records.

______(signature) ______(date)

Student Name:______

English Internship Contract

Salem State University

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Perry Glasser

The student must file this form with the Internship Coordinator no later than Week #2 of any internship experience.


Internship Site:______




Site Supervisor:______Title:______



Dates: From______To______Expected total hours:_____

Site Responsibilities:



1. A journal and time log containing ____ entries of about 200 words @.

2. A portfolio of work-product artifacts possibly including ______

3. A self-evaluation essay of 1200 words.

Meetings with the Intern Coordinator are planned for:

1. Jan 25__at _noon in MH 107
2. Feb 22__ at noon in MH 107

3. Mar 21___ at _noon in MH 107

4. Noon on May 9  at which time the journal, self-evaluation and portfolio will be delivered. (location TBA)

Sign, date, and file one copy with each signatory.


Site Supervisor: ______

Faculty Intern Advisor: ______

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Perry Glasser

English Internship Site Supervisor’s Acknowledgement

Salem State University

To the Site Supervisor:

Many thanks for accepting an English student from Salem State University to work as an intern in your organization. We are sure your relationship with our student will be fruitful and productive!

As fulfillment of their academic requirements for credit, we have asked that our interns present you with this form. Please initial it so your intern can deliver it to me.

The English Internship provides students with an experiential learning opportunity. While that usually is recorded at 3 academic credits, if may be more or it may be less depending upon the number of hours the student is contracted to work. Bear in mind, like any other course, your intern has paid tuition and fees to enroll.

Our expectation is that a student will work for you for a total of approximately 100 hours in 15 weeks, roughly 7 hours each week—a full workday for a fulltime employee. Those hours need not be consecutive, need not be each week, nor do they need to be directly supervised—but in sum the total of 100 hours is our standard for full academic credit. The work-place arrangement you create is wholly up to you.

We ask that you sign off on your intern’s time/task logs on a bi-weekly basis. At the semester’s end, we ask as well that you use our simple assessment form. To be sure, academic assessment is our responsibility – you will not award any student a grade, though we very much want your input.

English students have skills with language, collaboration, research, problem solving, and idea formation—the skills of leadership. You should expect to train an intern as you might any entry-level employee. While we expect all interns to be engaged by tasks that suit their English skills, we acknowledge that not all tasks an intern is assigned will be higher order skills. Our hope is a judicious mix of tasks, with at least half of an intern’s time being taken by tasks that are more challenging.

If you have questions, by all means contact me.

______(supervisor’s name) ______(date)


Perry Glasser

Professor of English

English Department

Salem State University

Salem, MA 01970




Salem State University

TIME/TASK LOG (page 1)

Week # / Hours per week / Duties
1 / Supervisor’s initials ______
3 / Supervisor’s initials ______
5 / Supervisor’s initials ______
7 / Supervisor’s initials ______



Salem State University

TIME/TASK LOG (page 2)

9 / Supervisor’s initials ______
11 / Supervisor’s initials ______
13 / Supervisor’s initials ______

Prepared by ______in partial fulfillment of the requirements for ENL 508

The English Internship

Salem State University

Spring 2016


Professor Perry Glasser (accepted)


date ofcompletion


student signature


Students are advised to maintain a bi-weekly journal or at least 250 words per entry as a continuous document. Please paginate the entire journal.

Entries should look as follows:

DATE – Week #1 & 2

250 words narrating the weeks of work

DATE – Week # 3 & 4

250 words narrating the weeks of work

DATE – Week #5 & 6

250 words narrating the weeks of work



This component may take any form the student wants. Students have met success by structuring the essay in a past-present-future format. We will discuss this work at the final meeting before the Portfolio Luncheon.

Final Portfolio Checklist

_____ Cover Sheet

_____ Signed Contract

_____ Complete Time/Task Logs

_____ Complete Weekly Journal

_____ Signed Site Supervisor Onsite Assessment

_____ Complete Self-Assessment Essay

English Internship

Salem State University

Onsite Assessment

Please share your assessment with the intern before returning this form (see below).

Intern: ______


Please give your candid rating of this intern's performance.

S=Satisfactory N=Needs AttentionU=UnsatisfactoryNA=Not applicable

_____ Attendance

_____ Reliability

_____ Interpersonal skills

_____ Communication skills

_____ Creativity

_____ Initiative

_____ Overall performance

Comments: (use reverse side if necessary)






Supervisor’s signature:______Date: ______

Intern's signature:______Date: ______

Return with the student, via post, or an e-mail attachment to:

Perry Glasser

Professor of English

Dept. Of English

Salem State University

352 Lafayette Street

Salem, MA 01970